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Ah the joyous, indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit…let no Christian take this for granted. For I know when I back-slid and lost out on it for three months (early April to Mid-July of 2013). Selfishness crept into my life and not far behind were its cohorts pride, ego etc and spiritual suffering ensued. Let not even my worst enemy suffer as I did in that period. In fact, I had never suffered like that in my 30 years of my walk with Him. By His infinite grace, our merciful, Loving Saviour restored me. I am rejoicing in Him, once again after the “cleansing process” (Mal 3:3/ Heb 12:5-13) which saved me from getting into a bigger mess. The Faithful God who was forced to adopt a tough chastening stance towards back-slidden Israel during Prophet Hosea’s times, is just as unchanging today. He took me through the Desert to re-kindle my love for Him. Consider this verse…

"But then I will win her back once again. I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there….” – Hosea2:14.

Amazing, isn’t? After thousands of years, neither Has He changed nor have His methods in restoring the going seriously “off course” souls like me (Psalm 102:27 /Heb 13:8).

While taking this opportunity to thank wholeheartedly EVERYONE who stood with me and interceded fervently on my behalf with the Almighty (some of course revealed their true colors ), I intend to give a glimpse of my travails during that period, by reproducing herewith verbatim, the e-mail correspondence ( I have been able to retrieve about 75% of it after more than 2 years now) with trusted, spiritually very mature brothers’ in faith. The same can be accessed by clicking on the following URL…
E-Mail Correspondence

If the tone and tenor of this truthful e-mail correspondence symbolize the penitential Psalms of a totally shaken-up Psalmist (Psa 38/39/51/88) or the distress of Job in the midst of his personal tribulation, then so be it. Do I not know washing my own dirty linen in public may adversely affect my reputation and consequently my Ministry? But I am still doing that for ONLY ONE REASON. My atheistic/agnostic friends who are reading these lines would come to know THAT GOD OF THE BIBLE IS REAL AND EVERY WORD IN THE BIBLE IS TRUE INCLUDING EVERYTHING THAT IS WRITTEN ABOUT THE “UNSEEN” HEAVEN AND HELL. If my infectious joy of the past has not moved their hearts that God of the Bible is for real, I hopefully pray that the blows I received from Him for my own eternal welfare would convince, convict and transform them. With folded hands, I want to plead with them to accept Christ now itself in child-like faith and experience the immeasurable joys, He gives to His followers in this World and in the World to come. I would not want ANYONE to land up in horrific hell prepared for Satan and other fallen angels.