The “Satyam” is…
The beleaguered former Chairman of Satyam Computer Services
B.Ramalinga Raju being shielded by his brother B.Raju from the prying media,
in the aftermath of now notorious “Satyam scam”.
Where is Satyam (truth) in Satyam…many are being forced to ask, as the repercussions of
the biggest financial scam to have hit the Indian economy (move over Harshad Mehta-gate)
are slowly but surely sinking in? Honestly, who would have thought that the image of an
impeccable corporate czar, which Mr.B.Ramalinga Raju (the founder of M/s. Satyam Computer Services)
had come to acquire, was actually built on a “pack of lies”? Truth to tell (as old as 2*2=4),
anything built on a pack of lies is bound to collapse one day like…yes… a pack of cards!
Look at the magnitude of pain Mr. Raju’s cleverly woven lies (read fudging of accounts)
have brought to gullible lot, who trusted the Firm, he had founded. Going by its awesome
“doctored” reputation the share-holders of this IT Major, who went head over heels to
acquire its shares the world-over are now aghast at the prospect of Satyam share value
nose-diving, Satyam’s global customers are confused as to continuity of services to them
and the financial institutions which have extended loans going by its “creditworthiness”,
are biting their nails in anxiety (if they still have anything left, that is)!
Now this brings us to the Father of all lies
(John 8:44) and his subtle tricks, the one
in whose comparison the foxy ex-Satyam chief would be merely a babe in its diapers.
It is said of Satan that in his “tool-kit of sins, LIE is the only handle which can
fit all his tools”. No wonder, God’s word exhorts us “not to be unaware of
his schemes” (II Cor 2:11), in order we can be on guard always.
So what are his sly schemes built on lies, everyone (the saved and the unsaved ones) need to be wary of?
Stealthy acts, which can do us infinitely more damage than all lies of Mr. Rama Linga Raju, put together
did to so many across the globe. Firstly, let’s have a look at the lies he uses on those who have never
tasted God’s redemptive love
1. Evolution: When the Bible speaks about Creation of man in His own image
(Gen 1:27)
by involution (Gen 2:7), the Father of all lies readily sells THE BIGGEST LIE about Evolution,
putting the simple-minded tragically on the path of spiritual degenerative devolution! Even recently,
there was News in the media about the buses in London being plastered with the sleazy slogan
“There is probably no God, now stop worrying and enjoy life”. Now who is to share with my atheist
friends the experience of every saved sinner that God not only exists but He himself is the source
of all lasting joy (John 15:11) as the Psalmist would readily testify “Oh taste and see that the
Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8)?
Is there a very empirical test for those with a “scientific bent of mind” to examine for themselves
that all what the Bible says about Adam’s spotless creation (innocent and holy was he as little children,
who dash about naked merrily in our homes, even as their hearts are completely pure) and his fall into sin
are all true? They would have to just look at their natural inclination to “cloth themselves” and the truth
as to why such an innate tendency is there in us all -explained by the Bible
(Genesis 3:7)- would dawn upon
them. Even in the atheists’/pro-evolutionists’ conference, is not everyone immaculately dressed? One wonders
why none in defiance of Genesis 3:7,
walks around naked, even in the atheists or pro-evolutionists’ meetings!
I say this not in contempt but with utmost concern in my hearts for their souls.
More than anything else, I would request the atheists and the Darwin supporters to test the Lord
themselves by praying sincerely to Him in the hour of their need and “taste” the answers for themselves!
2. Generalization: Hey all religious roads lead to ONE GOD! This is yet, another lie, which the Father
of all lies sells with deadly effect to the easily deceived souls. Either Jesus was a liar himself or the really
the Saviour of all when He declared “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE”
(John 14:6)! Would not the truth be
clear as daylight when we consider the fact that the one who made this stupendous statement was a HOLY,
ways to God but THE ONE AND ONLY WAY! Period.
Look at what Jesus also taught, “I am the vine and you are branches…. You cannot do anything apart from
ME (John 15:5)”!
Without Christ indwelling us in spirit (Romans 8:9), we who are all “connected”
to the fallen and sinful Adam (talk of Genetics and transmission of sinful traits from father to a offspring)
cannot by our own strength lead a HOLY life abounding in good deeds! Self-confessed hopeless struggle
of Paul to escape from the clutches of sin is pointer to this fact
(Romans 7:14-25). Yes, how can
we be indifferent to the great salvation plan of God in Christ and hope to escape the Divine wrath
(Heb 2:3)?
The specific truth (not a generalized one) is that on the Great day of Judgment, many would be judged not as
much for sinning, as for not depending on Him, for escaping the allurements of sin…not as much for not doing
good as for not leaning upon His strength for doing good. A GREATER SIN THAN ANY ACT OF COMMITTING SIN IS
TRYING NOT TO SIN WITHOUT DEPENDING ON THE SAVIOUR POWER! Anyone who cannot comprehend this truth, the
Bible declares “has been blinded by…who else…the Father of all lies”
(II Corinthians 4:4)!
Now coming to Satan’s insidious attempts to waylay a believer, who has already “tasted” God’s love.
1. Perception: He would always try to make us “perceive” things we ought to avoid looking at.
Eve’s fall can be originally traced back to “looking”
(Genesis 3:6) at the forbidden fruit.
How nice it would have been had she completely avoided looking at it, in the first place!
Also, never get carried away by a lie, even when it’s cunningly sandwiched in betwixt the
seemingly inviting fresh bread and presented. Did not the wily ole’ foe sandwich the lie
“you will not die”, between the alluring true bread “your eyes will be opened” and
“you will be wise as God”? On the subject of the original temptation, it needs to be
reiterated that even 99.9% truth is not truth…truth is 100% truth. Period. Nothing more,
nothing less and nothing else!
Samson’s fall also illustrates the fact sin does not actually leap on us but stealthily
creeps on us! Had Samson avoided looking at an erotic philistine lady (out of bounds for him),
all the trouble, which he fell into later, could have been avoided. Samson fall was not a
sudden crash but a slow decline into pleasures of flesh, from which there would be no escape
(Judges 16). Nothing quite like nipping in the bud a tempting thought (be it of sexual or
financial immorality)! No wonder Paul exhorts young Timothy to “Keep a close watch on all
you do and THINK…”
(I Tim 4:16- LB)
While on the subject, let me emphasize getting tempted is not sin (remember our Lord
too was tempted), but how we respond to the temptation is what is crucial to our
spiritual welfare. We cannot avoid a sparrow from flying over our head in the
sky but we can surely prevent it from hatching a nest on our heads
(thanks Martin Luther for this pearl of wisdom)!
2. Negation: Another of Satan’s pet tools’ is to make us look yearningly
at “pets” of others (II Sam 11:1-4 –LB), without appreciatively counting
the “pets” God has already placed in our hands. Negated far into the
background of our thoughts are the blessings, we have received from
God’s bountiful hand. So effectively, if Satan is a proven expert in
making US LOOK at what we ought not to see, he is just as skilful in
making us NOT SEE, what we ought to look at thankfully.
The grass would always look greener on the other side for those, who turn a blind
eye (blinded by the spiritual adversary) to lush green grass on their own side of
the fence. Even as the Jews were being fed a Divine food miraculously in the
wilderness en-route to the Promised Land, did not the food “on the other side
of the fence” (read Egypt) appeal more to them with tragic results
(Numbers 11)?
3. Botheration: It is said that as long as you are bothered and
worried stiff about your future, Satan wouldn’t be bothered about you! Since it
would mean that he has you well and truly caught in his “mind trap”. He is a
“natural” at selling clever lies such as that the coming days in this period of
“economic meltdown” are going to be “too hot” for you to handle. Oh how would my
future pan out, is the vexing question in the minds of many nowadays robbing them
of the joyous fellowship with the Lord. That is why the Bible exhorts us to live
one day at a time
(Matt 6:34) casting our entire burden upon our Lord, who is
willing to carry them (I Peter 5:7). In this fallen world, sometimes groaning
out of the difficulties created by the unscrupulous are inevitable, but if He
has promised to bring you, out of them, He certainly would
(I Peter 5:10)!
Remember Joseph…
Want to have peace that passes all understanding
(Philippians 4:7)? Then say along
with me “I may not know what the future holds, but I personally know and love the ONE
who holds the future”. Has not the good Lord, who faithfully sustained you in the days’
gone-by going to sustain you in the days to come also? Say Amen!
4. Obliteration: It is historically proven that people can perish because of lack of
spiritual knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Satan would try his best to obliterate from the minds
of the believers the constant reminder
(II Tim 3:16,17) to be well versed in the Bible.
He knows very well that if believers start claiming the Biblical promises
(there are more than 7000 of them), he would not be able to sow seeds of doubt in
their minds as to God’s goodness and faithfulness. In the absence of sound Biblical
instruction, we are prone to delve deep into the deep, dry wells of self-sufficiency
instead of waiting upon Him to provide for our needs
(II Corinthians 12:9) and that’s
exactly what our spiritual adversary wants! Remember Asa’s self-sufficient ways of
folly and the tragic consequences (II Chronicles 16:1-9)?
Our Lord Jesus himself countered Satan in the midst of his temptations in the wilderness
by quoting the Scriptures
(Deuteronomy 8:3,
6:13). Our Lord’s method of nullifying the
Satanic temptations is still the best way to neutralize the latter’s subtle tricks.
While on the subject of Scriptures, disguised as legitimate doubts, would come some posers from the wily ole’ foe…
- Can you, living in the NT era claim the Biblical promises of the OT era? The answer to tht question is a
resounding YES, all of promises given to Abraham apply to Christ
(Gal 3:16), and since we are in Christ,
they apply to us also…as such, WE CAN CLAIM THEM! HALLELUJAH!
- Considering that there are as many as 31,102 verses in the Bible how can you recollect the right
scripture portion to counter my temptations at the right time? To settle this doubt, once and for
all we can claim this promise!
“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my
name, will teach you all things and will REMIND you of everything I have said to you.”
We do the job of reading the Bible reverentially over and over again, God will do His of reminding us of the right
Scripture portion, at the right time. We ought to do the possible, leaving the impossible to Him. When the men at Lazarus tomb, did the
POSSIBLE of removing the tombstone and did Jesus not do the IMPOSSIBLE of raising his dead and decaying friend to life
(John 11:38-44)?
The above guiles may be by no means, the only aces’ Satan has up his sleeve. However in conclusion, let me affirm the simple “satyam”
that God gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ
(I Cor 15:57).
The secret of leading a victorious spiritual life
(John 8:30-32) by steering clear of Satan’s
lies’ as always lies on we carefully following the ONE WHO CLAIMED TO BE THE SATYAM
(John 14:6)!
(Suresh Manoharan)