I agree with what Law says
One is not guilty till it is proven
But amongst the cycling champions and modern politicians, the Law may well be revised to
There go the cyclists to the likes of BALCO Lab
You have druids there like “Getafix”
Ready to give them “Magic potion”
And make these cheats into an “unbeatable” Obelix
Once caught, they become like Cacophonix at the end of Asterix comics
Hung up in a corner, they become laughing stock of THE SHOW
World is shocked as these heroes become zeros
Even as the oft- recycled truth catches up with them “you ONLY reap what you sow”
Our Politicians go from one scam to another,
CWG, 2G, Adarsh housing, Obulapuram and Coalgate
It is said that now-a-days it is news
Only if there is no scam, mate
Enquiries and Committees are an eyewash
Post any scam many of the official actions are only perfunctory
There is no genuine desire to clear the system
Things are only going from bad to worse, increasing our worry
Cheer-up the Master would soon arrive
Even as sin in our World thrives
He would set right all the wrongs
In His Fair Millennial Kingdom, there shall be no thieves
The Master said that just before His return the World would be like in the days of Noah
When corruption and violence filled the Earth everywhere
Besides much-publicized corruption, do not we see violence too filling this World?
There is bang-bang, boom-boom at every corner
Public wait for the "Dark Knight" to arrive at the movie theater
Instead comes a guy with a gun and a heart full of sin
The World recoils in horror as yet another one Gunman “Wades” into a peaceful gathering
Of Sikhs at a Gurudhwara at Wisconsin
This is only a tip of the iceberg
There are several “more signs all happening” of imminent Church rapture
All around us, we see several Second Coming prophecies being fulfilled
Soon shall arrive the Master the World to capture
Say Christian, are you telling your friends
About the soon- coming Glorious King,
Are you alert and alerting others
Even as you to your goal of preaching the Gospel cling
All Prophecies regarding the Saviour’s First advent were fulfilled at the right time
Just as all other Biblical Prophecies
(Joshua 21:45) have always come true
Hence I want to recycle the truth
If one doesn’t take His Second coming Prophecies seriously, he/she is bound to rue
Suresh Manoharan