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For accessing rich treasures in His Word and for edification


First things first. What is the main purpose of man’s existence on earth? It is to worship God, and to enjoy him forever so says the Westminster Catechism, one of the Revered documents of Christendom. I concur. When it comes to worshipping God, quite often extolling Him for the good He does to us is mistaken to be worship. No, that is PRAISE NOT WORSHIP, which is good in itself but worship is an altogether nobler activity which lifts us to a loftier plane. True worship is one that flows spontaneously out of our awe of His personality. Simply put, worship is magnifying Him just for what He is and not for the blessings, He pours into our lives!

Even working for the Lord in the list of priorities comes only after worship. Only that work, which emanates as a result of worship, would be as fragrant as incense to Him. While on the subject, ever wondered why the Scripture says that Wise King Solomon carved figures of cherub, palm trees and open flowers (in this order) in the inner and outer walls of the temple (I Kings 6:29)? Cherubs are symbols of worship, for them worship is life and life is worship. Next only are the oh-so-useful Palm trees. It is said that a palm tree can be put to a staggering number of uses…360 to be precise! There is a lesson for all of us here. If we are genuine worshipping Christians, the good Lord may use us for…opps… 360 (read many) laudable purposes. The result of work done with an adoring, worshipping heart is that our efforts would be like an open flower emitting sweet fragrance to the Almighty and to those around us… may I add even after we depart from the scene! Are not worship, work and fragrance all embodied in one memorable act of Mary of Bethany when she anointed the Lord with costly nard (John 12:3)? These days, when perfume manufacturers in cut throat competition times, blow their own trumpet about the odor of their scent lasting for many hours, tell me is not the sweet aroma from Mary’s work of fervent worship still not emanating even after 2000 years? Hallelujah…YES!

In this essay, I would like to focus upon one unique attribute of our God. That is THE WORD (another Name for Him-John 1:1) keeps the word always (Isa 46:9-10)! Be it in blessing the obedient (Joshua 21:45) or judging the disobedient (II Chronicles 36:21). Do you know that the Laws of probability (mathematical science very much in vogue in the modern-day Insurance sector) can also be utilized for “scientifically assessing” some of the Biblical prophecies? We shall use the same all for the purpose of being further awe-struck by His nature of forever keeping HIS Word!

Whilst applying the “Probability principles” let’s consider “both sides of the coin” so to speak…prophecies of curse and those of universal blessing respectively. Firstly the 6th century B.C. prediction of the overthrow of the city of Tyre (Ezek. 26:1-21). Seven specific things were predicted, and each was later fulfilled to the letter during the 4th century B.C. The mathematical probability of this happening by mere chance has been calculated to be 1 in astounding 75,000,000.

Now coming to those of universal blessing… perhaps the most amazing series of prophetic fulfillments involves the numerous Messianic predictions concerning Christ. The Old Testament contains 332 specific prophecies which were fulfilled by Christ. These not only bear proof of His divine authenticity, but they also help substantiate the divine authorship of the Bible.

In the book, Science Speaks, Professor Peter Stoner used "the Law of Compound Probability," to assess some of the prophecies relating to Christ. Simply stated, this law is used to calculate the odds against a "chance" fulfillment of such predictions when compounded by a specific set of conditions, requirements, or qualifications. His findings were carefully evaluated by the American Scientific Affiliation, and were found to be sound and convincing. By this method, he was able to show evidence that would rule out coincidence, chance or human manipulation in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

Stoner started by calculating the probability of one individual who could precisely fulfill only eight prophecies relating to Christ. He computed the odds at 1 in 10 (17th power), the same as 1 followed by 17 zeros. This is the equivalent of covering the entire state of Texas 2 feet deep in silver dollars, specially marking one of them, and instructing a blindfolded man to pick the right silver dollar on the first try!

Dr. Stoner then computed the odds of one individual that could fulfill just 48 prophecies relating to Christ. He calculated the odds at 1 X 10 (to the 157th power) — or 1 followed by 157 zeros. This figure is astronomical and beyond human comprehension, but Christ fulfilled over 300 distinct prophecies, written by different men of different professions (from a shepherd to a King) living at different times, over a time period of 1400 years, in three different languages from 2 continents! Oh Boy, the harmony of the Scriptures when it comes to pointing to the COMING SAVIOR and its eventual fulfillment (I Coming) is jaw-dropping!

Speaking of prophecies, can we delay any further zooming in on the prophetical Book of Book of Revelation? In those days of scant scientific developments, Apostle John had his own ethereal –Imax theatre- experience. On exile in the barren, volcanic island of Patmos, the ageing apostle on one Sunday (Rev 1:10), saw as it were on a huge screen stunning images of what is to come in future. I know like me, many have of you may not see movies. Before I sound “holier than thou”, I have to admit, once upon a time, before my own “Road to Damascus” experience on 16th October, 1983, I was a movie addict…to put it succinctly, addict of all kinds of movies. Now during my theatre-frequenting days, what I actually lapped up, (before the even the main movie began) was a movie trailer of the upcoming movies. Now these short promotional films' composed of clips showing highlights of movies' due for release in the near future, served as a perfect "appetizer" before the "main course".

Now aren't the FRONT PAGES OF THE NEWSPAPERS resembling that of the Newspapers of the imminent tribulation period in the Bible (Rev 6-19)? Truth to tell, the news items of a drought (Rev 6:5-6), pandemic (Rev 6:7-8) and an Earthquake cum volcanic ash turning sun black and moon red at night (Rev 6:12) in today’s newspapers are NOTHING BUT “A TRAILER” OF THE TRIBULATION PERIOD. You ain't seen nothing yet! In the Tribulation period, all these natural calamities would come upon this World in FULL MEASURE WITH A CASCADING EFFECT TO BOOT! If the World is being shaken-up by a "trailer", what would happen when the "movie" gets released! If one "reel" is leaving the World "reeling", woe upon those, when the "real" arrives!

And Israel? Oh boy, is not this small nation surrounded by hostile enemies on all sides a terror to the terrorists in the contemporary world? What does The Word say about “this select nation” vis-à-vis tribulation period? Let me quote from Zechariah 12:2-3 “I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. ALL THE NATIONS will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves.” (NLV). The Book of Revelation paints a more dramatic picture of the similar situation in Chapter 12:1-6. One look at the recent newspapers and you would realize that a harbinger of the events to follow is well and truly on. Following Israeli pro-active commando action against foreign aid reaching Gaza (which Israeli authorities claim would only strengthen the Gaza-based militant outfits like Hamas known for bombing civilian targets) in the past week, there has already been an International outcry, with several anti-Israeli demonstrations being staged in various countries coupled with some Flag burning cases (of Israel) also in places such as New Zealand. I repeat, this is only “a trailer” of the real “movie which would hit the screens only in the tribulation period”, with Anti-Christ himself leading a huge army into Armageddon to crush Israel. That is the time, the cornered Jews would finally look in faith unto their Messiah resulting in their salvation (Romans 11:26). The same Messiah whom they rejected 2000 years back, subsequent to their national repentance (Zech 12:10-14) would now come to fight on their behalf and exterminate the enemy (Revelation 19:11-21).

What is the advantage of fulfilled prophecies? If the good Lord has kept His word in the days gone-by, it follows that He would keep His promise in the days to come also. Soon the rapture of the Church would take place, just as He has promised (Rev 3:10) and a time of terrible tribulation lasting 7 years would come upon this World. The good Lord, in His mercy is firing some “warning shots” (earthquakes, volcanic ash, pandemics, West Asian crisis precipitating International action against Israel etc) in order the unredeemed heed the warning NOW and seek HIM, before it is too late. As those, who have tasted His love, let us leave no stone unturned in warning the people about the imminent tribulation, so that they would too would like us repent, enter into a living relationship with Him and be with us in the “raptured group” (I Cor 15:51-53).

Coming back to “probability laws”… take my word the good Lord would fulfill all the prophecies in the Book of Revelation. Did not THE WORD utter these words “Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear (Matt 24:35)”. Honestly tell me, is not the word still out that The Word (Rev 19:13) always keeps His Word? For that without uttering a word, let all of us say Amen and Hallelujah!

Yours reveling in the AUTHOR of the Book of Revelation,

Suresh Manoharan