“Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God” was the
motto of that peerless “father of modern missions” namely William Carey. While
it defined every area of his work for the Lord, it virtually consumed him when
it came to translating the English Bible into several local Indian languages.
Undeterred by several obstacles that came his way notably the major fire
accident which destroyed his press on March 11th 1812 (in which
several precious manuscripts were lost) he pressed on translating the Bible eventually
into 44 languages and dialects.
Now how’s that for life-time achievement, which transcends time blessing people
of his generation and posterity! If you are amongst those who have been blessed
reading Bible in Indian languages such as Hindi, Tamil, Telugu etc (http://www.wmcarey.edu/carey/bib/works_bible.htm)
then praise the Almighty for giving the vision and inspiration to that humble
yet much focused servant of God!
Speaking of languages,
“PowerPoint” is a wonderful “visual language of the Cyber world” at once firing
one’s imagination, besides making the entire understanding process of a theme
simpler and interesting. The inherent creativity involved in its operation ensures
this. Since it’s advent in 1987, this Slideshow format has virtually stolen the
show what with business people,
educators, students, and trainers using it widely. Oh yes, several inspired men
of God have already diligently come-up with creative Power point presentations
(referred to hereafter as PPS) on the Books of the Bible and uploaded them in
the Net in order it is of universal use to countless across the Globe.
I took up the assignment of
conducting Bible Study every Tuesday in my local Church (Christian Fellowship
Church) from July 2010 in PPS format. Since then I have been Divinely-inspired
to compile a “unique” PPSs’ for all the Books of the Bible in order to
facilitate better understanding of the same amongst the masses. Unique in the
sense those slides where explanation is required/special insight needs to be provided
would have associated notes/ancillary slides. An ancillary slide is a slide within a slide. In this series, for starters I am uploading the
PPS on the Book of Genesis. At this stage, I would like to say that the Book
titled “Genesis comes home” written by one of my spiritual mentors Brother
P.K.D Lee (hitherto at the helm of affairs of Haggai Institute, Singapore) has
been a wonderful resource material to me whilst compiling the notes for the PPS
on Genesis. Though this PPS is on the
First book of the Bible, a few slides haves been incorporated at the beginning
of the Slideshow (serving as an appetizer before the main course) in order to
present a broad overview of the Bible.
I hope and pray that these PPSs’ would also serve as a valuable resource
to several co-servants of mine in His vineyard (Churches/Bible schools) as they
strive sincerely to teach THE WORD with useful teaching aids.
It is said that the best can be derived from the Scriptures by adopting a 3-fold formula namely
a) Observation b) Interpretation and c) Application (using it in our living)
The Slides/ancillary slides with pictures carrying suitable titles/captions - mostly
self-explanatory-along with Bible references (hyper linked to New Living
Translation available in www.Biblegateway.com) are designed to serve the
purpose of facilitating the observation process. I reiterate that supplementary
notes again with relevant Bible references’ (hyper linked to New Living
Translation available in www.Biblegateway.com) are also being given to
facilitate the interpretation and application processes’. It is
sincerely hoped that the notes provided would remove ALL the “mental
roadblocks”, the viewer of this PPS is bound to encounter, whilst navigating
through it.
Instructions on how to navigate through the slides…
a) Specific instruction as to where to click for accessing notes/ancillary slides is clearly provided
b) After going through the notes and the ancillary slides, as the case may be, all the
readers/viewers have to do to go back to main PPT is to click at the word “BACK”/Esc button at
the right hand bottom corner of the notes page/ancillary slide.
c) On opening the hyper linked Bible reference (from Bible gateway)
provided in the notes, the viewers need to close the said web page of Bible gateway to come back to notes.
While on the subject of notes, in conclusion I
would also like to add that the cardinal, time-tested principle adopted by many
a commentator-use scripture to interpret scripture- has been used
by me also. Hence a plethora of cross-references’ in the notes section, giving
the viewers/readers’ (hopefully) a fulfilling, deep Bible study
Prayer: Father, Thy Word can never return void, without accomplishing its work
Isaiah 55:11), so I submit this work involving teaching Thy Word into Thy ALL
POWERFUL, LOVING HANDS to be used for Your GLORY AND Your GLORY alone. Amen.
(Suresh Manoharan)
Copyright Statement
The uploaded material - both the PPT and the related notes- IN THIS WEBSITE is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed, of course, WITHOUT ANY CHANGES.
Ps…Dear Friends, opening the zipped file and copying the same into your hard disk for viewing the slideshow, may consume some time
(approx 10-15 minutes) depending on the Broadband capacity at your end. However, let me assure you, time spent in this exercise,
would be well spent!
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Genesis Slide Show
Amongst the files (ensure ALL files are unzipped) that would be downloaded into to your hard disk, you may kindly click open only this file bearing the name Genesis_session_final.pps (the other files are
supporting files from which the emboldened file draws it’s contents)
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For your assistance : ZIP software Click here to download |