Lent season was originally designed
By the Church Leaders to be a time of revival
However with time it has become a mere tradition
In the Church calendar, its significance is nothing more than trivial
Beginning with Ash Wednesday, it is a season to remember the ordeal of the Lord
His sufferings in His earthly sojourn
Specifically the wilderness temptation and cross of crucifixion
The reminiscence of these was supposed to bring in some lives a U-turn
Mind you, Christianity does not mean, seasonal affair with the Divine
It is not cosmetic holiness of a specific time
However this Lenten season can be a time to begin doing something new and good
And keep doing it for a lifetime
So this Lent season, how about introspecting on your prayer life
Has it deserved the attention it deserves?
If not, how about determining to give it a overhaul,
Note, prayer life will add richly to your spiritual reserves
Then what about Bible reading
Is it not akin to spiritual food?
What about whetting your appetite anew for the Scripture reading,
Remember, those strong in Scriptures have always in storms firmly stood
Pray tell me is frequent fellowshipping only for Lenten season
For during this season, are many cottage prayer meetings and shedding of many a repentant tear,
How about setting a trend this season,
Of having cottage prayer meetings throughout the year
Friend, the World-changing early Church’s faith was not seasonal,
In it, there was prayer, Scripture reading and fellowshipping often
This Lenten season, let’s begin anew all this and more
And keep at it throughout the year, come any season
(Suresh Manoharan)