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For accessing rich treasures in His Word and for edification


Well, even before the New year arrives
Many of the World aim to get a New Year calendar and a diary
Some pay and buy these precious things
To others are gifted these valuable items, absolutely free

How nice to be “armed” with these useful articles
For they enable us to be equipped
With all time-related information,
Otherwise in the routine walk of life, we can easily get tripped

While it is prudent and good
At the start of a year to own a new calendar and a diary
In this poem, I intend to bring to the fore
A far more important priority

Our overarching desire should be to understand anew
What is our actual destiny?
Is there more to life
Than necessities, comforts and many a luxury?

Yes, most important thing is to understand
That the wise Creator, who set the Planets in perfect, controlled motion
By which, we get to calculate time and year
Seeks with every man and woman a personal relation

The man and woman in the Garden of Eden
Had disobeyed Him and had broken the Covenant
That day, His heart too was broken
But that same heart for the restoration of that pristine relationship (of dependence) with their progeny is still bent

Wages of sin is death,
So He in order to forgive man
Took upon Himself the form of Son
Whereby by His atoning death, forgiveness can be dispensed to every human

Friend, realize this truth at this time of the year
If you have not yet established any relationship
With Him, who has created you
This is the time to seal that ever lasting friendship

When you seek the Holy One, confessing your many a sin
He would give you a new heart
So that with this spiritual transformation
You can make a new start

Besides a new heart and life,
Now you get to become a new citizen of Heaven
In the Book of life, would your name be written
To Elysian shores, you would surely go, on completing your life’s sojourn

That is not all, now a new family
By the name of Church (into its portals) awaits your entry
With open arms, it would receive you
And put your name in its registry

So dear friend, how wonderful it would be
If getting a new life, citizenship and a family
Is your main concern
For these things are eternal, unlike a temporal calendar or a diary

(Suresh Manoharan)