- Miss Sunitha (a phone acquaintance), Mrs. Suhitha Kotilingam
(a resident of Sainikpuri, Hyderabad) & Mrs Deepa Masilamoni (member of St. Georges Church,
Abids, Hyderabad) who are all undergoing treatment for cancer & are in different stages of recovery.
- Mr. James Diwakar (Member of St. Georges Church, Abids) who is recovering from road accident injuries.
- Even as you are reading this prayer section, uphold your near & dear
ones’ by name who are having the following needs
- In search of suitable life partners
- In search of suitable jobs
- Who are going through disturbances in their married lives
- Who are experiencing health problems
- Missionaries Mr & Mrs John of FMPB, working in remote area of Jharkhand state, who recently
visited us & shared their testimony as regards their ministry & of God’s faithfulness in the
midst of most adverse of circumstances’. Likewise several other missionaries of IEM & FMPB,
toiling away faithfully in His vineyard. Let’s pray that all their basic needs would be met.
- Kindly pray for my acquaintance Brother Sanjay (from a Hindu background) who has accepted
the Lord recently. He is down with kidney problems’.
Also remember, all the Christians who are undergoing persecution worldwide especially
Christians in Orissa who are at receiving end of religious
persecution against Christians. PRAY that through observing the Christians' love, kindness,
and forgiveness, the persecutors would turn to Christ.