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For accessing rich treasures in His Word and for edification


All painful experiences, precious friend,
For our spiritual growth are God-sent

Every tear that we shed
Every moment that we regret

Every disease that haunts us
Every situation that taunts us

Every dream that is left unraveled
Every road that is kept untraveled

Every rejection that leaves us rattled
Every betrayal that leaves us bamboozled

Every insult that is hurled at us
Every accusation that is brought upon us

Every uncertainty that life throws at us
Every difficulty which leaves us in a mess

All the moments that leave our minds marred
All the events that leave our lives scarred

Remember Joseph’s (son of Jacob) life
It was also full of strife

For no fault of his, he landed in a dry well
From there his problems continued to swell

Sold as a slave in Potiphar’s house
He faced temptations of flesh without a grouse

Innocent of any sin,
He still landed in a prison

From the prison, the good Lord finally took him to a palace
Mind you in all his trials Joseph did not even have ROMANS 8:28 as his solace

Those of us in New Testament times, have full Scriptural revelation,
Romans 8:28 before us, should leave us with more spiritual elevation

From the pit to the palace was Joseph’s story
Note, if not for the pit, he would have been deprived of the palace’s glory

In New Testament times, in our trials, let’s take heart and always read ROMANS 8:28
It would speak to our heart straight

Is not Diamond, an ordinary coal made good under pressure,
We too ordinary “coal” under pressure are fashioned into a rare treasure

All things, work together for the good of those who love Him,
Even as the Good Lord is preparing us for Eternal service full of vim.

ROMANS 8:28 reminds us that like a monument, the Lord is preparing us brick by brick,
Though the life’s woes continue to prick.

Cheer up, people would wonder at our patience
To the Savior, they would be attracted by our perseverance

So let’s all once again magnify the Savior,
Who put ROMANS 8:28 in the Scripture!

Gunashekaran Dinesh* and Manoharan Suresh,