Some years ago the answer to the question “Can Christians go to cine theaters?”
from adult Christians and preachers was a stern “No” and the most powerful Biblical
quote was Psalm 1:1. The argument was how could God’s people be seated in “the seat of the scornful”?
Then what about this age when the theater has “come” to our living rooms by way of Television?
Should the same rule apply even now? Yes!!!
If born-again youngsters have positively decided that they would never watch any commercial and secular movie,
they have taken a good decision. They will not lose anything in
life. While out rightly condemning all the
movies as bad is not right as there are films, which convey forceful messages on moral, ethical, social,
political and cultural issues, the fact of the matter is such movies are few and far between. Aren’t films
which educate our minds and challenge our thinking such as the Christian movie “ Joni”, secular movies like
“Mayuri” or for that “Tare zameen par” of recent vintage, more an exception than the norm in the moviedom?
Here, I must add that I have nothing against teachers who take their students to watch such films.
In the developed nations there are organizations, which publish film guides in which each new film is reviewed
objectively. Depending upon the doses of violence, crime, sex, etc, these reviewers state their recommendations
or otherwise for various age groups. Parents go through these notes and discuss and decide with their
children whether they can watch a particular movie or not. This practice is not much in vogue in India.
Therefore, it is better if youngsters herein avoid movies altogether. Once they spiritually mature and
become strongly rooted in the Lord, let them seek the Lord’s opinion in this matter, till then let them
turn their backs to the Silver screen or the small screen screening movies.
Also, we must also look in to the aspect of priority. In these days of unprecedented academic competition,
when students don’t even have time for evening games, how can they waste precious hours before the TV?
Working people complain of not having sufficient time for waiting before God, reading His Word and going
out to witness for Him. Then where is the time for movies? Stewardship of time is a decisive factor in
Christian discipleship.
In conclusion, when it comes to movies, let’s remember the overarching Biblical principle “Test everything.
Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil. May God Himself…sanctify you through and through”
(1 Thess 5:21-23) and act suitably.
Suresh Manoharan
Ps…Some of the inputs for this essay have been taken from the writings of an eminent Christian author Brother
R. Stanley, the founder of Blessing Youth Mission Vellore, Tamil Nadu.
The list of essays to follow
- Can Christians eat what is offered to idols?
- Is Childlessness a curse?
- The ways of protest
- Should women cover their heads while praying?
- Casteism in Christians