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For accessing rich treasures in His Word and for edification

  • Counseling sessions in the Church: As someone said ‘a bait is a bait only when the fish does not know that what it is biting is a bait’. Counseling sessions on Sunday after taking due permission from the Powers-that-be in the Church /proper announcement et al, can be planned immediately after the morning Church service, when ‘plenty of fish’ is available. While Counseling would be a bait to draw the people closer to us, special care needs to be taken to point the counseled ones to the ‘Panacea of all ills … our Lord Jesus Christ’ even while the counseling on the specific problem brought forth by the ‘Fish’ is on. Also, these counseling sessions may put some of the back-slidden Christians back on the right track (James 5:19 & 20). ‘That’s hitting 2 birds with one stone’ for you!

  • Retreats: Another well disguised bait of … first getting people & their attention together in a specific place. Besides recreational activities, time should be allotted for a message which should be a life-changing one.

  • Newsletters: In the garb of giving information on Church activities/accounts( ensuring transparency), a Life transforming lesson in that can be incorporated & distributed to everyone in the Church. Some fish would bite this bait, if not all.

  • Since, this can be done only at Church level, those of us who are in bodies such as the Pastorate Committee can facilitate the Church arriving at decisions, to this effect.

  • Personal Evangelism: After winning over their confidence, with our upright lives share what the Lord has done in our lives with our Church members’. How the Great Physician had cured our spiritual ailments, with an invitation to try Him out ... themselves.

  • As for our family members, our sincere, self-controlled life in the Lord, would all the talking on our behalf.

  • Praying for our mission: Maybe, a day can be set apart for fasting/praying in a month by mutual consent during which we in our own homes, would intercede for the presence of God amidst us & for each other as we go about ‘HIS BUSINESS’ (which goes beyond tackling Nominalism, though it is high on our agenda).

  • Let us also acknowledge that as sincere as our efforts seem, He & He alone can bring about Final conviction of the soul... in His proper time. So, we have to be patient & perseverant in our efforts.

    Last but not least, let us prayerfully commit ourselves to our Lord at all times to enable us to be ‘Salt & Light’ without compromising in any way with our integrity, (lest Satan hold us in contempt before the nominal ones) & thank Him continually too, for giving us the right earnestness for carrying out ‘HIS BUSINESS.’


    Yours in His service,

    for J & SM Ministries

    Suresh Manoharan

