(This poem was written after U.Bolt had shattered the 100 meters World record on 16-08-09)
Before the Berlin meet, there was a fair bit of discussion
That Olympic champ Bolt, would be in for some hot competition
Possibility of Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell posing a serious threat, fired everyone’s imagination
But with his record breaking run, Bolt pummeled them all into submission
Amongst Sports pundits, there was frenzy,
On whether this “Lightning Kid” from Jamaica would rewrite history,
Well, as per the “prophecy” of some, the Bolt act, became of the Berlin meet, THE MAIN STORY,
Even as the world rejoiced in the Champ’s moment of crowning glory
His peak speed in the middle of the race would everybody stun
Reminding everyone of the Cheetah’s breakfast run
What if this tall kid bolted off the blocks, as quick as any short sprinter?
Than 9:4 secs would be a reality and not a matter of conjecture
Like an arrow, he scythed through the competition
Later, of his fascinating “bow and arrow” posture, there was a repetition
May this lively Jamaican come up with more record-breaking feats without any hiatus
Living up to the Olympics ideal of Citius, Altius and Fortius
Now coming to the Biblical realm, let us faithfully run the Christian race (I Cor 9:24-27),
Never at any time slackening the pace,
For soon, we may see His radiant face
Commending us in front of full public gaze
Propelled by the shoes of Gospel of peace (Eph 6:15)
Let us run in all directions swiftly like a breeze,
With the news of Church’s imminent rapture
In the process, let us for His Kingdom, many souls capture
Remember Christian, in your race, the World may not appreciate you like they did Bolt,
But comforted and reassured by the Bible be bold,
The Master’s commendation is all that matters, so of this truth take hold
The feet of Gospel soldiers are beautiful in His sight (Romans 10:15)-to this fact at all times, BE SOLD!
Though, you may not run as fast as Bolt,
By faithful Gospel proclamation, you would give Satan's Kingdom a jolt,
Speed on, in the Master's work with full zeal,
Of sin's disease of the soul, you would many heal
Awaiting you is the incorruptible crown (I Cor 9:25),
So in World’s allurements do not allow yourselves to drown
Bear with fortitude in your race, the enemy’s slight,
For the Master is to soon to return (Rev 22:12) with rewards for all who fight the good fight!
Yours firing on all cylinders in spreading the Gospel fire,
Suresh Manoharan