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First things first. What is the chief and highest end of man? Let the revered Christian Book namely the Westminster catechism give the answer. Man's chief and highest end is to glorify (worship) God, and fully to enjoy him forever. When it comes to glorifying Him and fully enjoying Him, let it be said that the entire exercise ought to be “absolutely genuine emanating right from the innermost core of one’s being (read spirit)”. This would lead to the next question, how could the process of glorifying the Almighty originate right from the depths of one’s heart? It is only possible, when a person is truly fascinated by His unique traits. Remember, worshipping God for WHAT HE IS, is the highest form of worship, standing head and shoulders above other forms of worship, which come with strings attached, such as worshipping Him for the blessings, He showers upon us. While on the subject, at this stage, it would serve us well to look at the synonym of the word “Glorify”, which is “Magnify”. When, one magnifies Him, that is to say, when one keenly observes His Divine nature, with a magnifying glass, as it were, the “spiritual explorer” (if you permit me to use this expression) in you is bound to come across several unique attributes of the Almighty, which would at once evoke awe, and in turn lead to spontaneous, heart-felt worship and praise.

At a time, people of Israel were pressing the Lord for perishable items like food Moses sought the best from Him. He wanted to see the “Glory of the Lord”. How did the good Lord respond? He said, He would make “ALL HIS GOODNESS” pass before Moses (Exodus 33:18-19) …in other words His Glory is sum total of all His good and unique qualities and attributes. In this message Yours Truly aims to focus upon one attribute of His Heavenly Father (inspired also recently by touching sermons on the related subject by a UK based itinerant preacher namely David Pawson). That our Lord God Almighty is a Covenant making and a Covenant keeping God! Study of the Scriptures would reveal, how many Covenants’ are there in them and how the good Lord had always kept His side of the same faithfully (Joshua 21:45).

Before focusing on different types of Covenant in the Bible, it would serve us well to understand meaning of the word Covenant (in Hebrew Berith and in Greek Diatheke) by clearly distinguishing between the terms a Contract and a Covenant, which have been mistaken by many to be synonyms, when in fact they are not . While both of have conditions to be fulfilled between those who are party to it, the word Contract is usually used to typify an agreement between two parties of same stature (eg…a building contract between the Landowner and a Building contractor) whereas Covenant signifies a binding agreement between two parties, one of whom is surely greater than the other…a Marriage or a Will left behind by a father can be best examples of a Covenant in the earthly realm. In the Biblical realm, the Covenant inevitably brings into the picture the Greater-than-anyone God Almighty, as one of the parties to it…

In this study of the Biblical covenants, we would mostly go in the chronological order barring in the case of Mosaic and Davidic Covenants for reasons I would explain along the way…hmmm… it may surprise some, when I say at this stage that three out of the five covenants, which appear in the Old Testament section of the Bible are still in vogue. Far from adopting a dismissive attitude -propensity of some younger Christians’ not properly guided by the senior generation- towards Old Testament section of the Bible, it would serve us all of us well to adopt an attitude of reverence to the whole of Sacred Canon, rather than being reverential to only one part of it.


But they as Adam brake the covenant; there they trespassed against me. (But they, like other people, broke the covenant; they trespassed against me there.)- Hosea 6:7 (Wycliffe Bible translation which is a good 200 years older than even KJV…as the saying goes …nothing quite like going as close to the original as possible)

Boy, the First Covenant or the Original Testament was between the Sires’ of the human race…Adam and Eve and their Creator God. The promise was "life". The condition was perfect obedience to God’s verbal instructions, the test in this case being abstaining from eating the fruit of the "tree of knowledge”. The penalty was death (Genesis 2:16 Genesis 2:17). Did the progenitors’ of human beings dutifully keep their side of that sacred agreement, as the Lord was doing on His side? Was not the vim, vigour and vitality of Adam and Eve being preserved by the Lord faithfully till the day they unfortunately sank their teeth into the forbidden? How sad, our progenitors’ became the progenitors’ of sin too, with the results which are there for all to see, even now (Romans 5:12). So the promise of the Almighty to give Everlasting life to mankind under this Covenant is no longer binding on Him.


Can anyone say that the Rainbow Covenant that the Lord made with Noah (the representative of all creation), at the end of the Flood (Genesis 9:11-13), is not in vogue? NO WAY!!! In fact, next time, you see a rainbow (a sign of this covenant) with its dazzling array of colors…utter a loud Hallelujah wherever you are (hopefully travelling in a bus with your co-passengers’ seated next to you as your captive audience) and be sure to share with your surprised listeners, the reason behind your act of praising the Creator of the beautiful rainbow. Never would the good Lord use the waters’ again to destroy whole of His creation.

And if you see a Rainbow at the end of a Church service, show your Church members on the way to the parking lot, the Scripture portion which speaks about this still valid Noahic Covenant of God and plead with them to look at the Old Testament section of the Bible differently and more appreciatively.


Dear readers, bear with me as I stick to the Wycliffe Bible translation for maintaining consistency…here goes…welcome aboard the time machine in going back in time of evolution of the English language…quite a challenge it is, isn’t it…coming to grips with a style of language almost extinct…but the challenge worth its semantic salt to simply prove…they (Biblical covenants) have all been there all along…

And anon the word of the Lord was made to him, and said, This shall not be thine heir, but thou shalt have him heir, that shall go out of thy womb. (And at once the word of the Lord came to him, saying, Nay, he shall not be thy heir, but thou shalt have an heir who shall come from thy womb.) And the Lord led out Abram, and said to him, Behold thou (the) heaven(s), and number the stars, if thou mayest. And the Lord said to Abram, So THY SEED shall be. (And the Lord led Abram outside, and said to him, Look thou up at the night sky, and count the stars, if thou mayest. And then the Lord said to Abram, So shall be thy descendants.)- Genesis 15:4-5 (WYC)

Coming to Apostle Paul’s stand on this subject…

Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, AND TO THY SEED, which is Christ. And this I say, that the COVENANT, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. - Gal 3:16-17 (WYC)

To state that that the Covenant the Almighty made with Abraham regarding Christ- guaranteeing the great Patriarch innumerable “spiritual descendents” through the Promised Messiah- is still binding would be a case of stating the obvious. Now for a lesson within a lesson. In Galatians 3:29, the inspired author goes on to affirm that because of this Abrahamic covenant Christians are in a position to claim all the promises of both Old and New Testaments. So is this one more reason to praise our Covenant making and Covenant keeping God for this still valid Covenant? Certainly!!!


“…thy throne shall be steadfast continually (and thy throne shall be established forever). By all these words, and by all this revelation, so Nathan spake to David.” – 2 Sam 7:16-17 (WYC)

Subsequent to His Second Coming, it is by the virtue of this very much valid Davidic covenant, that Jesus the Son of David would reign supreme from Jerusalem during the Millennial age (Rev 20/ Psalm 2). Unbiased Bible reading would lead all the rational souls to a conclusion that in the commonly called Old Testament section there is a Covenant which is not only in vogue but also “futuristic” in its outlook.


Now let’s go visiting the awesome Mount Sinai to focus on the Mosaic Covenant…placed after the Davidic Covenant in our study though it preceded the latter in time…simply to facilitate better comparison of it with the New Covenant of Grace

If at all, the well-meaning Canon classifiers’ had anything in mind, when they went about their task of Canon classification (obviously during the reign and patronage of Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD) labeling one entire section of the Bible as Old Testament, it is apparently this Covenant, which the Lord God made with the people of Israel at Mount Sinai (Exodus 19-20). It is to commemorate this Covenant FIFTY DAYS after liberation from the Egyptian bondage that the festival of Pentecost was observed by the Jews on the day the Church was born (Acts 2:1-41).

For all practical purposes, the overriding reason behind the classification and naming of one section of the Bible as Old Testament was to evidently portray the picture of Law symbolizing the Sinai Covenant (occupies most of the OT section) versus Grace brought forth by the Saviour (John 1:17/ Acts 15:1-11-TLB) never better exemplified than in the Redeemer’s delicate, balanced and adept handling of a case involving a woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8:1-11) saving her… from the throes of painful death.

The Sinai Covenant has ceased to exist like the one made with the Sires’ of human race. As per the Sovereign Divine will, it was replaced by a new and a better one, the one which was set in motion by Christ Himself, when He instituted a Sacrament better known as the Lord’s Table, the night before His crucifixion (Matt 26:26-29). Before, we get done with the subject of the Sinai Covenant, it would serve us well to observe four related facts

a) the Sacred Scripture spoke of it getting replaced with a better one, even before the physical advent of Christ through the prophetical Books of Jeremiah (31:31-34), Isaiah (53) and Ezekiel (36:26).

If we see the FATHER telling what the new covenant is all about in Jeremiah 31:31-34, we see the how the SON would bring the same into effect in Isaiah 53 (by His immeasurable suffering) and how the HOLY SPIRIT would put the same into the hearts of men in Ezekiel 36:26. Hey, the Trinity in unity at work…as at all times throughout the Sacred Scripture.

b) On the occasion, the Sinai Covenant was being birthed about 3000 men died (Exodus 32:28) but when it’s replacement was being confirmed (ironically on the Day the Jews were commemorating its birth-the Pentecost- Lev 23:15-21) and sealed by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all the Apostles in the Upper room (Acts 2:1-12), about 3000 men were “saved” from the clutches of spiritual death-sin (Acts 2:41). Oh how true…the letter kills but the Spirit gives life (2 Cor 3:6)!!!

c) Though the popular 10 Commandments’ were given initially, other Laws were added in due course so much so that by the time the Jews crossed River Jordan (Joshua 3) to possess the Promised Land they had totally 613 Laws to obey, the Book-wise break-up of which is as follows… Exodus 111, Leviticus 247, Numbers 53 and Deuteronomy 99 and even from Genesis (actually contains history prior to birth of the mediator Moses) 3. These Laws covering every gamut of Jewish life and society including that of personal hygiene by itself are good but when the core matters’ of it are brought in touch with the innate, rebellious Adamic nature of man they become an explosive mix much to our detriment as Apostle Paul so clearly states thus:

Well then, am I suggesting that these laws of God are evil? Of course not! No, the law is not sinful, but it was the law that showed me my sin. I would never have known the sin in my heart—the evil desires that are hidden there—if the law had not said, “You must not have evil desires in your heart.” But sin used this law against evil desires by reminding me that such desires are wrong, and arousing all kinds of forbidden desires within me! Only if there were no laws to break would there be no sinning. – Romans 7:7-8 (TLB).

Hear what another stalwart of the Early Church Apostle Peter has to say on the on the sheer impossibility of pleasing God by obeying the Law…

“Brothers, you know that some time ago God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe. God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. He did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” – Acts 15:7-11.

Crux of the matter when it comes to Christians of the Grace dispensation is this..the Laws were essentially given to the Jews to make them Holy but in the Grace era the Holy Spirit itself is given to those who accept the Redemption plan of God through Christ making them at all times Holy. So is there any need for Laws’ now? NO!!!

d) Now coming to the shocker…it (Sinai Covenant) is applicable even today...BUT only for all those hard-hear ted ones’ who willfully wish to stay outside the “Grace of the New Covenant” (1 Tim 1:9-11)


Finally in our study of the Biblical Covenants, we come to the New Covenant of Grace (not to be misunderstood as hyper grace which some preach to their and their audience’s detriment – Jude 1:1-7 TLB). Remember in God scheme of things, the best is always reserved for the last (John 2:10)…

The subtleties’ of this New Covenant of Grace can better be understood when we focus upon it using the following sub-titles…

a) Innocence…

The moment we accept the redemption plan of God in Christ, we are pronounced “innocent” whatever be our background till then (Col 1:22/ John 3:3) birthing within us a new life, then and there (John 1:12). Simply amazing, one needs to experience it to believe it better. Didn’t somebody say that proof of the pudding is in the eating?

b) Inclination…

When the Sinner walks off from God’s Court, as it were, pronounced “Not guilty”, the extent of gratitude in a sinner’s heart to this forgiving God knows no bounds, so much so, out of love alone to begin with and reverential love (in latter stages), the forgiven sinner feels inclined to obey all of God’s instructions given to him with all his heart, mind, soul and strength putting to death the desires of the flesh (Gal 5:16).

c) Individual…

Boy, this is great Salvation operates on one to one basis…just like freedom from the effects’ of venom was to the Israelites when they individually had to look at the bronze serpent in the Wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9/ John 3:14-15). A wife could not look at the serpent on her husband’s behalf and vice-versa. Ditto with the Christian salvation…an individual cannot experience this Covenant love of God for his loved ones’ and vice-versa.

d) Institution…

Though Salvation under the New Covenant is offered on individual basis, those who are now “covenanted to Christ” as it were, are part one spiritual “institution” called the Universal Church. Though born-again believers’ are all part of the Global Universal Church, they are all to meet locally in mutually convenient various places to worship the Lord, care for one another needs (spiritual and physical-they are ONE BODY in Christ) and strengthen one another in faith under the supervision of God-ordained leaders (Pastors and Deacons – Acts 14:23/ I Tim 3).

With the Pentecost, the OT Temple gave way to Church and in the place of complicated Priest-hood came a simple structure of Pastors and Deacons in Local Churches (Acts 14:23). Mind you, the Holy Spirit came upon ordinary praying men on an ordinary Upper room on the Day of Pentecost not on those donning flashy Priestly attire in a nearby Gold furnished temple (Acts 2- I have been to Jerusalem and know how close the Temple and the Upper Room are). Multi-layered hierarchy sprouting anarchy (conspicuously seen in some “Churches”) was never the Lord’s “Blue-print” for His Church. Sad that even after reformation (thanks Martin Luther) many are yet to learn lessons from history…with the Lord’s “Blue-print” as regards Church leadership being still ignored.

If you are a part of lively, healthy local Church where the Lord’s Name is glorified, John 13:35 is in operation and there is a hunger for souls to be won to His Kingdom, then utter a loud Hallelujah!!!

e) Internal…

No external bodily sign here please (Leviticus 12:3) but it’s all about bearing the Sign of Cross on one’s heart (Gal 2:20, Gal 6:14-15).

f) Indwell…

Jews under the Sinai Covenant prided in constructing the Temple for God (nothing wrong about it), where His Holy Presence would dwell…now how’s this for some real humbling…a Christian’s body itself is a Temple for God in which God’s Holy Spirit lives (1 Cor 3:16)!!!

g) Intimate…

This Covenant leads’ one into such an intimate Father-Son relationship with the Lord (Romans 8:15-17) that “intimation” of the Father’s pleasure or displeasure over a Christian’s action can easily be discerned by the latter. God forbid, we grieve His Spirit (Eph 4:30) but we still do it sometimes is it not…even unconsciously? Whatever be the wrong step, which grieves the Master’s spirit, a Christian once convicted of the same is well-advised to adopt “stitch a time saves nine policy” lest a painful chastisement comes his way (Heb 12:5-13). Our Lord is very sweet and oh-so- loving but can be very severe with the perpetual offenders.

h) Invigorating…

When the Living waters (it needs to be experienced that’s all – John 7:37) are flowing in one’s spirit, if it is not invigorating experience all the way, then what is it? Talk of having a 7-Star Hotel experience 24*7… mind you this invigorating experience begins the moment one receives Christ and starts walking spiritually in the reverential fear of the Lord (Acts 9:31-TLB) and not after some ethereal experiences like speaking in tongues which in themselves are quite edifying.

In conclusion, permit me to pose a question…dear reader, are you already enjoying to the hilt the blessings of the New Covenant through Christ? If yes, utter a loud Hallelujah and be burdened to bring others’ living outside this blessed Covenant under the same, otherwise without delaying, GO FOR IT!!! Amen and Amen.

Yours in His service,

(Suresh Manoharan)