In the New Testament part of The Bible a major portion is occupied by a section known as the Epistles,
There are 21 of them all penned by First Century Apostles
They carry vital lessons for God’s Children of all ages
For we see God’s Wise counsel enshrined in all of their pages
A closer study would reveal barring the meant-to-be-circulated universal Epistle to “Ephesians”
All other Epistles were penned to address the problems’ in the Fledgling Churches’
Making us appreciate the truth that ALL things work together for the good of God’s children
For without those problems, one cannot contemplate the birth of these Epistles’ resembling a Divine Lantern.
If Romans was penned to bring about unity in the Roman Church between the Christians’ of Jewish and Gentile background,
Then I Corinthians’ amongst other reasons’ was written primarily to “bury” forever the issues’ of Faction, Fornication and Litigation facing the Church therein in the “Love Ground”
(I Cor 13)
Then there were those in Corinth who questioned the Apostleship of that peerless Apostle Paul causing him needless pain
So besides other reasons, in defence of his apostleship, did that noble Apostle write the Second Epistle mainly, displaying love to the Church
(2 Cor 4-6:11,
2 Cor 12:12) which carried no stain.
The Galatian Churches’, after a good start were drifting into legality,
Hence they needed a sharp rebuke
(Gal 1:6) from the burdened Apostle on the matters of priority
Nothing other than the Cross can save you
(Gal 6:14) was the message that was made crystal clear
After this the Churches’ in Galatia, (I believe) from the confusing Jewish legalists steered clear
Beneath the calm exterior of a “united” Church at Phillipi,
Were the prevalent undercurrents
(Phil 2:1-16) of pride and consequent disunity
So the Apostle brought forth the message to them on Christ’s amazing humility
Urging the Church members to treat one another with selfless dignity
Syncretism was the bane of the Church at Colosse,
The teachings appealing more to human effort were slowly creeping into its Liturgy,
To weed em’ out, “Christ in your hearts is your only hope of Glory”
(Col 1:27) the Apostle declared
If you have Christ, you have everything
(Col 2:10) He repeatedly stressed.
On Faith and Love the Church at Thessalonica
(I Thess 3:6) in the First Century was doing well
But when it came to hope, they needed Apostle Paul in his first Epistle to tell
That contrary to their fears all is well for those who die with their faith firmly fixed on Lamb’s propitiation
For they would rise again with the glorified bodies to participate in the ethereal wedding function
After some time the believers’ in Thessalonica fell into yet another dangerous thinking
Of not doing any work, awaiting as they were a bit-too-keenly Christ’s Second Coming
So in order to get their bearings right on Hope doctrine Apostle Paul had to pen yet another letter
Wherein he warned them not to be indolent
(2 Thess 3:6-10) which would tarnish Christ’s image in front of their neighbor.
After Apostle Paul’s wise pastoral leadership of three years at Ephesus,
There was a marked deterioration in Pastoral care triggering therein a leadership crisis
So the Apostle sends an Epistle
(1 Tim 3) to his trouble-shooter Timothy therein, to select leaders’, who would not for money pine,
But rather by virtue of exemplary lifestyle and teaching of sound doctrine, for the Master’s Glory shine.
As the Apostle Paul neared the end of his life’s spell,
There was a crying need to pass on the torch of Gospel,
So in the Second Epistle to his spiritual son Timothy, we find the final words of Paul
(2 Tim 4:7) - the oh-so-diligent warrior,
Inspiring Timothy too, to be at Lord’s work
(2 Tim 2:3-7) like a faithful farmer, athlete and a soldier.
The Young Church in Crete too needed strong Pastoral care
So to appoint devout Leaders for the Church’s nurture
Titus who was sent on a special mission for this purpose by the Apostle
Was given a reminder to complete the mission soon, by virtue of a personal Epistle
The short Epistle of Philemon was necessitated by a “forgiveness” need
With Philemon, on behalf of his errant Slave Onesimus
(Philemon 1:10), we see the Apostle plead
The Good News is Philemon (it is believed), the Apostle’s plea of forgiveness and acceptance did heed,
OH…aren’t there lessons’ to be learnt from Philemon’s magnanimous deed.
The faith of Jewish Christians became shaky
At a time Roman Emperor Nero unleashed persecution on the Christian clergy and laity
They wanted to return to Judaism as Roman Empire tightened the screws
It is to revive their slackening faith
(Heb 12:2) that an Apostle penned an Epistle now known as the Hebrews
Christ is superior to everything in Judaism the Apostle reasoned
Like a Potter at the wheel, once again their broken faith, he painstakingly refashioned
Praise God, it is believed the Jewish Christians’ once again re-focused on Christ’s death and resurrection
And put all their faith
(Heb 2:3) on Saviour’s plan of redemption
To the scattered, persecuted Christians of Jewish background were the Epistles’ of James and First Peter written,
To strengthen their faith was the aim, besides urging them to stay away from the World’s leaven
The Second Epistle of Peter, as also the 3 Epistles’ of John and one of Jude were penned to warn about the Cultists’ on the prowl,
Believers’ were warned to detect and stay away from their teachings’ which were all foul
So you see Dear Friends, Epistles were born because of the problems’ plenty
Which were confronting the Early Church, clouding its vision Heavenly
Boy, if not for those problems; which came the Early Church’s way,
The Epistles wouldn’t have been penned at all, rendering us so poor spiritually by the way
Oh how true is
Romans 8:28
That everything happens for good of those who are good in God’s sight
So even today, if problems’ come your way as per His Sovereign will, be happy
For in hindsight, you would reflect that they eventually benefited you chiefly.
© Suresh Manoharan An unworthy Servant