First things first. More than worshipping God for the blessings, which He pours into our lives,
we need to learn to worship Him, JUST FOR WHAT HE IS! Worshipping Him, awed by His unique attributes is noblest form of worship,
for it emanates from the depths of the heart with no strings attached. Worship in its pristine form is nothing but an unalloyed
form of an ethereal romance between the Creator and His favorite creation
(Isaiah 62:5,
Zephaniah 3:17).
In this context, let it be said that the driving force for winning a soul to the Lord ought not to be only the
need of saving it from scorching hell-fire but also to acquaint it, with the indescribable heavenly joys’ one is enjoying.
NONE OUGHT TO MISS OUT ON THAT! In this message I intend to bring to the fore, one of our Heavenly Father’s sublime qualities.
Before announcing the same, I would like to pose a question. As much as we have praised God for being a Doting Dad who readily
provides for our needs
(Genesis 22:8/
Genesis 22:14),
have we ever praised Him for being a punishing parent, who yearns for our eternal
welfare? In case, if we haven’t, it’s high time we recited the words of the Psalmist “The punishment you gave me was the best
thing that could have happened to me, for it taught me to pay attention to your laws.” –
Psalm 119:71 (TLB)
Christian life begins with repentance and is sustained by…yes repentance. No Christian can ever shout from rooftops that the moment
he accepted the Saviour, he has led a perfect life thence, without ever being put under “course correction” programme by the
ever-caring Captain of his life. I, a Servant of God would be the first to accept that I have had my course corrected many a time
(saving me from many a hazardous “iceberg”) and I owe my spiritual vibrancy (?) today to “timely raps on my knuckles” albeit painful
from my concerned Paradisiacal Pilot.
In this essay, I would like to package and present a few of the lessons, I had personally learnt from my experiences’ of
Chastisement. At this stage, lest there be any misunderstanding, I would like to state emphatically that punishment in a
Christian’s life should not be mistaken for the conclusive Judgment awaiting the unbelievers
(Rev 20:15),
who have all along hardened their hearts to the great Salvation plan of the Saviour
(Heb 2:3).
So here goes…
Proof …
How comforting it is to know (the fact validated by Scripture-
Heb 12:6)
that punishment is proof of my living relationship with the Living Heavenly Father, whose other Name is love
(I John 4:8).
Because, He has purchased me with His precious atoning blood
(I Peter 1:18-20),
I do not belong to myself but I am owned totally by Him. If there is anyone, who has a right to dictate, on how
I ought to behave it is my Saviour. Period.
Those of us who are parents, would we dare show our care to stranger who goes around say chain-smoking? Would we take a
step to restrain him? Most of us would hesitate to even warn that errant soul, for fear of hearing an instant
“Mind your own business” reprisal. On the other hand what about our own sons? If we see them getting into any
debilitating habit, would we not immediately take corrective action? WE WOULD BECAUSE WE HAVE THE RIGHT OVER THEM …FOR
Our Heavenly Father invariably toes “stitch a time, saves nine” principle.
Not for Him, any procrastination, if we veer off-course in our Spiritual voyage.
He would catch our attention immediately with a timely, painful warning
(Isaiah 30:20-21).
Without intending to point my finger at anyone, I would like to present some
examples from my own life-experiences’…all for His Glory and His glory alone.
Whilst being employed in a Oil major, one morning whilst rushing off to work,
I was needlessly harsh with my wife (who is such a submissive spouse all in
line with the Scripture-
Eph 5:22)
and you guessed it right!!! Even before 24 hours had lapsed, I got a lashing
from my own earthly boss. If not for that timely chastisement, I would have continued to be a insensitive
husband and only the Heavenly Father knows, where it may have led to.
Many years ago (May, 1988 to be precise…had just finished my formal education), I who would always resist lustful
thoughts, lowered my guard for just a while. The result? Almost immediately, I was given into the hands of the
tormenting spirit. I learnt firsthand how King Saul suffered when the tormenting spirit from “the Lord”
tormented him
(I Sam 16:14 –KJV)!
Only when I fell flat (literally and figuratively) at His feet tearfully confessing my sins, did the tormenting
spirit leave me for good. Honestly, if not for that prompt Divine intervention, I shudder at the thought of how
deeper, I would have fallen…
The spinoff from that experience of Divine comeuppance? I emerged “stronger” in faith
(Heb 12:11)
that my omniscient Redeemer
(Heb 4:13)
who keeps track of even my thought-life, would know all about my future problems too…hence He
would be right there to help me handle them, as per His will.
Yes it pains Him to inflict pain upon us but what is punishment if it is not painful
(Heb 12:11)
bringing about the desired effect? It is painful enough to register that the next time temptation
“rings the doorbell” to take us off-track, we would not go anywhere near the door rather send the
Saviour to answer the bell, meaning we would lean on his strength to overcome
(James 4:7)
the allurements of the flesh or the World or Mr. Devil himself (three enemies of a Pilgrim, when he is making
progress…thanks Mr. John Bunyan). Sadly, in case of some souls (I only hope they are rare cases-
I Tim 1:18-20),
who have shipwrecked their spiritual lives (hopefully only temporarily) it is said that they flee temptations but
leave behind their forwarding address…
He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross.-
Malachi 3:3.
He is Holy and He wants His children to be Holy too. Punishment that hurts chases away the evil
from the heart, at once making us holy and acceptable unto Him
(Proverbs 20:30).
Hey, holiness is our USP. If we lose it, we would become useless as a salt that has lost its saltiness
(Matt 5:13).
Jonah after his purifying experience of mid-sea chastisement was so cleansed that he went the whole cog…
(Jonah 1-3)
A question here… even as Christians maintain their pristine purity, would their lives be dull devoid of
any joy? NO!!! Rather in our walk with Him, we would find our life to be very, very fulfilling and
discover with passage of time how His ways truly satisfy us
(Romans 12:1-2).
For the humble lot, when it comes to spiritual (ever joyous presence of the
indwelling Holy Spirit-
John 14:26 - KJV)
and earthly joys, sky is the limit…
Was the purpose of Jesus’ First coming merely to search and save the lost? Was it not also put the Lost
(after finding them) on the pathway of perfection
(2 Cor 3:18)?
Yes dear friends, the process of Sanctification in a Christian’s life begins soon after justification
(Romans 8:1)
to lead us into a glorious perfection. Succintly put, Christ’s purpose of coming into this World was to save the
Lost and restore in them the Divine perfect image Adam created in God’s image
(Genesis 1:26)
had lost. So if this sanctification process entails painful chastisements now and then, we need to accept it, keeping
eternity in view
(Colossians 3:1).
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, -
Philippians 3:20.
This Pauline perception, if anything, ought to help us get our perspective right.
In conclusion, dear Friends let me exhort you once again that our image of our Creator, Redeemer and Guide ought to go beyond
that of a Pampering Papa to one of a concerned parent who is bothered enough to give a timely spanking in
order our lives are always sparkling for our own good and His glory.
(Matt 5:14).
Time we give our Heavenly Father some thunderous praise …HALLELUJAH! More loudly please…
Yours in His service,
(Suresh Manoharan)