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One of the proofs that this World has been cursed by the Fall (Romans 8:20-23) is that in it defilement spreads by contact, holiness doesn’t (Haggai 2:11-13). By the same token, disease is contagious whereas sadly good health isn’t. A Chikungunia epidemic (in the Indian context) can spread by a mosquito bite but wholesome health doesn’t. Stretching this analogy, further it has to be said that prejudice is ‘infectious’, whereas appreciative opinion about an acquaintance isn’t!

Coming to the Biblical realm, through this essay I intend to bring to the fore some Scriptural instances’ of prejudice seen in …can you believe it…GODLY PEOPLE…not the idolaters!!! As “ALL” Scripture is God-inspired (2 Tim 3:16), with a view to teach us of the contemporary age “object lessons” (1 Cor 10:11), it would serve us well to learn some lessons from these incidents encapsulated under five sub-headings. Even as we go through this series, let’s resolve not replicate those serious errors of judgment. UP THE CURTAIN (going in chronological order) and what do we see… Welcome to one of the oldest books in the Bible…JOB


One doesn’t have to look beyond the friends of Job to arrive at a conclusion (No prejudice against them, please!) that prejudice not only deeply hurts but also that it is contagious. It has been jocularly said that with the kind of friends Job had, he did not need enemies. Weren’t they by his side, in the first place to comfort him in the midst of all his sorrows? (Job 2:11). Whoever asked these worthies to play the detective to find the root cause of Job’s difficulties; there they were, magnifying glass & all surmising that his cup of woes’ was running over only because of his sins (Job 22: 4-11). How wrong! Since God himself had certified him to be the most righteous person on planet earth (Job 1:8).

‘Good men rejoice, while the wicked suffer at the hands of a just God’ is the plaintive observation of not only the simple at heart but also that of (it should be added) ‘simpletons’ in faith.

Coming back to Job’s friends… an honest prayer to God seeking the main cause of Job’s problems would have made them come to grips with the truth that Job’s problems galore were an offshoot of a cosmic contest being ‘fought’ in the spiritual realm. However the ‘heart of the matter’ with respect to their disposition was that they showed ‘no heart’ to pray & seek an answer from God about Job’s pitiable condition. On the other hand they showed no qualms in applying salt to his copiously bleeding wounds, as it were by way of their prickly accusations.

Wouldn’t God have revealed the ‘truth’ to them about the ‘cosmic contest’ had they humbly sought His counsel in this matter, thereby ‘clothing’ them with a much-needed humane spirit, even as they sought to counsel & comfort their saintly friend? The unsaid ‘dress code’ at that sensitive juncture required that they don not a customary apparel of ‘sackcloth & ashes’ but a more fitting (to the occasion that is)’clothing’ of care. But prejudice, held sway and the result? They inadvertently aggravated the problems of a grieving soul & ended up being ripe for God’s punishment. It was only God’s grace & Job’s timely intercessory prayers guided by a forgiving spirit, which saved them from a just Divine comeuppance (Job 42: 7-11).


“Alteration of the altar location” (permit me some alliteration please) by the Trans-Jordan tribes led to an altercation between them and other tribes in the early part of Israelite history (Joshua 22:10-30). Originally the Brazen altar for offering of the sacrifices was there at Shiloh (Joshua 18:1) as a part of the Revered tabernacle. But the Trans-Jordan tribes whilst going to occupy their land on the Eastern side of River Jordan after a 14 year “Conquest of Canaan” with an honest intention had constructed yet another altar resembling the Brazen one hoping it would “unalterably” serve as a “memorial of their Jewish antecedents for all posterity”.

However, their motives were not sought initially and the other tribes simply wanted to wipe em’ out for “blasphemy”. Fortunately wiser counsel prevailed eventually and their motives behind such a “brazen action” of coming up with a replica of the Brazen altar were sought. When God-honoring reasons were doled out by these tribes at the receiving end of accusations, the anger of the other nine and half tribes was pacified.

Dear Christian friends, do we also on “slightest suspicion” of immorality/wrong-doing by our fellow brethren sound our “war buglers” or do we care to thoroughly check-out the facts first (I Tim 5:19) before defaming them publicly.


Though not idolaters, Job’s friends weren’t “qualified Prophets” nor were the nine half tribes on the Western side of River Jordan (about whom we have reflected already) but truth be told even very great, “qualified prophets” seem to fall prey to this ‘disease of prejudice’, vulnerable as they are, in the moments of their discouragement. ‘Lord, none cares for you in this defiled land of Idol worship except me’ seems to be in essence the complaint of Elijah the mighty prophet in I Kings 19:14… seemingly isolated. It is interesting to note God’s response to His prophet who obviously had no reservations on blowing his own trumpet. Without harshly dismissing his cocky claim, the good Lord goes on to say that there are still 7000 men who loved him intensely (1 Kings 19:18). Only that a mortal Elijah with finite abilities did not see them, while an omnipresent God with an infinite capacity did. For all we know the “bread and meat” to Elijah beside the Kerith Brook may have been carried by ravens from some of the “clean homes” of these “undefiled 7000” (1 Kings 17:1-6).

Coming to economic and social favouritism… yet another draconian head of prejudice!!! While looking at James condemnation of social & economical favoritism (James 2:1-7) it is pertinent to notice his observation on ‘poor people blessed richly in faith’, necessitating yet another round of honest introspection vis-à-vis our opinion about those from lower strata of society. Great spiritual accomplishments are surely not beyond their reach. A Sister in faith once confessed to me of having cast a prejudiced look at a vegetable vendor (also a lady) who joined her prayer group, lately. Only after hearing prayers’ of this poor lady which spoke as eloquently about the prayer group needs’ as it did about the spiritual maturity of the person who prayed (a prayer it is said is a dead giveaway of the spiritual condition of the pray-er), did my acquaintance humbly cry out to God for forgiveness for her prejudice.

‘Lord, tell this lazy sister of mine to help me in the kitchen, instead of wasting her time at thy feet’ was Martha’s grouse (to put it succinctly) to our Lord about her devout sister Mary (Luke 10:38-42). Prejudice that great ‘time-saver’ to the fore again! Time-saver because it ‘facilitates’ us in the process of jumping to conclusions on an issue without even wanting to seek God’s perspective on the related issue. Well, our Lord loving rebuke in response may have been an eye-opener to Martha. At the cost of serving Him, was she not missing out on a more paramount call of worshipping Him?

NO ISOLATION, PLEASE OF ANY GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL. So without being judgmental in our disposition, let’s resolve to build each other up (Galatians 5:15/ I Thessalonians 5:11 ).


‘Lord, is this man born blind on account of his sins or that of his parents?’ (John 9:1-2). Honestly who is blind here? The blind man or the Disciples’ blinded by prejudice. How often, we see fellow Christians rocked by difficult times and immediately jump to a conclusion that “they are reaping what they have sown” without seeking the Lord’s counsel in this matter. At a time, the needy require our help; let the ‘Good Samaritan’ in us take over. Let love ride the roughshod over prejudice, like we see it doing in the eventual action of our Lord when it came to curing the blindness of this man about whom his disciples’ had such a misplaced opinion.


Post conversion of Cornelius and his family members’ courtesy Apostle Peter’s visit to their home (Acts 10), Apostle Peter was put “in a box” (can you believe it!!!) and “missile after missile” was being fired at him by the Jerusalem Church. His Crime? He had visited a “Gentile home and fellowshipped with the uncircumcised lot” (Acts 11:1-3). Cornered, “Simple Simon” defends himself proving in the process that it was the ALMIGHTY WHO HAD AUTHORIZED HIS VISIT TO THE HOME OF THAT CHARITABLE ROMAN CENTURION.

How often, driven by prejudice, we adopt a “holier than thou attitude” and condemn our fellow believers even their actions have been validated by the good Lord. When Peter came up with his tactful defense, finally all the objections of the short-sighted (at that time) Jerusalem Church were answered and they “swallowing their prejudice” praised God. Someone said, if there is one poison, we can swallow and still be benefitted it is prejudice.

Sad isn’t it? Gossip & slanderous reports- both an offshoot of prejudice spread like wildfire whereas a salutary report of a person’s good deeds does not. A lie it is said travels through half the world at a time truth is tying its shoe laces. As Christians, who are called to be ‘different’, isn’t it time to do a ‘health check’ with respect to prejudice? Are we often susceptible to it or are we immune to this ‘disease’ by God’s ‘vaccination’ of wisdom & care in our hearts?

And finally its action time! In keeping with our call to be not only listeners’ but also doers’ of His word, isn’t it time to get merrily into the ‘finger-pointing act’… the one with a difference, ofcourse…of pointing fingers only at a person’s good character & his good deeds. If love & not prejudice is reigning in our hearts, that would be natural, isn’t it!

Prayer: Father, we pray that you demolish all prejudice in our hearts. In its place, let love rule our hearts. In Jesus‘ Name. Amen.

Suresh Manoharan