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A major portion of Paul’s first Epistle to the Corinthians deals with problems, which existed in their church. He gives his “frank answers” to more than ten of their questions. God in His Sovereign wisdom has included this Epistle in the canon of the Scriptures because the issues dealt with by the apostle in this Epistle discusses a whole lot of practical problems faced by the Church through the ages including that of head covering by women. It would serve us well to go through verses 1 to 16 at least thrice without prejudice before reading the comments below.

“Women’s hair was a common object  of  lust  in
antiquity. To fail to cover hair was thought to provoke male lust. Head covering prevailed in Jewish Palestine and elsewhere, but upper-class women eager to show off their fashionable hairstyles did not practice it. Therefore Paul had to address a clash in the church between upper class fashion and lower-class concern” (The VIP Bible Background Commentary).

It is beyond doubt that the apostle took a positive stand in favour of head covering. He gave at least four reasons for his conclusion. First, the headship of God, of Christ and of man (1 Cor 11:3-8). Secondly, he presents God’s purpose of creation of man and woman. Thirdly, he speaks of the angels who observe our worship and are concerned about God’s order of administration in the Church. Remember, the archangel who rebelled against God’s headship became Satan? Lastly, Paul reminds us of “nature”. This verse implies that for a woman to have a head covering in addition to her long hair is to say amen to the divine ordination.

It is unwise to totally set aside the matter of head covering as merely cultural. Such an approach will ultimately discard so many precious New Testament passages as irrelevant. For example, the Lord’s Supper, which is discussed in the second half of the same chapter, is essentially symbolic and it was also instituted in the Jewish cultural context! We must guard ourselves against losing the power of symbolism in Christian life.

Modern hairstyles and dress fashions are erasing the sex distinctions. Keeping the apostolic “traditions” will save us from a cataclysmic collapse. Anyone who understands the trend of the age with the mind of the Lord will only urge for a conservative conduct in the house of God where men and women gather for worship (Jer 6:16; 1 Tim 3:14,15).

Moreover, covering of head by women by women in the Church generally offends no one whereas if they don’t cover, it does offend at least some. What do we lose by embracing an ancient symbolic custom upheld by the apostles? Eighty percent of Indian population is rural and this is the most unevangelised sector. Head covering by women in villages as a mark of respect and reverence is deep-rooted in culture. Let’s preserve it while planting churches here.

There may be many sincere believers who hold an exactly opposite view in this matter of head covering. The conclusion of Paul to his arguments will help us maintain a spiritual unity in spite of such differences: “If anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such, nor do the churches of God” (I Cor 11:16).

Wouldn’t it benefit my sisters in Christ, if they keep their conscience clean in this matter? (Rom 14:23b/ I Tim 1:19). For it is only with clean conscience and a humble spirit manifested by head covering, can they ready themselves properly to worship the Holy God in His sanctuary.

Most of the inputs for this Essay have been taken from the writings of an eminent Christian author namely Brother R.Stanley of Blessing Youth Mission, Vellore. I would encourage one and all to read his 2 volumes titled ‘Frank answers’, which have been a source of blessing to me.

(Suresh Manoharan)

ps…Most of the inputs for this essay, have been taken from the writings of Brother R.Stanley an eminent Christian author and founder of Blessing Youth Mission, Vellore.

  The list of essays to follow

  1. Can Christians eat what is offered to idols?
  2. Is Childlessness a curse?
  3. The ways of protest
  4. Should women cover their heads while praying?
  5. Casteism in Christians