He who has God and Everything has nothing more than he who has God alone.
There is nothing the body suffers the soul may not profit by.
We cannot all do great things but we can do small things with great love.
Christians must learn again what Christians have always known -- how to live
without immediate hopes in the world.
I find that doing the will of God leaves me with no time for disputing about His plans.
If we would talk less and pray more about them, things would be better than they are in the world: at least,
we should be better enabled to bear them.
The cross, as poignant as it is, is understandable from a human perspective: an innocent man was murdered
by crooked politicians and religious leaders. But the empty tomb-- what can you say? Only a supernatural
God could accomplish that.
Truth is not a virtue unless it is given with love!
Anyone can count the seeds in an apple... but only God can count the apples in a seed.
God is good, he cares, forgives, loves us at all times. Surely we must always thank him for what he does.
The Bible shows how the world progresses. It begins with a garden, but ends with a Holy City.
You are free to choose, but the choices you make today will determine what you will have, be, and do in the tomorrows of your life.
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.
God loves fathers. He is one.
Who needs fathers? We all do. We especially need our Father in heaven, who forgives our parenting inadequacies for
Jesus sake and who enables us each day with a fresh start. Just as the loving father in Lukes gospel welcomed
home his lost son, our Father will one day welcome us into heaven together with all others who love and trust
in Jesus.
The Bible says that all people, not just believers, possess part of the image of God; that is why murder and abortion are wrong.
God is much more concerned about your character than your career, because you will take your character into eternity, but not your career.
Every problem is a character-building opportunity, and the more difficult it is, the greater the potential for building spiritual muscle and moral fiber.
God is far more interested in what you are than who you are.
God develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances in which you're tempted to express the exact opposite quality. Character development always involves a choice, and temptation provides that opportunity.