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Almost periodically, the newspapers abound with reports of VIP marriages across the world marinated with accounts of the extravagant spending (on such occasions) on dress, decorations and dinner served befitting the royalty.

As Christians do we toe the World’s style of celebrating the marriages, which are wonderful opportunities for some to make a statement about their wealth, given the fact that marriages are once in a lifetime affair? Or should Christian weddings be parsimonious affairs, with ‘wine supply’ (John 2:1-10) running   out   in   the   nick    of    the   time
necessitating a Divine intervention to save the blushes of all concerned?

To arrive at an answer to this ticklish issue, we need to consider the fact that when even our eating and drinking should be for His glory alone (I Cor 10:31) meaning when pleasing Him should be our sole motto at all times, there should not be any self-glorification at any point of time leave alone during marriages. If the good Lord has blessed us with riches say like an Abraham or Job, if we end up flaunting our wealth during social occasions like marriage, would it please Him? Even secular economists realizing the vain motives behind lavish spending at a time pressing socio-global problems such as poverty and hunger need to be addressed have coined terms such as ‘Conspicuous consumption’ and ‘Demonstration effect’ to describe such actions’ aimed at gratifying one’s ego. So if we too indulge in such ‘excesses’, in what way would we be different from others, for whom marriages are an ideal platform to showcase their wealth? By the same token, if we bring to the fore a frugal mentality, despite possessing riches, then again that would tarnish our testimony in front of the whole viewing world. Similarly, if the poor amongst us over stretch themselves to make their or their children’s marriage a grand gala affair by even resorting to heavy avoidable borrowing, then like in all cases of trying ‘to bite more than what one can chew’, tragic consequences such as a crushing debt would be inevitable.

The best way is to use our God-given wisdom (I Cor 14:20) in striking a healthy balance between outright extravagance and silly frugality. Let marriages be an opportunity of pleasing God by liberal sharing of the blessings, He has poured upon us even if it means inviting those, who may not invite us back for such functions in their homes (Luke 14:12-14), at the same time we ought to remember that meticulous financial planning would always come in handy in big events like marriage, lest we are not able to complete what we have started (Luke 14:30)!

Those of us suffering from ‘sour grapes’ experience on realizing that we cannot match the royalty in having a marriage bash need only remember that we would eventually partake in the great wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:6-9). Like at the Wedding at Cana, the fact that for us Christians the best is always reserved for the last (John 2:10) should keep us in good cheer!

Suresh Manoharan

  The list of essays to follow

  1. Can Christians play KBC?
  2. What about "Family planning"?
  3. Christians and Harry Potter
  4. Our Election responsibilities
  5. "Can Christians purchase lottery tickets"?