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The Eternal Music

Yes, I knew that Sea of Galilee (actually a fresh water lake) also known as Lake Gennaseret (Luke 5:1-KJV) or Sea of Tiberias (John 6:1-KJV) derived its names from its proximity to either the main province (Galilee was one of the six provinces the Roman empire had divided the Land of Palestine into for better administrative control during Jesus' time) or the main cities (prominent cities of Gennaseret and Tiberias were on its north western bank). However it was only during my recent visit to the Holy Land (had an emotional boat ride in this Scenic lake which was a host to several astounding miracles of the Saviour) that I came to know why it is also known as (thanks to a knowledgeable guide's explanation) Sea of Chinnereth (in Hebrew Sea of Kinnereth- Numbers 34:11 KJV). It derives its name Kinnereth from the Hebrew word kinnor ("harp" or "lyre"), in view of the shape of the lake.

Oh praise the Lord for being a great facilitator (Genesis 24:7)! For Joshua and co., who would be entering the Promised Land for the FIRST TIME, recognizing this Water body (700 ft approx below Sea level) from a panoramic view would be easy, only if it is named as per its APPEARANCE and not by any other name. Hence before any other name was given to this Lake which would act as a vital reference point during Land Division amongst the tribes, the Almighty Himself called it the Sea of Kinnereth to facilitate its easy recognition at a time, Joshua and his army were yet to step into the Promised Land.

While several astounding miracles were performed by the Redeemer in this picturesque harp-like Lake, one miracle which resonates like lingering sweet melody always in my ears is that of Creator (Col 1:16) walking on water (Matt 14: 22-34). In this 3-part series, let's look at what lessons, we can learn from this stupefying miracle of the Lord. By the way, if you did not know before, let me take this opportunity to remind you at this juncture NO ONE IN HUMAN HISTORY HAD WALKED ON WATER BEFORE OR LATER (no, not even the great Old Testament Prophets) and closer to times fake mystic gurus like Hata Yogi who tried walking on water in Mumbai in early 1970s' sank without a trace.


Several landmark events in Jesus’ life were already prophesied…like his virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), crucifixion (Psalm 22:16), resurrection (Psalm 16:10), ascension (Psalm 68:18/ Ephesians 4:8) and even the last word, He would utter on the cross (Psalm 31:5/ Luke 23:46). So was this stupendous miracle of walking on water also foretold?

Before answering that…let’s get into a lesson within a lesson. Why so many Prophecies? Even without a single Prophecy, Saviour could have been born to a virgin, completed the Redemption plan, commissioned the disciples to preach the Gospel and ascended to Heaven. Welcome to rationalists’ association (I deeply love all the rationalists’ and want none to lose out on the SALVATION, the Almighty offers) which demands proofs to validate every Divine act as really a Divine act. Now can these respected intellectuals put down Jesus’ life and all the astounding events in His life to “mere supernatural occurrences “devoid of any Divine involvement, especially when there are blaring prophecies galore about them? If they still do so, one cannot be faulted in doubting their intelligence. Let me illustrate…

Two years ago, the ladies of our Church went to buy some gifts in a busy market for Church widows and orphans during Christmas time. Mission accomplished, when they returned to the Church, one Sister in faith found out to her dismay that she had just left her purse in a busy parking lot. Praying fervently, the Women Fellowship members rushed back to the spot (good 4 kms away- during peak rush hour time it took them quite some time to arrive there) and lo and behold, there was that precious purse “unpicked”, safe and secure in the same, busy parking lot. Talk of Baby Moses being safe amongst hungry Crocodiles in River Nile! Now if I were to trumpet this “miracle” as an act of a prayer-answering God (Psalm 50:15) before an agnostic, he may most probably dismiss it as “a case of good fortune” but ponder for a moment, if this event (with all the details, including intricate ones’) had been prophesied and documented in a “Book”, a good 25 years before it actually took place, would my rationalist friend irrationally still attribute it to a case of “sheer luck or coincidence”? NO WAY! Ditto… with the case of Jesus’ life and all the associated Prophecies written hundreds of years before the Saviour arrived!

Now coming to the core question? Was this stupendous miracle in Jesus’ life also prophesied? Here goes… He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea - Job 9:8 (NIV). HALLELUJAH!!!

Boy, what is the significance of so many fulfilled Prophecies of Jesus’ life to those of us of the contemporary generation? Simple, if so many prophecies regarding His First advent were fulfilled, should we not take THE WORD (John 1:1-3) AT HIS WORD regarding His Second advent also? Take my word, THE WORD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS WORD. What then is my job? Be alert to the same (Second advent) and alert others…


Ah, our Lord is not only a great protector, Scripture bears witness to the fact that the Master Deliverer paces his act of deliverance also to perfection. His rescuing hand arrives right on dot…NOT A NANO SECOND BEFORE OR LATER. This incident of Jesus walking on water comes close on the heels of feeding “so many with so few” (Matt 14:13-24). That the Redeemer started walking towards the beleaguered Disciples on their way to Gennaseret (only when they were helpless in a storm) would be obvious to even to those having a casual look at this Scripture portion. What may not be readily obvious is that lessons Disciples’ learnt from watching closely Jesus’ act of saving them “in the nick of time” stood them in good stead, when they faced “tempestuous” times… Post Jesus ascension.

Fast forward to Acts Chapter 12:1-7 and… what do we see? Apostle Peter brimming with youthful vigor-to whom Jesus had already prophesied that He would die a glorious martyr’s death only “IN HIS OLD AGE” (John 21:18-19)- sleeping peacefully in the prison, despite Damocles …opps sorry…I mean the King Herod’s sword hanging over his head both literally and figuratively. He was to be executed in the next 24 hours! Those of us, who have endured sleepless nights, before the day of even minor surgeries can only marvel at Peter’s poise. I still remember a Physician prescribing a sleep-inducing tablet to me the night before I was to undergo a sinus operation about six years ago (sic). Did somebody administer any sleeping pill to Peter? NO!

Suffering from Insomnia? Want to use the best sleeping pill on planet Earth? Go no further than the promised “PEACE OF MIND” (John 14:27), which stems from the deep realization that Sovereign God is in eventual control and that His deliverance from any sticky situation would arrive right on time. Take my word, no obedient servant of God can depart from the earthly scene till his designated work on earth is accomplished (John 8:20)! Nor did Peter till he accomplished much for the Lord… (Acts 12:6-12). Say fellow Christian, are you in deep waters? Take heart, a lifeline is on the way.

By the way, have you ever wondered, why the Sea of Galilee was often prone to storms (another “stormy” incident recorded in Mark 4:35-41)? Its peculiar topography, ladies and gentlemen! I am a witness, and hence I can speak with authority (Acts 5:32). The lake lies low in the Great Rift Valley, surrounded by hills. With little warning, mighty squalls can sweep down the wadis (valleys) around the lake, whipping its tranquil surface into treacherous waves. Such storms often arrive due to temperature changes, as the heat of the rift valley (averaging mid-30s Celsius in the shade) sucks down the cool air of the heights.


When the Master came walking on walker, did Peter also replicate this amazing act? YES, AS LONG AS HE KEPT HIS GAZE FIXED ON THE MASTER (Matt 14:29)! What then is needed to defy gravity or simply put, experience a miracle. TRUST IN GOD’S POWER! BROTHER, YOU NEED TO “COME OUT OF YOUR BOAT”, IF YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE HIS POWER!!! If you are still in the safety of your boat (frankly speaking it’s dangerous), you would never experience firsthand His power.

Broadly speaking, this is true in a Christian’s life in two situations. Firstly when he/she takes a leap of faith, at the point of salvation. To trust Jesus as your Savior with a poor submissive, penitent spirit (Matt 5:3) means letting go of the “safety of different types of boats”! At the top of the list is the “boat of good deeds” to curry God’s favour. It would take one no where but to hell (Proverbs 14:12), for it revolves around the hidden, selfish principle of “I WILL FOLLOW GOD BUT ON MY TERMS ALONE”. By the way, do you know Mumbai Dons too excel in charity…

Then there is that perilous “boat of convenience”, one needs to abandon. I will enjoy my life to the hilt and seek the Saviour at the eleventh hour like the repentant thief on the cross… so goes the refrain of some folks. What if they die at 10.30! Asides, ONLY when they get “out of this boat and walk on water”, would they experience the fulfilling joy which the Saviour who came to give ABUNDANT LIFE (John 10:10) ALONE can impart! HEY, CHRISTIAN LIFE IS NOT BORING DEVOID OF ALL FUN RATHER IT IS EXCITING TO THE CORE!

The second situation is when God asks a Christian is to quit his legitimate job and become a full-timer, trusting IN HIS POWER alone to satisfy the latter’s needs. Now this is a difficulty with a capital D! To turn ones back to a pleasure-seeking, sinful lifestyle may be relatively easy but to let go of your legitimate right to pursue a fruitful career…BOY…this is where, trust in God’s power comes into play. Those who have “stepped out of the security of a lucrative, secular job” like yours truly alone can testify as to God’s power in miraculously making the “cup overflow”! Let me forewarn (in the spirit of the teaching in Matt 4:5-7) those pursuing wonderful careers with the right attitude (Colossians3:23-24)... do not quit your job and take-up full-time spiritual service, till His call comes. If He calls you, be also guaranteed He will speak to you in a language, you are familiar with. Simply put, there would be no ambiguity about His call! Meanwhile thank Him for all the exposure, while you are at your secular job. There is a flipside too…in some cases…some painful unlearning would be required after stepping into a Spiritual vocation. All in all, if and when He calls you like He did Moses, do not give an excuse that you have “stammering tongue” (Exodus 4:10). By the way, Moses who stammered went on to preach the LONGEST, RECORDED SERMON in the Bible (33 Chapters of Deuteronomy at one stretch). How’s that for trusting in God and “coming out of the boat and walking on water”!!!

Oh yes, the miracle of Jesus walking on “harp-like lake” still resonates with sweet melodies carrying several profound lessons. Thank you Lord, for taking me to Israel! There I walked carrying painful arthritis infected legs and all …over the steep hills and valley (Deuteronomy 11:11/ 2 Cor 12:7-10)… Didn’t I know before going there what it takes to tour the Holy Land! Once again “I stepped out of the boat” and…HALLELUJAH! What price any theology, which doesn’t end with doxology!

Yours in His service,

(Suresh Manoharan)