The Three Gifts
Now here comes a rendition on the three gifts of the Magi from the East
Which prophetically announces Messiah’s role in God’s plan to remove Earth’s “yeast “
There they came from Mesopotamia carrying Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
Boy…their arrival in Jerusalem created quite a stir
Led by the Unique star, they finally reached where the Christ child was
They bowed before Him in worship and presented to him gifts placed in a beautiful vase
The first gift-Gold-symbolizes royalty
For Christ as Scriptures foretold was a King full of majesty
Yet, in His First advent, he was born in all humility in a manger
His main mission was to save all from sin-Friend or Stranger
Then to rule in the hearts of men giving them love, joy and peace
Was the main motto behind the First coming of Prince of Peace
Gold also symbolizes an unchanging character,
It remains the same, even when we pour on it acid or water
Christ ministered mostly amongst sinners transforming prostitutes and publicans worshipping money
Yet He was without sin, His unblemished holiness astonishing many
We His followers need to toe His principle of hating sin but loving sinners,
Remembering before redemption we too were in Satan’s clutches
The Good News of God’s forgiveness to sinners we need to broadcast
Before Christ’s Second Coming which the Scriptures have already forecast
Frankincense by itself is of no use till it is put into the fire
Calvary cross was the fire, into which Jesus went voluntarily to save men from Sin’s mire
Oh to remove and eliminate from our life the sin’s dross
The Saviour hung for three hours upon the excruciating cross
Gift of Myrrh doubtless made Jesus’ parents wonder
This embalming agent to a young boy would make anyone ponder
Ah…Myrrh symbolizes the death of the Redeemer at an early age
He was only 33 when He reached his Earthly journey’s last stage
So Dear Friends, the Ministry and redemption plan of God through His Son
Is foretold in these of gifts of Wisemen brought on seeing the singular Star in Babylon
The events which followed in Jesus’ life perfectly fulfilled the prophecies contained in these symbolic gifts of profundity
Now this Yuletide time let’s do our part of telling this story with one and all…PASSIONATELY
Suresh Manoharan