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Welcome to the “true” Past

“Let me go on, and I will show you the truth. For I have not finished defending God! I will present profound arguments for the righteousness of my Creator.”- Job 36:2-3

Never have words of young Elihu spoken with full apologetic fervor (in the context of Job’s “allegations” that God had dealt with him, “less than perfectly” - Job 21) carried more significance for modern-day Christians than today. In the light of discoveries by archaeologists of human-like skeletons (sometimes skulls), Dinosaur fossils dating back to more than 6000 years ago etc, questions (not always in mock jest) are posed to believers about the veracity of Biblical concept as regards origin of life which is traditionally believed to have begun only 6000 years ago (you may access the following link http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/timelin5.gif to see the chart of Biblical timeline of the Adamic age). Hence the need for believers to speak-up with the profundity and conviction of an Elihu all the while extending the helping hand graciously to the questioners’ (both honest and mocking type) to come-over to the “side of the Redeeming Grace”.

If we go by the reasoning that Bible is untrue with no righteous, wise God (who seeks a personal relationship with us) behind creation and that we are all only ultimate products of some cosmic, chemical accident, then undoubtedly “Let’s eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!” – I Cor 15:32 - mentality would take over, with the need for leading a God-pleasing life being thrown out of the nearest window. Mind you, after walking with my Creator for 27 years, I can proclaim from roof nay mountain tops that living for Him is by no stretch of imagination a “boring experience” rather it is one full of joy and excitement!

All these affirmations of joy being experienced personally by yours truly may not hold water about God’s existence to agnostic rationalists or atheists’ who are viewing spirituality for what it is through the narrow prism of Evolutionary science. Thus like always the paramount need to be “all things to all men” (I Cor 9:22) and intellectually explain the Scriptures to them prayerfully hoping that our words through the convicting power of the Holy Spirit would take “root in them”! It is with this spirit I felt compelled to come-up with this PPS. Viewing it I pray would augment one’s faith (believers’) besides leading many who have not accepted Christ to His saving grace.

Father, it is by Thy inspiration, your child has prepared this PPS. Let it bring Thee glory and achieve all the purposes, for what it was made. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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The uploaded material - both the PPS and the related notes- IN THIS WEBSITE is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed, of course, WITHOUT ANY CHANGES.

Ps…Dear Friends, opening the zipped file and copying the same into your hard disk for viewing the slideshow, may consume some time (approx 10-15 minutes) depending on the Broadband capacity at your end. However, let me assure you, time spent in this exercise, would be well spent!

1. Welcome to the “true” Past Slide Show
Amongst the files (ensure ALL files are unzipped) that would be downloaded into to your hard disk, you may kindly click open only this file bearing the name Welcome2Past.pps (the other files are supporting files from which the emboldened file draws it’s contents). To navigate through the slides (there are ancillary slides and notes attached to some slides) would be an easy task for any viewer as the instructions on how to access the ancillary slides or notes as the case may be (i,e...where to click to do the same) and how to navigate BACK to the main slideshow are CLEARLY MENTIONED at the bottom portion of the slides, whereever applicable.
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