It is good to have a title given by men
But far more precious to have one given by God of Heaven
So in this poem, we would consider
The men on whom the wonderful titles God did proffer
Abraham was called “God’s friend”,
With implicit obedience, he would never his Redeemer offend
Even when asked to offer Issac on the altar
His relationship with his Sustainer, he did not alter
We are inspired by his obedience even now
So like him, to obey the Almighty lets vow
His faith made him righteous in the Creator’s sight
Thus displaying Abraham’s faith, let’s always depend on the Almighty’s might
Moses was called “most faithful in all my house”
All temptations to a live a luxurious life in Egypt, he did douse
He was God’s Mr . Dependable
In doing what all had been told to him, he would strive never to fumble
More than parting the Red sea with God’s power,
Moses ought to be remembered as a Leader who would persevere
He led admirably despite constant complaint and rebellion
Amongst the Jews, numbering more than a million
David was a “man of God’s own heart”
He would never from God’s presence part
Pleasing God was his main priority
In all his battles, he believed that one plus God makes a majority
Despite being persecuted severely by Saul,
He mourned at his enemy’s eventual fall
Like God, he was quick to forgive his enemies
As a peacemaker, he would go to any extent to make peace
Then was Daniel “beloved” of God
To obey God, he was willing to make lion’s den his abode
Even as His Deliverer saved him from Lion’s jaws
To praise God, he found one more cause
To him was revealed many a vision
Even as He made pleasing God his sole mission
To this day, we are inspired by his life
Which was lived victoriously amidst strife
So dear Christian, do you know what is your lofty “title”
By virtue of which no one can you belittle
You are the “Bride of Christ”
With Eternal glory, you would soon make tryst
The title given to you is greater than the one given to John the Baptist
Who was greater than heroes’ of faith given in the above list
So with thankful heart, rejoice in your privilege
For Christ has loved you with eternal love even before the founding of this age.
Suresh Manoharan