Coming out of comfort zone
“Female of this species is a lot deadlier than the male?” No, no , I am not referring to Black widow the venomous
female spider inhabiting Western part of US whose deadly sting can send one to an early grave. Rather, I was reminded
of this phrase after going through the recent media reports on a female suicide bomber (terror attacks involving women
suicide bombers seems to be on the increase) in Iraq killing about 54 people on the first day
of Feb, 2010. It is indeed
quite tragic that enduring bomb blasts has become a way of life in Iraq since the US invasion of 2003.
If media reports are to be believed about 6.5 lakhs innocent civilians have perished since the US forces took over
this historic country all in the name of “war against terror”. The purpose of this essay is not to justify or criticize
the action of a country intending to play “Globo-cop” but to focus a bit on human psychology and the challenges it brings
in its wake in the spiritual realm.
Even as the terrorists are striking with impunity in a country noted for its ancient civilization, have we ever wondered why
people are not deserting that country? With life being so insecure, wouldn’t it be pragmatic of Iraqi civilians to leave that
strife-torn country and go and settle elsewhere, where there would be greater security to life and limb? But people would never,
never easily come out of what the psychologists refer to as one’s “comfort zone”. Despite eerie shadow of death hanging all
around, people wouldn’t budge an inch from their familiar environs. Why? The reason is… going and settling in a new place
would involve so much of stress and strain (mostly mental) of getting used to new neighborhood, the necessity of seeking
and plying a trade in an oh-so-unfamiliar market, finding new schools for children… the list can go on. Candidly put, people prefer absorbing shockwaves
emanating constantly from bomb blasts over the cultural shock the move crossing national borders would bring about.
By the way is there not a mention of “Inertia of movement”-come what may- in the Newton’s laws?
Many, many centuries ago (around 1800 BC to be more precise), one man did leave IRAQ, yes Iraq…Mesopotamia as it was
called then at Divine instance (Acts 7:2-3).
Mind you, there were no bomb blasts forcing him to flee his home; rather he moved out of Iraq, at a time life was running
smoothly for him like in a well-grooved assembly line. Yes, it may be hard to believe but this man did
dare to venture “out of his comfort zone” without any worldly compulsion. Welcome once again to Father Abraham…welcome
once again to that great hero of faith, whose acts of complete trust in His provider God
(Genesis 22:14) has inspired and
STILL continues to inspire countless across centuries. The Almighty’s instruction to him was clear as daylight “Leave your
native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a
great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you
and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”
(Genesis 12:1-3).
Exhibiting implicit, child-like trust away went this faithful soul to a land the good Lord had reserved for Him knowing NOTHING
either about it or about what was in store for him there
(Heb 11:8). Oh, I wish that the good Lord had shown a video-recording
(read vision) of the blessings that lay in front of him! Time to remind ourselves about a catchy, insightful one-liner?
“More than knowing what the future holds in store for us, it is important to know the PERSON, who holds the future”.
Yes, future to Abraham may have resembled the road on a dark frosty night, where nothing is clear even as he responded to
the Divine call to leave his home. Fast forward to
Genesis 23:5-6…and we see the fruits of his obedience…how the unchanging
(Heb 13:8), faithful Lord provided for him in his new environs, so much so his neighbors marveling at his abundant
blessings address him as an “honored prince”! Truth be told, in eternity more than his earthly blessings what Father
Abraham would really treasure, would be his “growth in God-dependence” which his act of coming “out of comfort zone”
brought about!
Friends, we tend to shower encomiums on this great patriarch in the context of his sacrificial act of being willing to lay
even his beloved son on the altar
(Genesis 22) in that exacting testing time of faith. Nothing wrong about it (we pouring accolades)!
But do we give enough credit to this Father of faith for his initial “leap of faith”…for his exemplary act of coming out of his
comfort zone? Remember, that is where his relationship with the good Lord got cemented and he was called righteous for exhibiting
implicit trust
(Romans 4:3) on his faithful God.
From experience, I can vouch for the fact that being willing to make life-style altering changes calls for oodles of commitment to
the Divine cause. Five years back, I remember going through “fire” of coming out of a lucrative, secular job to a full-time,
pastoral work on receiving the Divine call. Building your life from the scratch once again, midway in life, even as you are
climbing rungs of career success (in your familiar territory)… all without any grumbling is possible only when you LOVE AND TRUST your
Maker to the hilt. Fast forward to 2010, here I am frolicking in His goodness! In the walk of faith, I can testify that when
we hit the “end of the road”, we discover to our pleasant surprise that it is not an end but only a bend!
Dear readers, even as you are reading this article I do not know how the good Lord is challenging you. Aiming at your spiritual growth
(oh, how He wishes, we are transformed into the image of His Son -
2 Cor 3:18), the good Lord may be calling for a total drastic
action of a career change or He may be calling you to make significant alterations in your cozy (?) Christian life.
You may be chugging along giving only some part of your time, talent and treasures (everyone is accountable for these 3Ts’)
for His Kingdom. Time, you placed a greater share of the 3TS’ in His hands? If you have heard His voice (it is subjective
and varies from a person to a person), hard as it may be, never delay coming out of your comfort zone. Oh it is so comfortable
out here …in His vineyard of willful obedience! Hallelujah!
(Suresh Manoharan)