Remember the parable of talents, our Lord recited
To inspire and edify many, it is always cited
Even today there are lessons galore
To be leant from it, in this side of life’s shore
So there were three men given talents to invest,
How they would go about their business was put to test
Note in this story, every one had at least one talent to show
The moral here is there would be no Christian without anything to sow
Do not complain if you cannot preach or sing publicly,
The good Lord would have given you a talent to intercede in prayer for others secretly
Like the wise servant, whatever is your talent, put it to work immediately
Delay in the Lord’s work, can cost you infinitely
The rendition of accounts would begin on Lord’s return
It may be anytime, so faithfully let the midnight oil burn
Success in His work is not the criteria for the Divine reward
The earnestness of your effort is what matters, my dear Christian steward
For the sloth, there is no escape
They cannot seek shelter under any cape
Sin of omission is just as serious as that of commission
Let it be registered in everyone’s mind, without a moment of hesitation
The one who buried his talent, despite knowing his responsibility
Was no shown no mercy nor was he granted any clemency
Lesson, dear friend, I reiterate is that knowing what is good to do
And yet not doing it is as serious a sin as witchcraft or voodoo
Let’s work sincerely in his vineyard
Even if at times, the labour appears hard
For our desire is to hear from Him, the words of commendation
Well done my faithful servant, here is your Divine compensation
No eye has seen nor has no ear heard
What the good Lord, has kept in store for those who persevered
So take heart, dear Friend toiling in His field
For on the Master’s imminent return, you are guaranteed a tremendous yield
(Suresh Manoharan)