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Environmental issues

Interwoven in all of God’s creation is the principle of balance and inter-dependence, as though Creation itself were a Celestial scale of justice, where pursuit of man’s narrow interests’ (e.g…Industrial development at the cost of air pollution as a result of emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere) would only lead to tilting of this celestial scale to his natural detriment. Surfacing of new lung-related problems never heard of before and a hole in the Ozone layer (thanks to CFCs’) exposing many to harmful ultra-violet radiation of sun rays leading to skin cancer are proof enough of this fact.

  That a slight tilt in this celestial scale would forthwith lead to a tragic chain reaction was once again reinforced recently, when an epidemic was on the verge of breakout in rural areas’ of Nepal caused by the piling-up of carcasses’. A deeper study of this problem led to a painful revelation that the natural scavengers’ – the vultures – had died en masse due to chemical poisoning on account of farmers dosing their cattle with diclofenac, a drug used to treat inflammation. No wonder the carcasses’ kept piling up posing a great helath hazard!

When God gave the first man and woman dominion over creation (Gen 1:26-30), He put them and their descendants under obligation to value His gifts and use them carefully for His glory. God created everything for His glory and pleasure (Rev 4:11) as well as for our enjoyment and use (I Tim 6:17/ Acts 17:24-28) and NOT FOR OUR EXPLOITATION. If mindless felling of forests on a massive scale to create more land for Industrial development is not the very definition of exploitation, then what is? Wouldn’t it lead to depletion of life-sustaining oxygen in our fragile planet? Instead of viewing ourselves as merely stewards in God’s world, when we try to play the master, are we not asking for trouble, with a capital T? As duty-bound citizens, its time we carefully analyzed the manifesto of the political parties with regard to environment, before casting our vote for them!

In this universe, we have God, people, and the things that God made, among them water, land, animal and plant life, air, and vast resources underground. We are commanded to worship God, love people, and use things for the glory of God and the universal good of one and all. When this Divine order becomes confused, then God’s creation suffers. When in our greed we start lusting after things, we soon begin to ignore God, abuse people, and destroy creation. Novelist Alan Paton wrote, “The ground is holy, being even as it came from the Creator. Keep it, guard it, and care for it, for it keeps men, guards men, cares for men. Destroy it and man is destroyed.”

God wrote into the Law of Moses His concern for people, animals, plants, and the land with its resources. The Sabbath day gave rest to both the workers and their animals (Ex 20:8-11; 23:12), and the Sabbatical Year and the Year of Jubilee gave rest to the land (Lev 25). Because the Jews didn’t obey these laws, they went into captivity so that the land could enjoy its Sabbaths and be renewed (II Chronicles 36:14-21).

God gave Israel regulations concerning lost and fallen animals (Deut 22:1-4), nesting birds (22:6-7), plowing animals (22:10), and newborn animals (Lev 22:26-28). The psalmist praised God for His constant concern and care for animals and people (Ps 102:10-30). Yet on our part, are we- the Christians bearing His Name- playing the role of good stewards, sincerely? For starters how about lending at least vocal support to the environmental causes espoused by some organizations like Greenpeace International and following honestly the Government laid laws on “Cleaner air” by adhering to CO emission limits of our vehicles? Oh yes, how many of us have diligently implemented the Government directive on the rain water harvesting by providing a pit for that purpose in our homes or flat complexes’ towards replenishment of groundwater resources? Also should planting of a sapling be restricted only to auspicious occasions?

Ecology experts claim that 100 species of plants and animals become extinct every day, and that the destruction of forests and the pollution of water and air is producing more and more ecological tragedies as time goes on. Yet God loves His creation and wants us to use it lovingly. “The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made…The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made…The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving toward all He has made” (Ps 145:9, 13, 17, NIV). Dare we exploit and destroy the creation that God loves?

There’s no escaping the fact that God hadn’t deserted His creation, but mankind seems hell bent on desecrating and destroying God’s creation. Why? As stated earlier because the basic truth has slipped out of our mind that we’re God’s tenants and stewards of His gifts and not the owners.

Suresh Manoharan

  The list of essays to follow

  1. Social drinking?
  2. What about "Capitation fees"?
  3. Should we Indianize Christmas celebration?
  4. Lavish Christian weddings?
  5. Can Christians play KBC?