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In this essay, let us dwell on food matters, because food matters most in the spiritual realm. Remember, the man’s fall in the Garden of Eden had everything to do with food. The flesh of swine was forbidden under the dietary regulations of the Mosaic law (Lev 11:7,8). The Jews therefore considered eating of pork as ceremonially unclean. But under the new covenant, by holiness God does not mean ceremonial cleanness but spiritual sanctity. The emphasis shifted from the outer to the inner, from the material to the spiritual. Jesus explained it this way: “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man …   what   ever  enters
the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated” (Mt 15:11,16-18).

Apostle Paul understood this truth much quicker than others as such he declared this truth much quicker than others. He affirmed, “I know and am convinced by the Lord that there is NOTHING unclean of itself’ (Rom 14:14). Having learnt this truth from Christ (John 1:17), he warned Timothy, “ In latter times some will depart from the faith…. commanding to abstain from foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For EVERY creature of God is good, and NOTHING is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving” (1 Tim 4:1-4).

But Peter had difficulty in preaching and accepting this dispensational change, as several Christians today. Even though the so-called “unclean” animals were imported right from Heaven, and God Himself asked him to kill and eat them, he sternly refused. The voice from above corrected Peter, “What God has declared clean you must not call unclean” (Acts 10:10-16).

The Jerusalem council wanted to keep the Peter-like Jewish believers comfortable while fellowshipping with their Gentile counterparts. Moreover during that transition period, the traditional reading of the laws of Moses was continued in the synagogues every Sabbath. Therefore the non- Jewish believers were given a couple of dietary regulations also (Acts 15:19-21). Otherwise, under the new covenant, because we have died with Christ, we don’t need to subject ourselves to regulations like Touch not, Taste not and Handle not! Paul calls these as man-made doctrines and self-imposed religion (Col 2:16, 20-23).

Food habits however have deep cultural roots. In missionary work we must stay sensitive in this area lest we “destroy the work of God for sake of food” (Rom 14:20). For example, in the list of animals permitted for food under the Law of Moses, the ox comes first (Dt 14:4). But eating of beef is highly objectionable to many Hindus and tribes in India. But they have no problem with pork! We therefore suggest to the missionaries working in such regions not to eat beef as a consideration to the people and the work (Rom 14:15-23). The decision of the Jerusalem council concerning foodstuff was made on these lines only. Otherwise in the absolute sense we can eat any meat after giving thanks to the Creator God.

Just as we need to exercise discretion in dietary habits in the mission field, we need to display similar sensitivity, whilst dealing with new Christians (read also weak Christians whose conscience is pricked easily) in food matters, lest we do them spiritual harm (I Cor 10:23-33)!

Some physicians feel that there were also medical reasons why God forbade the eating of the meat of certain animals and birds. This may be true. For example, pork eating is definitely harmful to those diagnosed with high cholesterol. Leander Paes, the prominent Indian tennis player, suffered from a serious tapeworm infection (ended in a brain tumor), some years back because of eating pork. One should choose the right kind of food to keep his body, the temple of God, healthy.

The inputs for this essay were taken from the writings of an eminent Christian writer Bro. R. Stanley.

Suresh Manoharan

  The list of essays to follow

  1. Can Christians eat what is offered to idols?
  2. Is Childlessness a curse?
  3. The ways of protest
  4. Should women cover their heads while praying?
  5. Casteism in Christians