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For accessing rich treasures in His Word and for edification
Ananth Raj album Songs
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Greetings! Untimely lockdown in a way has some plus points like affording all of us more time to be spent in worshipping the Lord, prayers etc.

With a view to supplement worship time of fellow brethren (of especially telugu-knowing brethren) with meaningful, heart-warming songs, Yours Truly was inspired to upload in cyberspace (link given below) some melodious songs sung (sometime back and recorded in a CD format) by a Brother in Faith and a close friend namely B.Anantharaj with able musical support by yet another Brother in faith namely Bro. Mario Sudhakar. In this connection, Yours Truly would like to state that some years ago that he was inspired by the good Lord to come up with a CD containing songs of this talented Brother B.Anantharaj in order that the Telugu Church (in many places) is edified by his songs.

While Bro.B.Anantharaj is a software professional holding a senior and a responsible position in a Software Firm, he has a heart for Ministry and invests his God-given talents of singing and preaching for the Almighty's Glory by singing and also preaching occasionally in some Churches to bring edification to the Saints of the Lord.

He and his wife Smt.Kavitha Anantharaj make their home in SR nagar, Hyderabad and are blessed with 2 sons namely Sunny and Johnny.

I hope these songs edify you all. And if inspired, you may circulate this link to your other acquaintances also for their edification.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Suresh Manoharan

Ps...of late Yours Truly has also been working on yet another musical project to bring to the fore (read notice of the Telugu-speaking Churches) the wonderful singing talent of yet another Brother in faith namely Bro.K.Solomon Raju, a resident of Borabanda, Hyderabad and an Elder of a Church in the same locality namely Zion Pradhana Mandiram. Kindly pray that this project is also completed soon for God's Glory and for the edification of His Saints.


At the very outset let me thank and praise God for the opportunity to sing praises unto him through this great album produced by Br Suresh Manoharan.

I immensely grateful for Br Suresh for making me part of this wonderful divine project to glorify the Almighty. Also, I take this opportunity to thank Sudhakar Mario for composing the best music tracks. I wish and pray that this album would be the great blessing for many. Br Suresh Manoharan is more than a brother to me.

We are walking together in the ministry for almost 20 years. His passion towards ministry, loving and caring character and down-to-earth personality draw me more closer to him. He and his family are always closer to our hearts and they are always in our daily prayers. Last but not least, if I don't thank sister Sheba it wouldn't be complete, because without her support his ministry would have not been successful.

Despite I am working as Director , IT Operations for an IT-Software Development Company, my primary JOB is to serve the LORD !

Yours in Christ,


The songs of Bro.Ananthraj with matching Scriptural pictures can also be viewed in the following link. Those edified by these songs may circulate to their friends for their edification too.


1 Nirmala Prema Yesuni
2 Ye Reethi nee Runam
3 Nirantharamu
4 Kristhe Sarwaadhi
5 NaaJeevitha
6 Prabhuva Prabhuva
7 Sthutulaku Paathrudu