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Kushboo affaire

Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold - Matt 24:12

In the past week, Indian Media has been awash with reports on “victory for Freedom of Expression” what with the Indian Supreme Court quashing criminal proceedings arising from 23 complaints against a famous South Indian actress Kushboo, who had had purportedly made remarks in favour of premarital sex.

The slew of criminal complaints, filed mainly in Tamil Nadu in several places, relate to her comments published in a magazine in 2005. It has been reported that Ms Kushboo had done
nothing more than sensibly caution girls to take adequate health-related precautions whilst indulging in pre-marital sex.

Firstly the Supreme Court ruling would have come as no surprise to those who are conversant with “its bent of mind” on matters such as pre-marital sex, for only recently it had put its “seal of approval” on live-in relationships in India.  

However this Kushboo (Kushboo in Indian parlance incidentally means fragrance) affaire has thrown-up some issues (fragrant or flagrantly stinking depending on one’s viewpoint), which need to be addressed seriously …


Firstly how safe is so-called safe sex with condoms et al…While on the subject, I want to reproduce comments of a devout brother in faith and a fellow-writer in LOL namely Duke Jeyaraj (he has a wonderful ministry amongst the I-pod generation youth) who whilst writing an article on a similar subject commented thus exposing the Safe Sex Hoax…

This is an age where 'safe sex' (by use of condoms) is atrociously and actively advocated on the TV networks, bill boards and even on Inland letters! But the fact is that the only way to have safe sex, is to save sex for marriage. Condoms, sometimes, cannot stop even the male sperm when married couples use them, several studies tell us. And as a result some wives get pregnant even when they have had sex with their mates who have worn condoms. And what is more is that the AIDS virus is 250 times smaller than the male sperm. If the male sperm were a football, the AIDS virus could be likened to a table tennis ball! If there have been times that the "football" has not been adequately stopped by condoms do I have to tell you that it is much easier for it to slip through the "table tennis ball"! Do not believe the Safe Sex hoax! It is plain rubbish! Not even one of the 800 sex research scientists at a Washington conference stood up when they were asked if they dared to have sex with an AIDS  patient with a condom on. And these fellows have the audacity to "wear it and do it"! Chastity – not condoms – is the way to prevent the deadly AIDS virus' infection. What is more, it works every time, unlike condoms! Why not then sing to your proposed partner: "I do not want sex with you now/I can wait till we make the wedding vow!" (Statistics gathered from Quick Facts on 'Safe-Sex'' (Colardo Springs: Focus on the Family, 1992).


Freedom of Expression? What a laugh!

Quite justifiably the secular media champions the cause of “Freedom of Expression (FOE as it is called in some quarters). But one is bound to become a “foe” “(read persona non grata) in the eyes of that same media if that poor soul again all in the name of that very same “FOE” peacefully advocates a Biblical world view on matters such as pre-marital sex, West Asian crisis etc. If that is not laughable “Double standards” prevalent in the media, then what else is?

While on the topic of hypocrisy...wonder of wonders, even hypocrites UNCONSCIOUSLY are an advertisement for all that is "good and godly". When an adulterer acts as a most honest spouse living upto “BIBLICAL STANDARDS” (Matt 19:4-6/ Luke 16:18), what is he/she is indirectly espousing by putting up such a show? THE CAUSE OF HOLY MARRIAGE!


Asked about the “Signs” that can be seen and “settings” that would prevail before the rapture (Ist phase of Jesus II Coming, when He would come to take away His Church just prior to onset of 7 years of severe tribulation on Earth) Jesus amongst others pointed out…

Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. Matt 24:12

Abnormal increase in premarital sex, homosexuality, extramarital affairs, pornography… are they are not clear tell-tale signs of Jesus’ prophecy being fulfilled perfectly? So are we “alert” for the II Coming having accepted Jesus as the personal Saviour and subsequently are we alerting others?

Mind you on the Day of Judgment, people will be damned not so much for sinning as for being indifferent to the Saviour- Heb 2:3


Finally does Bible say anything about “Kushboo” (read fragrance) in connection with those who take a Biblical stand?   “Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume….” – 2 Cor 2:15-16 (NLV)

Public response to Servants’ of God has been very much the same all along in human history. When you speak about the “real Kushboo” of the Rose of Sharon (Christ in Song of Solomon 2:1), majority would invariably boo! Remember Noah…History repeats. Doesn’t it?

(Suresh Manoharan)