Down Life's Path
Many go down life's path with lofty plans
To amass a great fortune of houses and lands
And to live a life of pleasure and ease,
Thinking happiness can be found in these.
Others pursue power and worldwide fame
To be known by all and win their acclaim;
But those without God who attain these goals
Soon find emptiness remains in their souls.
They could not find true happiness
For life's void cannot be filled with this;
If only they realized this will not last
Since life is fleeting and will soon be past.
Wealth, worldly pleasure, fame, and power
Will all be gone at death's dark hour;
And beyond the grave when eternity begins
Those unsaved will be judged for their sins.
If only they would believe in God's Son
And repent of the sinful deeds they've done,
Then they could go down life's path
Not needing to worry about God's wrath.
They would have the joy they longed for,
Inner peace, contentment, and much more
For when their lives on earth shall end
Heavenly bliss into their souls, God shall send!
—Perry Boardman
Note: This poem is included in the tract
"Life's Path" by Matthew Henry. Feel free
to make copies to share with others.,