The Rapture
God's Word says, "Look up, your redemption draws nigh!"
All saints with be "caught up" to Him in the sky.
Any day now, Christ Jesus is coming again.
From the throne room of heaven, He'll surey descend!
The Bridegoom is leaving His Father's right side,
To fetch His beloved, the Church, His fair bride.
With a trump and a shout, He'll call from the air.
And with bodies transformed, we'll meet with Him there.
Believers, together, gathered as one;
United forever, with Jesus the Son.
And so shall we be evermore with the Lord;
Overcomers of evil, by the sword of His Word.
"Behold, I am coming!...the beginning and end."
"Even so," says the Spirit, "Come, Lord Jesus. Amen!"
Together with Jesus, we'll rule and we'll reign,
A kingdom of priests in His perfect domain
by Sandra Graham © 1991