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For accessing rich treasures in His Word and for edification


The Salvation plan on the First Christmas was set in motion
On the cross was its final fruition
Scriptures (Heb 4:3) call the Salvation, we now have as Great
As it goes beyond saving man from his sinful state

It is great, firstly because it is free
It comes to us without paying any fee
It comes by simply accepting Christ in faith as Savior
When done, in heaven, there would be joy and in Hades tremor

If salvation had not been free
The rich would have out-bidded the poor, you see
The mighty would have raced ahead of the weak
And the intelligent would have outthought the simple and meek

So I repeat dear friends that the Great salvation
Is universal and free, saving us from eternal damnation
You simply have to accept Christ as Savior
And thereby receive the Almighty’s favor

This Salvation also leads us to enjoy right on earth, in some measure the joy of Heaven
As in the cleansed heart, there would be no leaven
The fruit of the Spirit, you would fully enjoy
Love, joy and peace without any cloy

So this Great Salvation, dear friend
Is not only about taking you to heaven
But it is also about, bringing Heaven into your heart,
As Christ has cleansed it, giving it a new start

Receiving this “Great” Salvation makes you greater
Than even the Old Testament saints of yore
For they constructed for God His temple
Whereas Christian is God’s temple (I Cor 3:16), it’s plain and simple

If Abraham was God’s friend, And Moses was God-sent
If David was man of God’s heart, and other great Prophets’ had Divine consent
Remember, Christian you are the only one, who is called Christ’s bride
In this matter, you should take GREATEST PRIDE

Say reader, have you received this Great salvation
Let there be no more procrastination
Jesus who came into my life 28 years ago is same yesterday, today and forever,
This Christmas season, you too receive Him with joy and fervor

(Suresh Manoharan)