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Of Scars: Scary and Not-So-Scary!!!

Well, let me begin with an interesting boxing related episode. Larry Holmes the undisputed World Heavy Weight boxing champion from 1978 to 1983 was in his younger days a sparring partner of the most popular of all heavy weight champs in Boxing history…the one and only Mohammed Ali.

Some wouldn’t believe that the upcoming and not-so-famous (at that time) Holmes was indeed Ali’s training partner when he raved about it in his neighborhood. “I had to pull out pictures of me with him to prove it” wrote Holmes in his biography. Finally one day the “blessed moment” arrived, despite all the protective gear during the training sessions, one punch of Ali landed square on Holmes right eye giving him instantly the “Black eye” and what was Holmes’ reaction to it!!! Let’s hear it straight from Horse’s (Holmes sic) mouth “I wouldn't put ice on it. I wouldn't put dark glasses on. I went around telling people, 'Ali gave me this black eye.' ”. Boy was he mighty proud about the fact that he bore on his body the mark that marked him as Ali’s training partner!!!

Ditto with Apostle Paul who spake proudly thus: “…I carry on my body the scars of the whippings and wounds from Jesus’ enemies that mark me as his slave.” (Gal 6:17-TLB). In this message, Yours truly has endeavored to present before the readership the significance of some Biblical scars…some scary and some not-so-scary. Well, firstly the not-so-scary ones’…

Skin and Spirit…

                   Exo 21:6                                                          Gal 6:14                   

On fulfillment of certain conditions, Exodus 21:6 outlines the “not-so-scary” procedure that would produce a scar in the skin of a Jewish slave (to be precise on his ear) which would mark him as a permanent slave to his master, who otherwise would have no power to enslave him beyond a 6 year span (prescribed span in the Law- Exo 21:1-5).

As Christians, we may not be at the beginning of our Christian journey bearing any physical marks of our life-long subjection and commitment to Christ but in our spirits there would be that indelible mark of the Cross, which would make us more and more Heaven-inclined and less and less Earth-oriented by the day (Gal 6:14).

While on the subject of slavery, it is simply remarkable to note how brothers (or should we say half-brothers- Matt 13:55) of our Lord Jesus namely James and Jude address themselves in their respective Epistles’. Post-resurrection of Jesus, so transformed were these erstwhile mockers of their “Elder Brother” (John 7:3-5) that far from addressing themselves as “Brothers of Jesus”, they amazingly stoop down to level of a “bond-servant” (Greek Doulos).

Bible students familiar with Greek language and culture of the First Century would know that they were two types of Slaves at that time. Firstly “Andropodon”, the one bought in the market, who had some “rights” and on fulfilling some “conditions” could walk away free from his Master but “Doulos” slave was one who was born in his Master’s household (his parents would have been slaves at the time of his birth) and was thus consigned to a life of life-long slavery from birth. It is a measure of James’ and Jude’s humility plus their commitment to their Master (with “a scar” of the Cross in their hearts) that from the time of their “second birth” they called themselves as slaves of not “Andropodon” category but of “Doulos” genre.

Slave and Spirited…

2 Cor 11:24-27

Back to Apostle Paul’s spirited declaration of his slavery in Gal 6:17. A la Larry Holmes, he was proud of his bodily scars-obviously an offshoot of all the physical persecutions he endured patiently-which stand as a silent testimony of his tremendous commitment to the Lord which marked his persevering , faithful service to the Master till the very end (2 Cor 11:24-27/ 2 Tim 4:7-8).

Dear Christian, if you are persecuted by the stooges of the “Roaring lion” (I Peter 5:8) that is a “good sign” for it means, you are really

    a) “wrenching out the Lord’s lambs’ from his ruthless jaws” ( I Sam 17:34-35 …note the Lion’s act of aggression only when the Shepherd strives to release the lamb from its murderous jaws)

    b) Feeding the Master’s flock with “sound doctrine” ( 3 John 1:9-10)

for the Enemy who is not so much bothered much by “Christians who are cooling their heels” is indeed troubled by only those who engage him in a fierce battle (Eph 6:11/ 1 Peter 5:9) whilst in pursuit of their Master’s goals’ of not only “rescuing souls from the his domain of darkness but also of subsequently feeding and safeguarding them properly (Matt 28:18-20/ John 21:16-16).”

Mind you, scars’ sustained in fulfilling the Master’s “agenda” selflessly can sometimes be “emotional” in nature for out of the mouth of the agents’ of the great Serpent can come some venomous words meant to break “hearts” (read break “the will”) of a sincere servant of Christ (Psa 64:3, Pro 12:18 TLB) but the diligent righteous ones’ leaning on the Master’s power would nevertheless “soldier on” ” always punching above their weight to use the Boxing parlance (Zech 4:6/ 2 Cor 4:7)!!!

All said and done, whatever be the nature of the scars (physical or emotional) inflicted by the Enemy (the degree of which is permitted by our Sovereign, all-wise Lord for our own welfare- I Cor 10:13/ Rom 8:28) …mind you they ought to serve in our lives as a motivating force for undertaking greater works for His Glory rather than being a de-motivating factor.

Salvation and Set…

Say Christian…are you spurred on to live a God-pleasing life…serve him selflessly by nothing other than your love for your Master who first loved you immensely (2 Cor 5:14/ 1 John 4:19)? If the answer is yes, then Praise God you are on the right track. Now consider this…doesn’t Jesus carry even today “scars” on his “glorified body” (John 20:24-28/ Rev 5:6 TLB) which are a proof of His unending love which galvanized Him to not only forsake the Heavenly glory for your oh-so-precious Salvation’s sake but suffer immeasurably for it??? Ever wondered, while his excruciating painful ordeal on the cross was time-bound, the “scars” which were an off-shoot of it are “set in stone”, so to speak…simply put they are eternal in nature? Shouldn’t realization of this truth make us fall in love with our Saviour over and over again?

In this connection, I would like to bring before you a truthful, touching story…

There was an orphaned boy living with his grandma when their house caught fire. The grandmother, trying to get upstairs to rescue the boy, perished in the flames. The boy’s cries for help were finally answered by a man who climbed an iron drainpipe and came back down with the boy hanging tightly to his neck. Several weeks later, a public hearing was held to determine who would receive custody of the child. A farmer, a teacher, and the town’s wealthiest citizen all gave the reasons they felt they should be chosen to give the boy a home. But as they talked, the lad’s eyes remained focused on the floor. Then a stranger walked to the front and slowly took his hands from his pockets, revealing severe scars on them. As the crowd gasped, the boy cried out in recognition. This was the man who had saved his life. His hands had been burned when he climbed the hot pipe. With a leap the boy threw his arms around the man’s neck and held on for dear life. The other men silently walked away, leaving the boy and his rescuer alone. Those marred hands had settled the issue.

Supernal and Sublime…

Rev 22:4

No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no heart has ever imagined what God has in store for those who love him, once they reach the Heavenly shores (1 Cor 2:9). One of the supernal and sublime glories which doubtless await those who carried the “Scar of the Cross” in their sincere walk with the Lord would be another “Eternal scar of glory” in their foreheads. Let the Scripture take over at this stage…

“… and His Name will be on their foreheads” (Rev 22:4).

When one considers that His Name is matchless (Phil 2:9), one would get a faint idea of the glories awaiting him/her at the “other end of the Horizon”. No wonder Paul says comparing our present “sufferings” with the stored-up “glories”…

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”- Rom 8:18

Scary and Shirk...

             Rev 13:16                                       Rev 16                                      

Post-rapture of the Church, the False Prophet at the behest of the “King” (Anti-Christ) of 7-year tribulation period will insist that everyone “left behind” bear a “scar” on their hand or forehead (Rev 13:16 …an insertion of micro-chip really) nose-thumbing directly as it were at the Scriptural instruction and the compliance thereof (Exo 13:9 TLB -figurative language used therein) expected of God’s people during the Biblical times.

Being “left behind” is bad enough but if those left behind stoop further down and “wear that scary (spiritually speaking that is) scar” without shirking it then, they would come directly under the scanner of God’s wrath (Rev 16). Talk of going from the frying pan into the fire…

For all those reading this piece, a gentle albeit a firm warning…if you have not accepted Christ yet as your Saviour and if the results of His saving grace (recorded in Acts 9:31) seen in His people who were now personifying “the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit” do not apply to you, then “NOW” is the time for you to take that “leap of faith” (2 Cor 6:2) without any delay whatsoever to avoid the hell-fire like circumstances’ of imminent 7 –year Tribulation period and several other terrifying possible consequences later on, by praying this prayer of confession sincerely and immediately…

“Heavenly Father, I am a sinner by birth and choice. I believe Your Son Jesus as the Scriptures foretold came into this World and died an atoning death for my sins. I accept Him as my Lord and Saviour, this very moment. Release that Heavenly comfort of the Holy Spirit into my heart, as proof of your forgiveness of all my sins and the birth of a new life in me. In Jesus’ Name I Pray. Amen”.

This Writer who prayed this prayer 33 years ago and by His grace is “walking in the fear and in the comfort of His Holy Spirit” thence is always available to clarify all of your Biblical queries especially on all the Signs which are all around us pointing towards the inevitable imminent rapture of the Church (all the Christ’s blood-bought believers- Acts 20:28). Yours truly address is as follows…

Suresh Manoharan
413, 3/RT, Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar,
Email: smanoharan1@gmail.com

Hmmm…I should add here …address applicable only till Rapture (sic)…

Yours in His service,
Suresh Manoharan
An Unworthy Servant

Ps… All those whose heart the Lord is touching say this Prayer right where you are…”Father, I confess I am a Sinner. Cloth me with Your Priceless Robes of Righteousness which Your Son Jesus Christ has purchased for me in the Cross. Fill my heart with the joy of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.