And we thought…
The phrase “Patience of Job” is not so much inked as engraved not only in the chronicles of
English literature but also in the minds of every Bible student. Whenever our mind zeroes in on this great
hero of faith, it is his perseverance and patience which stand out as the Rock of Gibraltar.
Why even the NT Writer “Mr. Practical” James makes a mention of Job in the matter of patience
(James 5:10-11).
So it may surprise some, if I say that besides patience, there is yet another prominent feather in his cap…WISDOM!
Let it be said here that Wisdom is not worldly intelligence. While intelligence is all about viewing things from
human perspective, Wisdom from above
(James 3:17) is all about viewing things from the very eyes of God.
As someone said “All wise men are intelligent but not all intelligent men are wise”.
Among other things, a wise man having the “mind of God, who is alive from eternity into eternity” is also bound to be well ahead of times…
For the spiritually discerning, this trait of Job (was he wiser than King Solomon himself?) would be as clear as daylight.
In this essay, before I bring into limelight some areas’ where Job’s wisdom comes out clear as a crystal,
permit me to add that this Sheik of the Land of UZ (third son of Issachar, son of Jacob-
Genesis 46:13/
I Chronicles 7:1/
Job 1:1 - KJV)
lived before even Moses was born and the Law (to be more precise the Decalogue) was received at Mount Sinai
(Exodus 19-20).
Now let’s go “exploring” Job’s wisdom… (Job himself goes “exploring Wisdom” - a La Indy- in
Chapter 28 of the
Book bearing his name before nailing the truth)
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Guess who said that FIRST (trailblazers’ need to be given their due).
No not King Solomon
(Proverbs 9:10),
it was Job
(Job 28:28)
at a time the Wisest King was not even born. Now how’s that for perceptivity!!! Honestly, wisdom of Job in identifying the
“source of wisdom” ought not to come as a surprise to the discerning, for he had it in him to do it. Wasn’t the “certificate”
that Job “reverentially feared the Lord” given by none other than the Creator himself
(Job 1:8)?
So it follows as day follows night that because Job feared the Lord, he would exude wisdom. While on the subject,
reverential fear is not be equated with frantic fear, we see in some communities whenever the subject of the Almighty
is discussed. Frantic fear will make one look at the Master of the universe as a cruel despot, ever ready with a punishing
rod to whip any one slipping-up even marginally in the matter of holiness, whereas reverential fear will say
“oh, I won’t follow the path of folly, for it would break my Creator’s heart, who loves me so much”.
Pray tell me what is the prime qualification to be a Judge who has to listen to arguments from either side and then decide
who’s right and who’s wrong? WISDOM for you Ladies and Gentleman! No tom, dick and harry can become a Judge but only one
(I reiterate) who can see black as black and white as white with no shades of grey having put his grey cells into the hands of
the Divine, so to speak. And who should be one of Judges’ in the Land of UZ
(Job 1:1).
Job again…consider this Scripture…
“Those were the days when I went to the city gate and took my place among the honored leaders. …Everything I did was honest.
Righteousness covered me like a robe, and I wore justice like a turban. I served as eyes for the blind and feet for the lame.
I was a father to the poor and assisted strangers who needed help. I broke the jaws of godless oppressors and plucked their
victims from their teeth.”
(Job 29:7, 14-17)
Now Judge for yourself about Job’s wisdom!!!
A man possessing an Alladin Lamp (read God-given Wisdom in this case) ought to be wealthy.
So is it any surprise that Job was wealthy
(Job 1:3).
Mind you, he earned his wealth the legitimate way without cutting corners.
Using his wisdom, doubtless he treated his servants fairly
(Job 31:13-15)
at a time Russi Modi (a Steel Magnate and the greatest Manager of Corporate India in my book) was not even born.
Want to know the secret behind Russi Modi’s managerial success? The Extract below says it all…
From the pages of “The Essence of True leadership (Be a Leader and not a Boss)” V. Balu, D.B. Jain College, Chennai - 600 096.
T. Nadu, S. India… The legendary Russi Mody of Tata Steel in India, was a phenomenal success with thousands of his company's
employees. Revealing the secret of his success at several forums, Russi always says that, he firmly believed and followed the
two commandments of the Bible: "Do unto others as you would, have them, do unto you and love thy neighbor as thyself."
Managers need nothing more than this secret to develop true friendship with their subordinates.
Exuding fairness borne of God-given wisdom, Job was undoubtedly peerless in the job of motivating his workers to maximize their
output, like any "Dream" manager would do. With such Employer-Employee mutual trust in place, laced with God’s blessings is it any wonder that whatever Job
“touched (read undertook business ventures) turned gold”.
Gender equality and fairness are bedfellows, you see. In the Indian context, especially in the matter of Gender equality
I am proud to be a Hyderabadi, for it was in Hyderabad (the Capital of the State of Andhra Pradesh) the landmark G.O (Government order)
came into effect (full marks to farsighted Chief Minister Late. N.T. Rama Rao who was instrumental behind framing it)
in the year 1986 that girl children are also equally eligible as their male siblings to inherit their father’s property.
Quite expectedly soon this epoch-making Law was “adopted” by other States in the Country but the crux of the matter is it was
Chief Minister of Andrha Pradesh (AP, its short form) who pioneered it.
In a male-dominated, Patriarchal society of Job’s time-a good 4000 years before the erstwhile Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh was even born-what
can one say about this action recorded in the Scripture about a man well ahead of his times…
“In all the land no women were as lovely as the daughters of Job. And their father put them into his will along with their brothers.”
(Job 42:15).
While AP “aped” Job admirably, does not the cold fact that gender equality is still a far-fetched dream in West Asia (especially
amongst the conservative Bedouins) elevate Job’s action and put it in a high pedestal marked: “UNIQUE AND COMMENDABLE"?
Somebody, please utter a loud Hallelujah…from WHOM did Job get this wisdom and why? The truth is as old as 2*2=4.
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…
“You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’ But I say,
anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
“You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye,
and a tooth for a tooth. But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek,
offer the other cheek also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too.
If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. Give to those who ask, and don’t
turn away from those who want to borrow.
“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’[r] and hate your enemy. But I say, love your
enemies Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.
For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.
Now no prizes for guessing who spoke the words (quoted verbatim above). Our Saviour in His revolutionary
Sermon on the Mount
(Matt 5:27-28/
even as He raised the ethical standards of the NT Dispensation
head and shoulders over that of OT!
Now let’s consider the spirituality of Job. These words of the Scripture leave me speechless…
“I made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman.
“Have I ever rejoiced when disaster struck my enemies, or become excited when harm came their way? No,
I have never sinned by cursing anyone or by asking for revenge.” –
Job 31:1, 29-30.
Oh boy …oh boy…this man was living by Gospel standards at a time when the Mosaic Law was not even given.
Who gave Him this wisdom and why. The answer is as old as…
Now please do not ask me how many wives, Job had
(Job 2:9/
Matt 19:4-6/
I Tim 3:2)!!!
Hmmm…King Solomon’s harlem…
Earlier in my essay, I had come-up with a poser was Job wiser than King Solomon. All other proofs (given above apart),
let us address this fundamental question
“King Solomon had EVERYTHING , yet he deserted God,
(1 King 11:1-10)
Job lost EVERYTHING, yet he hung onto God”…
now who could have been wiser of the two. The answer is best left to the discerning minds of the readership.
But my essay does not stop here. Should we not fall deeply in love with GOD of Job, who gave him such wisdom,
placing a portion of His mind itself as it were above Job’s shoulders and guarantees even today to do so
(I Cor 2:16)?
It would be the wisest thing to do!!!
Yours in His service,
(Suresh Manoharan)