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A humorous story goes thus… an Atheist filed a Public interest litigation that there ought to be a special day for Atheist’s too, much like other days …Mother’s Day, Father’s Day. The Judge who examined his claims is said to have promptly dismissed his petition stating that there is already one in the Annual calendar. When the Atheist demanded what that day could be he was curtly told that it was APRIL FOOLS’ DAY. We smile. Seriously speaking, Bible declares that those who do not believe in God’s existence are Fools (Psalm 14:1, Psalm 53:1). Most toe this line called the BROAD road (Matt 7:13-14) because it is easy and one can live his life on his own terms. Those who trust on material things for “earthly satisfaction” are also branded as “Fools” (Luke 12:13-21) by the Bible for riches do not give lasting joy and satisfaction. If so, celebs who bask and wallow in riches won’t commit suicide.

Let’s go one step further…are those who merely believe God exists better than Atheists? Bible says bluntly that even demons believe that He exists that they shudder (James 2:19). So they are also in other words UNWISE. Being wise is to trust Him in every area of one’s life beginning with Salvation…which the Bible calls the Born-again experience (John 3:3). Then He by His Holy Spirit would transform the surrendered soul into Christ-likeness in the journey of Christian life (2 Cor 3:18).

There may be different definitions for the word Fool. The one of which is “DUPED”.

The god of this age (devil) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.- I Cor 4:4

On two grounds a Christian can prove that God of the Bible is true. One is
    a) National and the other is
    b) Personal
Firstly National …

About 300 years ago, the King of Sweden was having personal doubts about God’s existence and the Bible's divine nature. He called for Count Von Zinzendorf, who was the bishop of the Moravian Church, to provide evidence about God’s existence and Divine authorship of the Bible. When the Count arrived, the King told him he had set aside 10 hours to be enlightened on these matters. Zinzendorf said that much time would not be necessary because all he needed to do was to say two words. The King, skeptical, asked, “What words might those be?” Count Von Zinzendorf replied, "The Jews."

How true! One look at the history of the nation of Israel would convince even a hard core atheist/agnostic about the existence of the Almighty and authenticity of the Bible. Is not the entire history of this Chosen Nation an outworking of the Deuteronomic covement enshrined in the 28th Chapter of the fifth book of the Bible? Have not all the blessings so graphically described “chased” the people of Israel whenever, they have sincerely obeyed their Master? By the same token have not the curses too sent by the chastening God “chased” them whenever, they have gone astray?

Of not only the Book of Judges where the cyclical “boom” and “doom” periods of Israel’s faith is sincerely portrayed but in fact the entire Old Testament history stands witness to the solemn fact that the Jews’ success or failure in any sphere has been directly proportional to their obedience or lack of it to their Good Shepherd. UNLIKE SAY LIFE OF A LOWLY LAYMAN, LIVING IN ONE CORNER OF THE WORLD, DEAR FRIENDS, HISTORY OF ONE NATION IS NOT A PRIVATE OCCURRENCE, FAR REMOVED FROM PUBLIC SPOTLIGHT!!! It is in public domain and can be checked and cross-checked umpteen times and the unanimous verdict of the umpire (conscience) in all of us would be “GOD of ABRAHAM EXISTS AND HIS WORDS ENSHRINED IN SCRIPTURE ARE TRUE!” I repeat, if I as one average nine to five guy living in an inconspicuous place in this world, shout from rooftops nay even mountaintops that the hand of God can be seen prominently in my life by way of blessings or curses whenever I have obeyed or disobeyed Him, people may or may not believe BUT IF A DEFINITE TREND OF GOOD TIMES/BAD TIMES IS SEEN EMERGING IN THE PUBLIC HISTORY OF ONE NATION ITSELF ALL ON ONE ACCOUNT OF AN UNSEEN DIVINE INTERFERENCE, CAN ANYONE STILL TURN A BLIND EYE TO IT, WITHOUT INFERING THE TRUTH TEREOF?

Think of it… a normal story teller would gloss over a hero’s sins of commission or omission all with the aim of making the main character appear larger than life in the public eye, but the Divinely-inspired writers’ of Scriptures - themselves Jews-have never shied away from neither laying bare the serious shortcomings of all Jewish heroes’ of faith nor that of their Nation as a whole. IF THIS IS NOT TRUTHFULNESS WITH A CAPITAL “T”, THEN WHAT IS IT?


In every Christian’s life there is to put in essence a “BC and AD experience”. BEFORE CHRIST’S ADVENT in his life, everyone around him can see him given to selfishness. AFTER CHRIST, comes into that person’s life he walks free out of the grip of self-centeredness. People around him can see for themselves the remarkable, undeniable change Jesus brought in his life. Just to quote one Biblical example…consider this Scripture portion about erstwhile magicians in the city of Ephesus …

A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. – Acts 19:19-20

Is not the same happening even today after two thousand years ago? Many drug addicts, alchoholics, given to debilitating habits are getting delivered when they turn to Jesus for deliverance. He alone can perform the “spiritual operation” that is necessary to bring a soul stuck in the mire of sin into a World of holiness. He did for me 30 years ago. As they say …the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

None ought to miss on the “BEST” Jesus has to offer. The Best here is to enjoy Him by living Him with Him in charge. Oh yes, that’s what Jesus meant when He said I have come to give life ABUNDANT (John 10:10). Right here on Earth, when we enjoy the Fruit of the Spirit…love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) we are having a foretaste of Heaven. To top it all, He assures us of taking you to be with Him in eternity…

“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”- Philippians 1:6

Then what about the joy in the lives of restored backslidden believers when they sincerely repented…the Davids’…Jonahs’…Peters’…they are eloquent sermons’ in themselves pointing directly towards a loving, forgiving God (1 John 2:1-2).


(Suresh Manoharan)