Spiritual Lessons from T- 20 Victory of Indian Cricket Team*
As Pandya bowled the final bowler for Indian Victory to (be) fix (ed),
The feeling that followed was one of a heady mix
The sentiments that flowed were of relief, joy and pride,
Tears ran over, as none their joy were able to hide.
Dear friends, remember after T-20 WC Victory, just as there was a national
Over one saved sinner (Luke 15:7), there would be heavenly jubilation,
To win souls, are you playing a part in Gospel sharing?
Once done, to the Holy Spirit would belong the responsibility of convicting.
If to captain Rohit belonged the responsibility of leading from the front
Facing consistently, the opposing teams’ brunt,
Our Captain Christ too in far more exacting conditions faced the brunt of the World
To secure the Salvation, that was in the Scriptures foretold
Just as Rohit wielded his bat to neutralize the opposition attack,
Our Master too has instructed us to wield the Sword of the Spirit for staging many a
fight back,
He Himself was the example in using God’s Spirit and Word
Even while putting many a Satanic temptation (Matt 4:1-11) to the Sword.
For “Men in blue” team spirit and single-minded focus on the prize carried the day,
In Church administration too, these virtues ought to hold sway
Together everyone achieves more
Even as we are striving together to reach the Heavenly shore
To our national heros’ belonged rewards aplenty,
Sadly that has made many turn green with envy
To those who play faithfully in Christ’s team
Will also be given the Crowns of great esteem
Dear Christian, take heart and play on, without becoming dour
For the Master’s return is right at the door
The prophetical signs to this effect are abounding,
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Pestilences like Covid-19 (as per prophecies), the truth of
His imminent return are proclaiming
On your bosom, carry this placard
Christ is returning with no man of the match award,
In his realm, there is many a “men of the match” reward
So “full steam ahead” in Church “business”, my dear Christian steward!!!
© (Suresh Manoharan)