By the God-given inspiration, a seminar on the Book of Revelation (the last book in
the Bible and very relevant to the times, we live in) was held in our Church (Christian Fellowship Church,
SR Nagar, Hyderabad) on 15th, August 2009. It was well attended, with participants numbering up to 85.
In the said seminar, which began with enthusiastic praise and worship time, there was a 5-hour power point
presentation on the Book of Revelation by yours truly (speaking mostly in telugu).
Following the Power point presentation (the same can be accessed by clicking on the following link
there was a video film also encapsulating all the points covered. Needless to say, the said programme was interspersed
by tea breaks and a lunch break.
The seminar would not have become a reality but for the sponsorship of many of our Church members, who generously donated,
even as their hearts were stirred-up by the good Lord to contribute handsomely.
The response of the participants at the end of the said programme when they confided that the they could now understand
the Sovereign God’s great plan for mankind in the most confounding Book in the entire Bible was a reward in itself for all of us,
who organized this programme.
Here are some snapshots of the programme concerned