Hope…even when peace goes to pieces
During Christmas time, usual
Biblical prophetic recitation, which comes to our mind, is “For to us a child
is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And
he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”
(Isaiah 9:6).
In Churches all over the World, even with terrorists striking
with impunity and disturbing continuity, numerous Pastors would read this Scripture
portion with much authority and conviction during Christmas time. As
long as this prophecy is properly “qualified” whilst quoting it, there is
nothing wrong; otherwise it would lead to many a rationalist taking potshots at
it. I would be coming to the need of “qualifying” this prophecy, in due course.
In this essay, I want to focus
upon the captioned italic section of this Scripture, which heralds Christ as
the “Prince of peace”. On the subject of peace, we have two “apparently” (this
word has been used advisedly) contrasting statements of the “Prince of peace”.
One is recorded in Matthew 10:34-38, which reads thus: Do not suppose
that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter
against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law -a man's
enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father
or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or
daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his
cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (also see Luke 12:22-51) and the other
in John 14:27“ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world
gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. Now
how do we reconcile this Isaiah’s prophetical affirmation and Jesus’ promise of
peace to His followers with firstly
a) His own
“thunder and brimstone” statement recorded in Matt 10:34 “I did not come to
bring peace, but a sword” and then with
b)all the chaos, anarchy in this World for over 2000 years since the First Christmas? Do
not the numerous wars, genocides and a spate of terror strikes (as I am
punching the words of this essay in my study room, I am overhearing an
emotional anchor of a News Channel describing the devastation left behind by
terrorists in the Iconic Taj Hotel in Mumbai) stand testimony to the extent of
suffering caused by human selfishness and greed? In these circumstances, is not
a rationalist justified in wondering “What has the Prince of peace achieved in
matter of establishing peace in the last two thousand years since the First
Let it be said at this juncture in no uncertain terms that God’s Word is inerrant and that Scriptures’ never contradict
but only complement each other.
At this stage, it has to be noted
very clearly that just as there are several Old Testament
prophecies regarding the birth (Isaiah 7:14,
Micah 5:2), Ministry
(Isaiah 61:1-2),
death (Psalm 22,
Isaiah 53), resurrection
(Psalm 16:10) and ascension
(68:18) of Christ Jesus pertaining to His I Advent, there are just as many prophecies
regarding His II Advent, when He would come to take His Bride (read Church)
away before seven years of Tribulation, which would culminate with the Battle
of Armageddon and establishment of the Millennial reign
(2 Sam 7:16,
Psalm 2:7-9,
Ezekiel 37:22-24,
Daniel 7:13,14).
while reading this prophecy during Christmas, it needs to be “qualified” as
much, suitably!
It is when the Millennial Kingdom is established that the
Government would be upon His shoulders and He would usher
in universal peace. Meanwhile His I advent which was not as much about
establishing His Earthly reign as it was about establishing a Spiritual
Kingdom, in the hearts of men
(John 18:36), would bring about PEACE INDIVIDUALLY. Let me reiterate that
the overriding purpose behind His I Coming was to give His life as an atoning
sacrifice, so that all who are the seed of the fallen Adam on appropriating His
vicarious sacrifice on the Cross-to their lives, would be at peace with the
Holy God (Romans 5:1). It follows like day follows night that ONLY when
a person is at peace with God would he/she have the peace of God.
As soon as one in this Grace period (before the Judgment) accepts Christ as his/her personal Saviour, the
Holy Spirit (the third person of the triune God) would indwell him/her
(Roman 8:9), enabling that blessed soul to now enjoy amongst other elements of His
(Galatians 5:22,
Philippians 4:7), in effect giving one a foretaste of Heaven itself, right on Earth
(Eph 1:14)!
Even as one after receiving Christ, as his/her personal Saviour begins that joyous journey with the
Redeemer which would lead to the Everlasting Kingdom, the realization all is
well between him/her and the Creator (Romans 8:31), would produce that calming
effect even when adversity strikes. Now coming to the exposition of
Matt 10:34-38, if the saved individual hails
from a genuine and mature Christian family, nothing QUITE LIKE IT, otherwise
the spiritual incompatibility with those around would lead to all kinds of
strife and dissention, though the redeemed person would now be enjoying
personal peace and joy in his heart. Imagine the reaction of family members in
a Hindu family, the moment the new Christian therein refuses to join in their
religious rites, ditto the same in a Muslim home or any non-Christian home for
that matter. Taking it further, in a nominal Christian home also, a bubbly new
child of God, would be like a fish out of water, as his/her family members
would take quite some time to come to grips with the saved soul’s new
Then again Christ-given peace (now we come to
John 14:27) is not like the peace the world gives. While the
peace the World gives depends on outward favorable circumstances such as good
physical or financial health, faithful spouse, obedient children, no terror
attacks etc, the Christ-given peace on the other hand reigns in one’s heart
EVEN WHEN THERE IS CHAOS ALL AROUND, stemming from the realization that all is
well between me and my Saviour (Rom 8:31), so is anything more critically important to
worry about!
Let us be fair and throw in the Church atmosphere also into the ring, as it were, of our study. In a fellowship
too vis-à-vis relationship with other believers despite differences
(I Cor 11:19), it is again the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit, which would
make us “WORK” (Matt 5:10 NLV…note, it entails a genuine, sacrificial effort)
for peace at all times, in order there is a smooth ongoing relationship between
us, who are at different stages of spiritual growth. While different levels of
maturity may inevitably result in some of us not seeing eye-to-eye it is
once again the common reconciliatory spirit that we share which makes us makes
us walk hand in hand. Talk of porcupines driven by survival instinct
huddling together, on a chilly wintry night for mutual warmth! We smile…but isn’t
this true at least some of the times…in our Churches?
Let’s go back to the prophecies of Christ’s II Advent, which would usher in peace for thousand years and also
focus upon Christ’s resolute response to Satan’s III temptation (a related
subject) whilst being in the Judean wilderness. Even as the Wicked Ruler of the World
(John 14:30,
Eph 2:2) paraded the
World with all its enticing splendor and offered to give it ALL to God’s Son on
his wicked terms aimed at destroying Christ’s relationship with His Father
(Matt 4:8-90), the Son of God who would anyway inherit the World’s throne one
day at God’s appointed time (Psalm 2:7-9)
did not fall for the slippery
fast-forward option placed before Him, instead preferring to wait for the
Divinely-ordained time of coronation (at the beginning of the Millennial
Kingdom). This would lead us to subject within a subject…waiting patiently
for God’s timing. Let’s look at two contrasting examples. While the world
is still reaping the bitter fruit of Abraham’s unduly haste in having an heir, without
waiting for God’s appointed time (Genesis 16:1-12), it is so reassuring to see
the patience of anointed David (I Samuel 16:1-13) when it came to ascending the
Throne of the Nation of Israel. Not once but twice, he would spare the
murderous incumbent Saul, who was at his mercy (I Sam 24 and I Sam 26).
Christ’s earthly ancestor was more keener on getting glory in a way which would
please God (waiting for God’s appointed time) rather than plump for any fleshly
fast-forward mode.
Any essay/message is like a website with hyperlinks (read related subjects). So within the broad
subject of Christ’s II advent let us now hyperlink to yet another
paramount incidental subject…the 7-year tribulation period, which would precede
the onset of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. Now in the
recent Mumbai terror strike wasn’t there a lot of bang-bang, boom-boom
action before NSG Commandos’ took control over the places, which were in
terrorist’s bloody hands?
The terrorists who were in no
mood to give-up control over the places, they had taken over so lawlessly, were
softened and then done away with by relentless Commando onslaught. Would the
Lawless one (John 8:44) who usurped Adam’s dominion
(Gen 3:1-7), now along with
his hard-core Earthly followers’ handover Earth’s possession gently to
the Final Adam (I Cor 15:45), were He to come today to reclaim what is rightfully
His (Col 1:15-16)? NO! Hence
the boom-boom and bang-bang action of consecutive 7 seals, trumpets and bowls
judgments (Rev 6-19) with cascading effect culminating in the Final Armageddon
War to soften and then terminate Satan’s dominion! Was not Almighty forced to
toe the similar line of “softening and routing” a stubborn Pharoah, when he
refused to handover God’s prized possession (the descendants of
Jacob-Exodus 5-12) to God-ordained Moses? So it emerges that the tribulation period portrayed in
Rev 6-11 is not without TRUE, HISTORICAL, BIBLICAL PRECEDENT, after all! It is as if
Egyptian woes during Moses’ time have foreshadowed the bitter cup of woes, the hard-hearted
would have to drink from during the imminent Tribulation time.
Even as I wind-up this essay, I reiterate that in this period of Grace before the horrors of tribulation
arrive, there is still that Divine, loving invitation from the Saviour to
receive Him (Rev 3:20). Should we not all have the “blessed hope”
(Titus 2:13)
of being part of that raptured Church (I Thess 4:16-18)?
Meanwhile Bravo NSG commandos’ and most importantly COME LORD JESUS…(Rev 22:20)…piece together the shattered
peace of the World!
(Suresh Manoharan)
ps…Dear Readers, I would resume the series on 3:16s’ of the Bible soon.