Jesus told his disciples that by certain signs they can discern
The occurrence of His Coming to end Church’s earthly sojourn
The Master said there would be earthquakes, epidemics and famine
Even as you and me brother, for his return pine
So often in the media we read about many a calamity,
Which heralds the imminence of His return with certainty
Did not the Lord say that Earthquakes would occur with alarming regularity
And that epidemics would come visiting with increasing frequency
Only the other day, news about Chikungunia to different parts of the World flew
Today, there is uproar in the media about bird flu and swine flu
Famines in various places are continuing to rage
Foretelling that the time has come for the end of this Grace age
These troubles are only a harbinger of much more worse woes to follow
After Church rapture, for those left behind it would be a real bitter pill to swallow
Sadly the indifferent lot in their sins are continuing to wallow
Even though the horrible tragedies to come are already beginning to cast their shadow
Then there is that little country Israel –the proverbial fig tree
In its rebirth recently, we saw fulfillment of many an II Coming prophecy
The Master said that His return would be nigh, right at the door
When the dispersed Jews land back in the Canaan shore
The return of the Jews has already happened
Just as the controller of World history has sanctioned
While significance of this in many may not register
It is a clear cut sign of Church’s imminent rapture
After rapture of the Church, would come severe tribulation
At that time the suffering of those left behind will be beyond imagination
So accept his Redemption plan while there is still an opportunity
Otherwise, you would be at the receiving end of many a tragedy
After rapture of the Church would come Anti-Christ with False prophet
Just as the World’s Creator, in its time-table their advent has set
It would be terrible time for everyone then,
Suffering of such scale never experienced since creation of Garden of Eden
After 7 years of terrible tribulation
Would come Christ to defeat evil and end all persecution
Friend do not be left behind at the time of Church rapture
It is time to accept Christ and get your salvation secure
Those of us, whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of life,
Need to proclaim the Gospel and news of his imminent coming despite strife
While it is good to be taken home to be with Christ in mid air
It is better to have all loved ones along at that time for infinite joys to share
Suresh Manoharan