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For accessing rich treasures in His Word and for edification


Church is not the building, where gather to worship, the Clergy and Laity
Mistaken to be a Church, that place in fact, is only a sanctuary
Church in fact is the group of PEOPLE therein - a true God-worshipping community
Purchased by Christ’s precious blood, they represent His precious property (Acts 20:28).

Now what qualities, need to be found in that saintly assembly symbolizing Christ’s body?
First and foremost, one ought to observe therein towards God and one another unmistakable Charity (John 13:34-35),
For without love, a Church is nothing but an exercise in futility
However, by loving God and others above themselves, its members in this World itself enjoy a foretaste of Blessed Eternity.

Then there has to be humility in that assembly,
With none projecting himself or herself as high and mighty.
Let it be said, in Christ’s body, there has to be absolute equality (James 2:1),
With no place whatsoever therein for the haughty.

Oh yes, what is Church, if it does not stand for purity
Without purity, a Church would be like salt without its flavor, losing its sanctity
Set apart for Christ, the Church would be in the World but with no connection to all that is Worldly,
Its members are required to do everything therein for God’s glory (I Cor 10:31).

Where there is Charity and humility,
Will there not be conspicuously also, unity (1 Cor 1:10)?
A Church ought to be noted for harmony,
With minimal place for discord or cacophony.

Finally, remember Church on a Sunday which is inside the Sanctuary,
During weekdays should extend its sanctifying influence on Society,
For what is a Church without sharing its testimony?
To the outside, watching World as to what Christ can do for its betterment spiritually.

In fact, if there is one “body” on Earth, which factually
Does not exist for its members welfare only,
Then it is a Church noted for its Charity,
With an open invitation always, to outsiders, to join Christ’s body on this side of Eternity.

© Suresh Manoharan,
An unworthy Servant