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The Best is Yet to Come

I closed my eyes in what seemed like a dream, and opened them in another land.
I saw trees that were perfect, the bluest sky, and many things I could not understand.
I heard sounds that appeared as great choirs, all singing with a melody of praise.
I saw people arrayed in the brightest apparel that blinded of heavenly rays.

There were creatures I saw that were so different, yet all were so beautiful and kind.
I searched my thoughts to see if I had seen such a sight, yet nothing like these came to my mind.
Their appearance was very awesome, and yet somehow you still had no fear.
They just stared as though they were beckoning you to follow, with a love that just drew you near.

The grass was so green, with not a blade out of place, and the streets seemed like streams made of gold.
Everything looked, as though it had just been created, for nothing was battered or old.
I saw no sun casting shadows about, yet the brilliance was of a shining array.
I saw no darkness just magnificent colors, as if waking to a perfect day.

The families I passed all turned, waved, and smiled, with a joy that just seemed so complete.
As I turned around I saw a massive throne, with others kneeling down at God’s feet.
Crowns were now being laid down before Him, the rewards of the faithful and true.
One of them called me to come forward, yet I had no crown, so what could I do?

I lowered my face, looking down to the street; I had shame, guilt, and despair.
Then I felt a hand take hold of mine, and He promised to walk with me there.
Tears began to fall from my eyes, yet He reached out and wiped them away.
He introduced me as faithful and true; I was quiet with nothing to say.

My knees gave way, and I fell down in worship, as a crown was then placed in my hand.
The shame and guilt then disappeared, and I began to, now understand.
I turned my face up to the throne; I saw Jesus He was smiling so sweet.
I took that crown that He had given to me and I laid it at my Savior’s feet.

Then I stood to my feet as others had done, and then received His very best. When I heard Jesus, say “well-done good and faithful servant, now enter my Father’s rest.”

© A Christian poem by: Gerald Bergeron