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Some years ago during Christmas time, the womenfolk of our Church went to a reasonably distant Departmental store to buy gifts for the widows/orphans/Sunday school children of our Church. When, they came back it dawned on one Sister (in faith) namely Sunita Benny that she had forgotten her purse containing many valuables in the parking lot of a huge, busy commercial complex. Praying profusely, the entire “Purchase committee” rushed back to that hustling, bustling area after full one hour (traffic snarls you see) where a unguarded purse has as much chance of remaining unpicked as an ice-cube would have of not melting in a fiery furnace. Hallelujah, they found it safe and secure!

Now, Dear Friends if I were to share this account with an atheist or a rationalist and state that the Christian’s God is a prayer answering ONE then the atheist/rationalist may attribute the miraculous recovery of the purse to sheer “luck” or “coincidence” Now consider this…if all the events-in proper sequential order- relating to that dramatic experience of Sister Sunita were documented in a Sacred Book, say 30 years ago…would any rationalist worth his “logical” salt still attribute it to mere luck or coincidence. No way…

In this Message, aimed at glorifying our “Adonai” (meaning Sovereign) God (Isaiah 6:1-4), I want to highlight some Christmas-related prophecies which all bring to the fore a simple yet a profound truth that “GOD IS IN CONTROL OF EVENTS” in the lives of His precious chosen ones . The Almighty through His inspired Prophets’ FORETOLD the entire Christmas Story lest it be attributed to sheer “fortune” or mere “coincidence” by some rationalist.


Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.- Isaiah 7:14 (a prophecy roughly about 750 years before the birth of Christ-child)

This Prophecy came to pass on the First Christmas. Why the Virgin birth? No one before Jesus or after had been born to a Virgin. As Divinely foreordained spotless, sinless sacrifice for the sins of mankind (Rev 13:8/ I Peter 1:19), Jesus had to be sinless right from His conception onwards. Also as a perfect mediator (1 Tim 2:5-6), He would be a Son of Man (of Mary), representing human interests before the Almighty and as a Son of God (conceived by the Holy Spirit – Luke 1:35), He would represent the interests of the Almighty before men.

Matthew and Luke Gospels’ carry the wondrous Christmas story. Then again, so as to maintain a “parental balance” , we see the Christmas Story through the “eyes”, so to say, of only Joseph in Matthew’s Gospel (Joseph’s genealogy is given besides we see that angelic visits are confined to him- Matt 1:18-25/2:13-22) and only through the “eyes” of Mary in Luke’s Gospel. The good Doctor Luke (Col 4:13) also narrates the angelic visit to Mary’s humble abode and writes about her miraculous conception (Luke 1:26-38) and later on about her visit to “her relative” Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56). This leads us to a subject within a subject. Mary’s relationship with Elizabeth (a direct descendent of the First Jewish High Priest Aaron - Luke 1:5) fulfils yet another prophecy that Jesus has to be both a King and a High Priest in His Ministry (Zech 6:12). If His royal lineage can be traced back to King David (Matt 1:1-17), his priestly roots to High Priest Aaron can be established by the fact that His earthly mother Mary was related to Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Mary’s mother may have been own sisters, even while Mary’s father was a Judean from the tribe of David. Is there not an incident of Levitical-Judean marriage in the Scriptures? Yes, the Judean princess Jehosheba was the wife of Jewish High Priest Jehoiada (2 Chro 22:10-12)!!! To gether, they saved the life of young prince Joash, even as his wicked grandmother Athaliah (a type of anti-christ, in the same category of Pharoah of Moses times, Haman et al) was hell-bent on wiping out the Davidic line, from which the Messiah would come.

Ever wondered, why the good Lord got the Christmas narrative from MARY’S PERSPECTIVE written down in Luke’s Gospel only and not in any other Gospels? IF AT ALL, THERE COULD HAVE BEEN ANY PERSON WHO COULD HAVE LOGICALLY OBJECTED TO A VIRGIN BIRTH, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A DOCTOR AND WHO WAS MR. LUKE…A DOCTOR (Col 4:13) LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! Any one still around, doubting the miraculous virgin conception and birth….



But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past. – Micah 5:2 (Prophecy about 750 years before the First Christmas)

This prophecy has three dimensions (A 3-D prophecy fulfilled hypothetically on first AD). Firstly where else would the “Living Bread” (one of the many names given to Jesus - (John 6:51) be born other than in the place known as House of Bread…Bethlehem in Hebrew language means House of Bread! However secondly the description of Bethlehem as “only a small village” would have raised many an eyebrow during the time Micah ministered (250 years after the reign of King David ended), for was not King David, the greatest King (both in terms of military might and spirituality) of Israel born there? What does this prima facie “confusing” Prophecy mean? Welcome to the Laws of Spiritual relativity!!! The greatest King of Israel pales in comparison with the King of Kings, who has been in Heavenly throne from the “distant past”. The stock of Bethlehem in the eyes of the Almighty would go up, only when His Son would be born there!!! What is the primary purpose of lakhs of tourists who perennially throng Bethlehem? To see the birthplace of the Greatest King of Israel or the King of Kings from infinity? The answer is obvious, isn’t it?

Say Reader, have you been taking pride in your rich spiritual heritage (your parents/ancestors may have done yeoman’s service in the Lord’s vineyard)? Good as it is, we become “valuable treasured possession” of the Almighty (1 Peter 2:9), only if Jesus is born in us. Let’s get our spiritual reasoning right…God selects a place/person, not because it/he/she is “great”, rather they become “precious” because the Lord selects them. Ditto with a Christian…

Coming to the third dimension, which goes with tone and tenor of this message…the Sovereign Lord who can guide a King’s heart like stream of water (Pro 21:1/ Ezra 1:1-3) stirred the heart of the Roman Emperor to pass a decree that all the people in his dominion should return to their native villages to register their names to facilitate the Roman Government in preparing accurate records on which the taxation system would be latter based.

Though Joseph belonged directly to the Davidic line, in the thousand years, which had lapsed from the life and times of King David, apparently due to several intermittent changes in circumstances, this descendent of David came to settle in the Northern portion of Israel (a town of Nazareth) which is good 90 miles away from his native village (Bethlehem) in the south. Now even as there was a royal compulsion for him to go to Bethlehem why did he take Mary, his fiancée (not even his wife, at that point of time) along with him in advanced stage of pregnancy? No maternity doctor would have approved of the travel from Nazareth via Jordan River (refer Map above-a good 90 miles) bypassing the hostile region of Samaria (to Jews) for obvious, historical reasons (reading of 2 Kings 17 would help along with Ezra 4:6-16, Nehemiah 4:1-9, Luke 9:52-56 to know the subject better… the origin of Samaritans and their hatred for the Jews). As per reputed Bible commentator Adam Clarke, the Roman Government “Census form” required details only from the head of the family (husband) of the family details. Taxes would be imposed on family basis and not separately on men and women of a family. Divine providence…Ladies and Gentlemen, had it that a Virgin conceived who was engaged to a righteous, God-fearing man Joseph (Matt 1:19). As there were notable bodily changes in her even before marriage no doubt in the small village of Nazareth news spread thick and fast that Mary had conceived even before marriage (negative reports spread fast in this sin-accursed world- Romans 8:21-23 -not salutary reports of a person) making her a target for many an unkind, scathing, derogatory remark. Outside of her own family which may have been privy to her dialogue with Angel Gabriel, tongues in Nazareth waged, without knowing anything about the Divine Sovereign act behind it all. Was not Joseph himself on the verge of breaking his engagement with Mary but for the timely angelic intervention (Matt 1:19-21)? Once the angel had spoken to him revealing the Divine plan, Joseph doubtless, started acting virtually as a “shield” to his espoused one protecting her from public barbs at all times. No wonder, he did not want leave her alone at the critical stage of child-birth and hence took her along with him to Bethlehem…along the way-figuratively speaking-THE PROPHECY THAT THE MESSIAH WOULD BE BORN IN BETHLEHEM WAS FULFILLED…HALLELUJAH!!!


Let’s go from macro to micro…if the Almighty had given a special promise to Abraham (Abram at that time- Genesis 12:7/13:15/ Gal 3:16-24) that through his “Child”, He would impute righteousness (read Salvation-as an inspired Apostle Paul reasoned) to all who receive Him (2000 years before the birth of Jesus), then Balaam , Son of Beor whilst prophesying (Numbers 24:17) on the Semitic roots of Jesus proclaimed (1500 years before the birth of Christ) that out of several descendants of Abraham, “a star would rise of Jacob” (Abrahams grandson). Then again from twelve sons of Jacob, who are founding fathers’ of 12 tribes of Israel, the exact tribe from which the Messiah would come was pointed out (some 1800 years before the First advent of Jesus) by this death-bed Prophecy of Patriarch Jacob (talk of dying declarations laden with TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH…) “The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants,…” (Genesis 49:10) and from the numerous families of Judah’s tribe only to the family of David was given an everlasting Divine covenant in 1000 BC…” Your house and your kingdom will continue before me for all time, and your throne will be secure forever.”- 2 Sam 7:16. No wonder the other name of Messiah is “Son of David” (Matt 15:22/ Mark 10:47).

“Through the Jews would come Salvation”…words of Jesus recorded in John 4:22. Period. In the last two thousand years this Semitic Salvation (the ONLY salvation available to Mankind- John 14:6) has been doing more than “an antiseptic work” in a sinner’s soul, eliminating all the “inherent poison” therein.


Exo 2:1-4          Exo 2:5-10          Matt 2:13-16       Matt 2:17-18

Now Moses had prophesied about the coming Messiah in approximately 1500 BC…

I will raise up a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I command him.- Deuteronomy 18:18

This Prophecy was referred to by Early Apostles whilst proclaiming the Gospel to the Jews that Jesus is indeed the Messiah, they had been long looking for, for so long (Act 3:22). Now, no denial of some similarities between Moses the redeemer of the people of Israel from the Egyptian bondage and Jesus the Saviour of people from the clutches of sin, though Jesus is far greater (Heb 3:3). Both were saved miraculously (Exo 1-2:1-10/ Matt 2:13-14) in their infancy from cruel baby slaughter in order their main Divine purpose in life was achieved. Both were rejected in their “First Coming” (Exo 2:14/ John 1:11) by their own fraternity (Jews). Moses was accepted only in his II Coming (Exodus 4:29-31), so would be Jesus (Romans 11:26) . Coming to the brutal massacre of babies…it was foretold in 550 BC (approx) by Jeremiah the Prophet…consider this Scripture

“A cry was heard in Ramah—weeping and great mourning. Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted, for they are dead.” (Jeremiah 31:15)

Now why Rachel, specifically should be weeping for Jewish children of Bethlehem and not Leah (another mother of the Nation – Ruth 4:11) …most likely because Bethlehem and Rachel are inseparable…her grave lies at the entrance of that Sacred city.

At this stage, even at the cost of sounding repetitive, I would like to reiterate that no man of God can die till the Divine goal in his life is achieved (John 7:30/8:20). That brings us to last but not the least sub-topic…the main purpose behind the First advent of the Messiah…


As he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. “Joseph, son of David,” the angel said, “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

What’s in a name? Well EVERYTHING…if the Almighty is the person, who is naming you even before your birth. In fact, we do not have to go beyond the NAME of the JESUS (meaning Saviour) to get the crux of the Christmas message. He was born to save sinners from their sin. Well, who is a Sinner? Let the Scripture answer…

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” – Romans 3:23 …does the word “we” include even respectable people of the society…the Presidents, Prime-minters, the Kings and the Queens. YES!!! For all of us inherit the fallen Adamic nature at birth (Romans 5:12). Does anyone at home or school teach us how to lie or steal in childhood? We DO NOT pick-up those traits, rather the innate sinfulness manifests itself naturally in due time, once we are conceived in our mother’s womb. The propensity to sin is in our DNA, so to speak. Consider this humorous story…

A concerned father (a nominal Christian with no born again experience) whose full name was James John Peter Paul – they called him JJPP- admonished his crying son once who was at the receiving end of his teacher’s punishment in the school for stealing an eraser of his benchmate ‘Son, you have spoiled your family’s & your Papa’s image?’ He reflected & went on …’What would they say, in the Church, if they know of this? Where was the need for you to steal an eraser of your friend? You should have told me about your need & straightaway I would have brought a handful of them free… from my office’. So much, for living up to your name! Instead of JJPP, his nickname ought to have been SFA (Son of Fallen Adam).

That is why the Saviour made the clarion call …“I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:3). How can we be born again? Let the following Scripture portions give a conclusive answer…

“…to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.”John 1:12-13

For salvation that comes from trusting Christ—which is what we preach—is already within easy reach of each of us; in fact, it is as near as our own hearts and mouths. For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation. – Romans 10:8-10 (TLB)

He is THE SAVIOUR, not only because He saves us at the point of regeneration but for sustaining our spiritual life, by placing His joyous, empowering indwelling Holy Spirit within us (John 14:16-19- LB) at all times (except at the time of our silly disobedience), so much so a Christian starts “enjoying Heaven right here on Earth”. That is why the Saviour at the beginning of His public ministry proclaimed “Repent for the Kingdom of God is near” (Matt 4:17). What is that Kingdom of God being alluded to here…Heaven…no for it would mean, we would have to die first to go there, since it cannot be “inherited in perishable bodies” (I Cor 15:50) nor is it the Millennial rule which would be established only after Christ’s II advent (Rev 20), for in terms of time and space, it (Millennial rule) was anything but near when the Saviour uttered these words 2000 years ago. So what exactly is this Kingdom of God? Let the Scripture take over…

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” – Romans 14:17

It is foremost righteousness (read right standing with God) which is imputed to us, once we repent of our sins and accept Christ, followed naturally by a foretaste of Heaven which is “peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”. We can have peace of God and His joy only we are at peace with God (Romans 5:1). After having tasted it, no Christian will settle for anything less, even as love for God and his fellowmen is overflowing in his/her heart now (Romans 5:5). A Christian (one with a born-again experience) would be willing to stake anything (not only the exciting enjoyment which sin affords but even his/her legitimate rights also) to have at all times “love, joy, peace… of the Holy Spirit” (Gal 5:22-23)/ Romans 8:9). That is why at the Almighty’s call, some Christians quit their lucrative jobs to minister for His Glory even at an obscure place and some are even willing to pay the FINAL PRICE… die as martyrs, for they are convinced (it is true) that they have “better place awaiting them” (Philippians 3:20-21). If the foretaste of Heaven itself is so fulfilling, how would REAL HEAVEN be. I am not referring to “Pearly gates” or “Streets of Gold” (Rev 21:21) or other incidental benefits as an incentive here. BUT TO THE VERY PRESENCE OF OUR TRIUNE GOD, WHOM WE LOVE DEARLY BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US (1 JOHN 4:19). Let the Saviour Himself have the last word on the subject of “Kingdom of God” which He has made accessible to mankind by virtue of His holy birth on the First Christmas, atoning death on the Cross of Calvary 33 years later and triumphant resurrection three days hence…

“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!” -Matt 13:45-46

Well it took my breath away, as the enormity of the simple truth in that simple parable sank in some 31 years ago when Yours truly wallowing in a carnal, worldly life first heard it (Oct 16th, 1983 to be more precise). Say Reader, have you “bought” the Christmas story? THEN, MERRY, MERRY, DIVINE JOY-FILLED CHRISTMAS TO YOU!!! Rest assured at all times, the strings of all events related to your life is in the hands of promise keeping, Sovereign, Adonai, concerned, loving God (Joshua 21:45/ 1 Peter 5:7) who demonstrated His love for you by not even sparing His Son for your salvation sake (Romans 8:31-32).

Suresh Manoharan
An unprofitable servant