At the outset, let me state that the inputs for this essay have been taken from the writings of
a respected Christian writer Bro R. Stanley of Blessing Youth Mission, Vellore,
Tamil Nadu whose written works have been a source of blessing to one and all and most notably to the undersigned.
Family planning as a concept is of recent origin. As such, we may not be able to find a
direct teaching in the Bible on this subject. Considering the general principles of parenthood
laid down in the Scriptures, we must evolve guidelines for today’s context.
Agreed, God instructed Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth
(Gen 1:28)
but this was a specific command given to the first couple when the earth was empty! But today several
countries like India are over-crowded! Christians like other citizens have a moral responsibility to
co-operate with the government to restrict population growth and thus solve related problems.
Hasn’t Christ has taught us to count the cost before “building” a tower or “battling” against an enemy
(Luke 14:28-31)?
Then should we not count the cost before “bearing” children also? There are atleast three aspects each couple must
consider while deciding on the size of their family.
Firstly the health considerations. The husband should be very considerate about the health of his wife,
the weaker vessel (I Pet 3:7), for an act of pleasure for him, may eventually be an ordeal for his life
partner (Gen 3:16). The health of most women in modern times is permanently impaired if they bear more than two
or three children. Medical advice should be respected.
Next is an economical consideration. Majority of us belong to middle or lower income groups. Days are very expensive.
More the number of children, less the share for each child (II Cor 12:14b). Bringing forth children beyond one’s means
by saying “ God will somehow provide” is nothing short of putting Him to a foolish test
(Matt 4:7)!
Thirdly, time considerations. Ours is a busy world. To make both ends meet, both husband the breadwinner
and wife the jam winner have to work tirelessly for so many hours each day, outside and inside home
(Pro 31:13,24).
Unless both father and mother give sufficient and quality time to each child, would they not be failing in
their parental responsibility
(I Tim 3:4,12;
Tit 1:6; 2:4)? No doubt children are a heritage from the Lord and are
like olive plants around the table
(Psa 127:3;128:3), but honestly can we find time to sit leisurely with the
children each day around the table, in this modern age when time is at a premium? If not, let’s not quote the above passage,
Jesus and Paul spoke of those who voluntarily remain unmarried for the sake of the Kingdom
(Mt 19:12;
I Cor 7:32-35).
In the same lines, if there can be those who voluntarily keep the size of their family small taking advantage of modern
means available in this scientific age to give more time, money and energy to the Kingdom then, why not?
One of the passages used against family planning is
Gen 38:8,10. Here it has to be noted that God got angry with
Onan not because he emitted on the ground but because he failed in his duty of a husband’s brother
(Dt 25:5-10).
In short, Onan played a cheat and paid the price
(Gen 38:10)!
Then what about abortion, all in the name of Family planning? It cannot be condoned on any ground because once the embryo is formed;
it is life and taking it, is nothing short of a cold-blooded, preplanned murder!
Finally, it has to be said that despite being counseled on the merits of Family planning, there are some who resist
it tooth and nail but become wiser only after bearing more!
(Suresh Manoharan)
The list of essays to follow
- Christians and Harry Potter
- Our Election responsibilities
- "Can Christians purchase lottery tickets"?
- Marriage between believers and non-believers
- Is Childlessness a curse?