Christ did not call all of His followers to be preachers,
No, He called them to be witnesses
(Acts 1:8),
So what does witnessing actually entail?
Firstly, it is all about telling a spiritual true tale
Of what you were before accepting Christ- the Heavenly Saviour
And what you became after accepting that inimitable Heavenly Redeemer.
In every Christian’s life, there has to be a “inside” “BC and an AD Experience”,
That will manifest itself “outside” as joyous exuberance,
While it is very important to tell with our mouth the reason for our changed demeanour,
It is more important to show through one’s lifestyle Christ’s great transforming power
What we tell through our mouths, people may or may not always remember
But what we demonstrate through our lives, will on onlookers’ mind permanently register
Do not forget, Christ is most glorified in our lives when to people we reveal
That he is more precious to us than all that life can give or death can steal
Best sermons can be forgotten even as our lives roll away,
But the depth of our relationship with Christ, will always make people sway
Of great Servants of God, what do we remember their sermons or lives lived out
in love for Christ’s glory,
Nine times out of ten, let me assure their lives would be proclaiming a more powerful “story”
So dear Christian, wherever the good Lord has placed you,
Remember, your life is there for all to view
More than your words, your life should proclaim the Gospel
Do not forget, you are the salt and light therein as stated by the Bible
So in your home, Church, office, business place, college or school
To preach the Gospel, besides your words, your life-style witnessing is the best tool.
© Suresh Manoharan, An unworthy Servant