FAITH Increase our faith so we may see
What you're doing in our lives bought with an immeasurable prize
And all that we'll accomplish in you
Even as our faith begins to rise
We need to be reminded Lord
Of the small mustard seed
And how the same amount of faith
Moves mountains if we believe and provides for many a need
As we walk in pure obedience
Facing difficulties, which do not our earthly life suit,
Our faith begins to grow and flourish
Bearing more abundant fruit
We must go beyond the limits
Of our many a comfort zone
Our faith is activated at those times
When we walk into the unknown
For it's when the safety net is gone
We realize we need our Lord
When there's nothing left to fall back on
We must lean on God and learn to in faith plod
And faith is released in our hearts
As we bend our knee to pray
We shall be strengthened as we walk
And commit to Him each day