Firstly, it has to be admitted that KBC (“Kaun Banega Crorepathi”, an Indian equivalent of a
popular western TV Show “Who wants to become a millionaire”) changed the face of Indian television in 2000.
Never in its history, did a quiz programme in any of its channels hosted by a veteran star artiste have such
a mammoth following. The channel, which ushered in a ‘revolution’, reaped the full benefits of the
‘first mover advantage’, being one-up on the competition, which initially caught off guard tried to
replicate its ‘piece de resistance’ by having similar programmes but without any matching success.
The ambience, free cash on offer and magical personality of the host
constituted the ‘masala’, which at once proved irresistible to many in our country. Added to this was the fact that there were
neither any gory scenes nor that of nudity in this programme guaranteeing a happy family viewing.
Now does all this give a licence to God’s children to play KBC? The answer is YES and NO!
There is no bar in drinking in the excitement the programme provides in rich measure,
even as the contestants in the TV screens go through a whole gamut of emotions before a
stimulating host. Neither is there any bar on we testing our General knowledge level,
by imaginary occupation of the ‘hot seat’. But there surely is a bar on we participating in that
programme for making a ‘fast buck’ for the Bible expressly forbids such a disposition in
Proverbs 20:21 “ An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning will not be blessed at the end.”
Then again in Proverbs 28:20, similar sentiments are echoed, “A faithful man will be richly
blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.”
The litmus test to accept any ‘blessings’ is to examine whether it comes from the hands of the
Lord “…who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment ” (I Tim 6:17). Surely this ‘jackpot’,
as it were, amounting to a huge sum, if obtained through this programme is not ‘from the hands of
the Lord’ or for that matter there been a no proportionate amount of good and honest labour put in
from our side to earn this amount. When these windfalls have not been from Him, who is the cause for
our existence, when we cannot thank Him for this ‘bonus booty’, how then can we allow it to become
part of our lives? The answer is obvious, isn’t it? It would serve us well to stay far from the ‘money’
part of this program, even while encashing on the ‘excitement’, this Show would provide like any other
good invigorating quiz programme.
What about those, who would like to give the sizeable money earned through this programme to charity or to
the Church? Remember, God abhors money earned without shedding a drop of sweat. His joy or pleasure is more
important in this issue than ours. He would be more joyous, if we give to Charity or the Church out of
our hard-earned income, for that would constitute good deeds, which can be equated with ‘gold, silver or
precious stones’ (I Cor 3:12-13).
He can multiply our honest, even if meager offerings, to feed thousands
if necessary (Mark 6:35-44),
just as he would readily bless the two mites of a widow (Luke 21:1-4).
Dear friends, like in every aspect of our life, let’s keep pleasing God uppermost in our minds, when it comes to playing KBC.
Suresh Manoharan