Christian Fellowship Church Souvenir

Hon. State Minister for Commercial Taxes and Cinematography namely Mr. T. Srinivas Yadav releasing the Souvenir
Christian Fellowship Church, S.R. Nagar (where I serve as an Associate Pastor)
completed 25 years of Ministry on Oct 11th, 2015 under the able leadership of
Rev. Dr. K. Simon Peter and his diligent Wife Mrs Joy Peter. To commemorate the said Event,
the Souvenir was released. Hon. State Minister for Commercial Taxes and Cinematography namely
Mr. T. Srinivas Yadav obliged the request of the Church to grace this momentous occasion and released the said Souvenir.
The contents of the Souvenir can be browsed by clicking on the following URL...
CFC Silver Jubille Mag 2015
Here's wishing you a HAPPY READ...