At the outset, once again let me state that I have picked up the inputs on the titled subject from
an eminent Christian writer namely Brother R. Stanley, whilst preparing this essay. So here goes…
Only when there is a stable Government in place there would be no Law and order problems disturbing
our peace…so it follows naturally… only then can we can peacefully canalize all our energies in trying
to please Him. So when it comes to the political leadership of our Country our first
responsibility is PRAYER.“ Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks be |
made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a
quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence”
(1 Tim 2:1-2). Every Christian must be patriotic.
We can’t afford to be indifferent to what’s happening in the political front. Shed the ‘let-anyone-rule’ attitude.
Catch the Esther spirit-‘How can I endure to see the evil that will come on my people?’
(Esther 8:6)
Pray for all the candidates in the fray. Ask God to touch the nation’s millions of voters.
Make your prayers specific by focusing on the following.
Righteousness: We must have leaders who are free from corruption and selfish interests.
They must be men of sincerity and integrity. This may look too ideal to expect in politics.
But God’s word emphatically declares, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a shame to any people”
(Prov 14:34).
There’s no other way.
Secularism: Our constitution provides freedom of religion, to practice and propagate one’s faith.
But there is a steady erosion of secular values in the nation. It’s impossible to be a Christian without
obeying the Great commission of Christ: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them..…teaching them”
(Matt 28:19,20).
Uplift of poor: Multitudes under the poverty line keep swelling. Their cry goes unheard. God bless a government,
which has pity on the poor
(Prov 19:17).
National integration: Jesus said, “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand”
(Mark 3:24).
Instead of fighting the canker of communalism, some politicians are actually flaming the communal passion.
By hook or crook they want to seize power. Animosity between the South and the North is growing.
The message of Christmas is “ good will toward men!”
(Luke 2:14). May God give us leaders who will hold the country together.
We have had enough of murder and mayhem, already.
Social Reforms: Our nation is plagued by social evils like untouchability, child marriage, dowry system,
devadasi system and scores of others. We need leaders bold like a lion to crusade against such inhuman practices
and lead people out of darkness. Leaders must not sacrifice principles for the lure of office and lucre.
There are some of the basic expectations if a nation is to prosper. Beside these, add whatever comes to your mind
to the prayer list and intercede regularly before Lord. Organize fasting prayers. Pray for Election commissioner
and all the officials in the election machinery. If you have been entrusted with official Election responsibilities
(those working in State administration/Govt School teachers are usually vested with these additional responsibilities)
then make sure you discharge your responsibilities meticulously. Pray against rigging, booth-capturing and such malpractices.
Pray for a fair and free pool.
Prayer alone is not sufficient. Faith without works is dead. Study the election manifesto of each party diligently.
Discuss with responsible and mature elders. Avoid arguments. Don’t be pressurized by anyone or carried away by the heady,
extravagant and high-sounding promises of irresponsible politicians. You are an individual with rights and responsibilities.
Think, pray and exercise your franchise carefully.
(Suresh Manoharan)
The list of essays to follow
- Christians and Harry Potter
- "Can Christians purchase lottery tickets"?
- Marriage between believers and non-believers
- Is Childlessness a curse?
- The ways of protest