A Christian’s Growth
A moment a Christian is born again in God’s kingdom,
His growth process begins, but his life is seldom free from pulls of flesh, world and devil’s fiefdom
There is a constant battle with these three formidable foes
And to resist them successfully he has to be on his toes
There is Divine joy in his heart too as his power
As he makes progress in his spiritual life scaling many a “spiritual tower”
The indwelling Holy Spirit who is such a great comforter
Is also now his constant guide and life’s navigator
The Christian on his part, needs to be willing
To exercise discipline in the matters of daily prayer, Bible reading, Church fellowship and witnessing
He cannot afford to compromise on this “big four”
For they are time-tested tools of spiritual growth from ages of yore
Prayer is not only about placing your requests and that of others before the Creator,
Rather it primarily ought to be a time of sweet fellowship with your NOW Redeemer
Bible reading will make you realize what a great God you serve
Besides making you learn lessons from the lives of Biblical heroes- their success and even failure
Church fellowship would strengthen your faith and sense of belonging in God’s family
As you mingle with those who have the same heart of charity
Witnessing for Christ ought to be done with the purpose of making others acquainted with your heavenly joy
During this, with Christ’s power be prepared to confront many a satanic ploy
So dear Christian Brother and Sister, even as you are being transformed into Christ’s image
Be willing to take in your stride some inevitable damage
To your health or wealth, always trusting the One who is alive from Eternity
For He would never allow any difficulty to cross your temptation-bearing capacity
As He leads from glory to glory, co-operate with your trainer the Holy Spirit,
Remember , you cannot make it at all on the strength of your own merit
A day may come soon when you are ushered into the imperishable Holy Land You would be a masterpiece by then crafted by His own Hand
Suresh Manoharan