Family Gallery.
Me with my faithful & persevering wife.
My parents- Mr & Mrs A.R.Manoharan, residents of SR Nagar, Hyderabad. My Father had retired from Government after having served as a Section Officer, Home department in 1975, while my mother has all along been a housewife.
My in-laws - Mr & Mrs Niconer, residents of Vidyanagar, Hyderabad. They have always been in the forefront of operating an orphanage in Bhongir, Nalgonda district.
Mr & Mrs Simon Peter - the founders' of Christian Fellowship Church, SR Nagar, Hyderabad with which I am associated in the capacity of an Associate cum Youth Pastor besides my other activities under the banner of J & SM Ministries. Rev.Dr.Simon Peter a renowned Bible scholar & prominent speaker is the younger brother of my father-in-law Mr.Niconer, whereas Mrs Simon Peter is source of strength & encouragement, not only to her husband but also to the entire C.F.Church, at large.
Group family photo - From Left to right
Vijay Kumar (my one and only elder brother), Dinesh Gunashekaran (nephew- elder Sister Nirmala Gunashekaran’s son),
Navin Reginald (my nephew-elder brother Vijay Kumar’s son), Sazeera Navin (Navin’s wife-with their precious little
daughter Jonu in her hands), Yours truly behind Navin and Sazeera, Dad and Mom (wearing garlands), Asha Ananth
(younger of two elder sisters’), Jessie Vijay Kumar (Sister in law), Sheba Suresh (my faithful one) behind Asha
Ananth and Jessie Vijay Kumar, Nirmala Gunashekaran (eldest sister) beside my wife, Mrs Swarna Dinesh in blue sari
(wife of nephew Dinesh), Anusuya Gunashekaran ( niece-eldest Sister’s daughter), Anant Rao (Brother in law- Sister Asha’s husband),
Nitin Reginald (nephew-elder Brother Vijay Kumar’s son)
My Father in law and Mother in law along with Dad and Mom
Rev Dr. K.J. Simon Peter, delivering the message
A receptive audience…as the message is being delivered
At the beginning of the function
Awesome twosome (my wife and I) with the precious, grand old couple
Beside you know who is, my wife’s elder Sister’ Susan Eliezer with her husband Eliezer Vedanayakam and two children Grace Evangelina and John Kenneth
My parents greeting the precious couple…
My wife’s younger Sister Hannah Shirley with her husband Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, father-in-law S.Rajarathnam, her two children Sheba Naomi and Sam Benedict
My wife’s youngest Sister Sharon Rose along with her husband Issac Babu and precious little son Ryan Jonanthan
Rev Dr. K. Simon Peter along with Mrs Joy Peter and their son James Rufus
My wife’s younger (4th of the 5 daughters) Sister Mary Salome with her husband Vijay Anand Parsa and two daughters Jessica Norah and Jennifer Norah.
I always found the testimony of Vijay Anand Parsa as to how he, his mother and their entire family accepted the Lord (hailing from an orthodox Brahmin family) soul-stirring!
Rev. Daniel D. Kalyanappu , Full Gospel Church, Kazipet, Warangal district,
sharing the message on the occasion...
Ordination service
Beginning of ordination service of Throne of Grace seminary in the premises' of Christian Fellowship Church, SR Nagar held on 9-10-2005.
Awarding of 'Ordination certificate' by Rev.C.H.David John, Chairman of Throne of Grace seminary.
Convocation service
Convocation service in the AP Press Club on 14-2-2006 during which Batchelor of Divinity certificate was conferred by Throne of Grace seminary.
General Ministry
Preaching assignment in the Leper Church, Borabanda on 27-8-06.
Preaching on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of YMCA in the twin cities which was observed on 7th Dec, 2006, coinciding also with Christmas celebrations of YMCA. This function amongst other dignitaries was graced by His Excellency Shri Rameshwar Thakur, the Honorable Governor of Andhra Pradesh.
Preaching during the monthly Vizag Pastor's welfare association meeting held at Gajuwakka, Vishakapatnam on April, 25th 2007. Also seen in the dais is Rev. Raju, the Chairman of the Said association.
Mrs Sheba Suresh sharing her testimony on 'God's faithfulness' on the occasion of monthly Vizag Pastor's welfare association meeting held at Gajuwakka on April 25th, 2007.
The Day of dedication of Jesus Prayer Church at Rajiv Gandhi nagar, Bachupally, Hyderabad on Nov 10th, 2007....going up the mountain.
My first 'Sermon on the mount'- Mount Bachupally, to be precise on the occasion of dedication of Jesus Prayer Church on 10th, Nov, 2007. Also seen in the picture seated on the dias (clockwise) are Mrs Sheba Suresh, Pastor Esther of Hallelujah Church of Domaiguda, Hyderabad, Sis. Evangeline Sita, President YWCA, Hyderabad, Pastor Jayprakash of Krupa Gospel Church at Miyapur, Hyderabad, Brother Varghese Jacob, who heads the Indian operations of M/s. Virtify Tech Ltd, Pastor Anil Kumar of El-Shaddai Prayer Church (for lepers) at Borabanda, Hyderabad.
Unfurling the National flag, along with Sis. Anitha Aidinyantz, Principal of Bethany School.
Singing of the National Anthem.
Patriotic song and dance rendition by the Students of Bethany School.
The School children portraying the roles of Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
Inspiring one and all with Independence Day Speech.
Preaching in Baptist Church, Dilsukhnagar on the occasion of the Annual Thanks Giving Day for the Youth...
Addressing the Methodist Church Pastors' of Vikarabad and Zaheerabad on the subject of "Protestant Reformation Movement" at Zaheerabad on 5th October 2017
Sharing a brief Christmas message in the Telangana Government Sponsored Christmas Program in SR Nagar, Community Hall on Dec 18th...
Village Ministry 2009
Preaching in a Church meeting at Gurunathapalem village during day time, in Interior Guntur district on 28-4-09.
Celebrating 16th Wedding anniversary on 28th April, 2009 in a Public meeting at night time in Arispeta Village in Interior Guntur District. Also seen to my right is Rev. Y.Guniah of Bethel Bethesda Church, Nellore.
Preaching in a Church meeting at Nakshatranagar village, on 29-4-09.
Communicating the Gospel through song and dance to the beat of folk music in Guranathapalem village, during public meeting held therein during night time on 30-4-09.
Helping persecuted brethren in Orissa
Opening prayer by Pastor Wayne Joseph of Vizag Christian Assembly, to begin the function organized to distribute relief to persecuted Orissa pastors. Venue and Date: Bethany School Vizag on 4-4-09, the place where Vizag Christian Assembly also meets.
As Pastor Wayne Joseph was leading the gathering in opening prayer....in the front row along with me and my wife Sheba are Sis. Anitha Aidinyantz, the Principal of Bethany School, where this functon to distribute relief to the persecuted Orissa pastors was organised on 4-4-09. On her side is her mother Madam Rose Ambrose, a great source of spiritual inspiration to one and all by her life and testimony.
On 4-4-09, speaking on the occasion of an function organised to distribute relief to the persecuted Orissa pastors. Venue: Bethany School, Vizag also the premises, where Vizag Christian Assembly meets. Also in Picture is Pastor Philemon, who was translating my sermon in Oriya. I thank Sister Anitha Aidinyantz, Principal of Bethany School, for organizing the entire programme so meticulously.
On 4-4-09, speaking on the occasion of an function organised to distribute relief to the persecuted Orissa pastors. Venue: Bethany School, Vizag also the premises, where Vizag Christian Assembly meets. Also in Picture is Pastor Philemon, who was translating my sermon in Oriya. I thank Sister Anitha Aidinyantz, Principal of Bethany School, for organizing the entire programme so meticulously.
Amongst the pastors, who were badly affected in Orissa communal riots in Aug 2008 riots - Pastor Nayan Ranjan Limma- sharing his testimony on the function arranged to distribute relief to the riot affected Orissa pastors on 4-4-09. Venue: Bethany School, Vizag.
Amongst the Youth
Preaching in the Youth Fellowship Meeting at St. Thomas Church, Secunderabad on 7-6-09. The theme of the message: THE BEAUTY THAT GOD SEES!
Preaching in the Youth Fellowship Meeting at St. Thomas Church, Secunderabad on 7-6-09. The theme of the message: THE BEAUTY THAT GOD SEES!
Rev.Dr.Yesurathnam, Local resident Presbyter of the Church leading the service in worshiping the Lord.
The English service congregation on that special occasion - Methodist Youth - Sunday absorbed in the proceedings.
The Methodist Youth leading the Church in singing.
The Youth performing a skit.
Yours truly in the Spirit of Worship, leading the congregation in preaching the Word.
Some forceful preaching here...
The chubby, cheeky one who never plays to the gallery...
Pastoral Ministry in Christian fellowship Church
Baptism of Shrimathi Laxmi, a resident of Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar in CFC, SR Nagar in August 2005. Of all the baptisms, this is very close to my heart, as this Sister in faith, had developed acute skin problem a day after the baptism service. Greatly perturbed by the turn of events, my & me wife cried out in prayers for her cure & very soon, she was delivered of her skin affliction.
“FEEDING THE FLOCK”- Regular preaching in the morning English Service – 8:30 am – 10:00 am
English service flock entrusted to our care by the Great Shepherd
Playing a supportive role to Rev Dr. K. Simon Peter in the Telugu Service – 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Telugu service members entrusted to our care by the Great Shepherd
Leading the Evening Telugu Service – 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
The Evening service flock entrusted to our care by the Great Shepherd
Splashing around…Yours truly in Black T-Shirt
Annual Vacation Bible school program in progress. God bless all the teachers, students and volunteers for their enthusiastic participation every yearand all the concerned Church elders’ for their generous sponsorship of the same.
Annual Vacation Bible school program in progress. God bless all the teachers, students and volunteers for their enthusiastic participation every yearand all the concerned Church elders’ for their generous sponsorship of the same.
Weekly Cottage Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at the house of Mrs & Mr. Richards
Telugu Taftee THE ASSOCIATION FOR THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION,BANGALORE, INDIA Class (a theological certificate course) every Saturday @ 5:00PM being led by Mrs Joy Peter
English Taftee Class THE ASSOCIATION FOR THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION,BANGALORE, INDIA (a theological certificate course) every Saturday @ 6:00PM being led by Yours truly
Regular youth meeting every Saturday @ 7:30PM
Regular youth meeting every Saturday @ 7:30PM
Elder’s meeting held every month for chalking out church programmes/activities for the furtherance of HIS KINGDOM…
some of the Church elders from left to right...Mr. Richards, Mr. Samuel Morse, Mr. Venkiah Pasam, Mr. Kumar Raju, Mr. Benoni Richards, Mr Jacob...
Elder’s meeting held every month for chalking out church programmes/activities for the furtherance of HIS KINGDOM…
some of the Church elders from left to right on the distaff side...from my faithful and persevering one onwards... Mrs Sundari Jacob, Mrs Ratna Richards, Mrs. Grace Jeyaraj, Mrs. Nalini Prabhakar, Mrs. Joy Peter, Miss Soni, Dr. Shalini, Mrs. Jyothi Benoni...
HEY! Dad getting baptized at age 90! Never too late to repent…really
Baptizing Sister Prameela…
On-line Ministry
I praise and thank God for expanding my e-mail family to about 2500 members.
Every week I aim to send to them atleast two devotionals. Besides, my e-mailing ministry through my
website and all the material in it, I hope to go "far and wide" with the Gospel message. On an average,
there are 150 hits per day of my website. Contributing essays/brief devotionals to Christian magazines like
"Light of Life, India" and Christian on-line ministries like "Nuggets", Canada is another highly satisfying work,
the good Lord has given to me.
Genesis Of Journey
St Georges Church, Abids...where it all began on 16th October, 1983 - my own ' Road to Damascus' experience- on hearing sermon on 'Born again experience' preached by Late Mr. Rajarathnam in the morning service.
Ministry in Govt offices
Sharing the Christmas message in Accountant General (AG) Office, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad on 17-12-09 on the occasion of Annual Christmas function in the AG Office premises.
Sharing the Christmas message in Accountant General (AG) Office, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad on 17-12-09 on the occasion of Annual Christmas function in the AG Office premises.
On December 23rd 2010, a Christmas function was organized in the office of Director of Education, Saifabad, Hyderabad, with Sister Nirmala (a devout sister in faith), Assistant Director taking the lead in organizing the same. The said function was well attended with all the employees (of different faiths) thronging the conference hall. The good Lord gave me an opportunity to share a powerful Christmas message on that occasion. The function ended with formal Christmas cake cutting ceremony.
On December 23rd 2010, a Christmas function was organized in the office of Director of Education, Saifabad, Hyderabad, with Sister Nirmala (a devout sister in faith), Assistant Director taking the lead in organizing the same. The said function was well attended with all the employees (of different faiths) thronging the conference hall. The good Lord gave me an opportunity to share a powerful Christmas message on that occasion. The function ended with formal Christmas cake cutting ceremony.
On December 23rd 2010, a Christmas function was organized in the office of Director of Education, Saifabad, Hyderabad, with Sister Nirmala (a devout sister in faith), Assistant Director taking the lead in organizing the same. The said function was well attended with all the employees (of different faiths) thronging the conference hall. The good Lord gave me an opportunity to share a powerful Christmas message on that occasion. The function ended with formal Christmas cake cutting ceremony.
On December 23rd 2010, a Christmas function was organized in the office of Director of Education, Saifabad, Hyderabad, with Sister Nirmala (a devout sister in faith), Assistant Director taking the lead in organizing the same. The said function was well attended with all the employees (of different faiths) thronging the conference hall. The good Lord gave me an opportunity to share a powerful Christmas message on that occasion. The function ended with formal Christmas cake cutting ceremony.
On December 23rd 2010, a Christmas function was organized in the office of Director of Education, Saifabad, Hyderabad, with Sister Nirmala (a devout sister in faith), Assistant Director taking the lead in organizing the same. The said function was well attended with all the employees (of different faiths) thronging the conference hall. The good Lord gave me an opportunity to share a powerful Christmas message on that occasion. The function ended with formal Christmas cake cutting ceremony.
Sharing the Christmas message in Telangana State Cooperative Bank, Koti, Hyderabad on 21-12-21 on the occasion of Annual Christmas function in the Telangana State Cooperative Bank premises.
Holy Land Tour
on the way to Egypt at Doha airport.
On the flight to Egypt.
Cruise Boat ride on River Nile.
Before the Pyramid with Bro. Kumar Raju , Church elder of Christian Fellowship Church, SR Nagar.
Close to the Mountain range, where Moses received the Ten commandments (Mount Sinai is nearby).
Spot on Mount of Olives, from where Jesus ascended and would also descend during His second Coming... Acts 1:11
The Church of Pater Noster (in Latin it means Our Father) where Jesus is traditionally said to have taught His disciples' "THE LORD'S PRAYER". The Church is located on the Mount of Olives (Luke 11:1-4).
The Church of Dominus Flevit on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus is believed to have wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44)
View of Jerusalem's HOLY SITES from the Church of Dominus Flevit
The Garden of Gethsemane
The Rock in the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed on the night of betrayal (Luke 22:41-42)
Heavy tourism rush in Jerusalem - Sign of end times (Micah 4:1)
Church of Nativity in Bethlehem
Inside Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, place exactly where Jesus was born
Church of Ein Karim, place Mary is said to have come to from Nazareth to meet Elizabeth, the Mother of John the Baptist-Luke 1:39-40
Sycamore tree in Jericho in which Zaccheus the tax collector sat to see Jesus - Luke 19:1-10
Church of Anunciation in Nazareth, where Angel Gabriel spoke to Mary about Jesus birth
The Garden tomb, where the Lord was buried and from where He triumphantly rose
Church at Cana, where Jesus performed the First miracle of converting water into wine
With Rev Devasahayam's family (the couple have a wonderful ministry in Adoni, Kurnool) in front of the Church of Beatitudes (where the Lord preached the Sermon on the Mount)
Before the remains of the Synagogue in Capernaum, where Jesus preached often
Boat ride in the Sea of Galilee
Village Ministry 2012
Choir setting-up the stage for preaching on 10-5-2012
Preaching on the topic "Publicly speaking"
Power point presentation on the "Signs of imminent Church rapture" on 12-5-2012 inside the "Indian Pentecostal Church" , Panditvilleru, W.G. District, Andra
Choir setting up the stage for the message on 12-5-2012
Baptisms on 13-5-2012. Rev. Samuel Johnson of Indian Pentecostal Church, Pandtavilleru adminstering the Baptisms.
Newly baptized believers' with Pastors' family - Rev. Samuel Johnson and Mrs-Johnson of IPC, Panditavilleru- and Yours truly and his family.
Village Ministry 2019
Preaching on 30th June, 2019 in Christhu Krupa Pradhana Mandiram, Chilkur, R.R.District.
Preaching on 30th June, 2019 in Christhu Krupa Pradhana Mandiram, Chilkur, R.R.District.
Seminar on August 15th, 2022 under the Aegis of Alert and Awake Ministries, on the topics...
1. Sage Speak and 2.Importance of Genealogies at CEEFI office, Musheerabad, Hyderabad.
Seminar on August 15th, 2022 under the Aegis of Alert and Awake Ministries, on the topics...
1. Sage Speak and 2.Importance of Genealogies at CEEFI office, Musheerabad, Hyderabad.
Seminar on August 15th, 2022 under the Aegis of Alert and Awake Ministries, on the topics...
1. Sage Speak and 2.Importance of Genealogies at CEEFI office, Musheerabad, Hyderabad.